-Lumenatra 2 points ago +2 / -0

checks coins Up 7.35% in the last 24 hours. If the freefall is to the moon I'll take it.

-Lumenatra 8 points ago +8 / -0

I repair watches, not clocks but know how to repair them if I didn't find them annoying to deal with. The "gong" part of a clock is separate from the movement part, when doing maintenance you'd have to align those two. Could be done with just counting the steps on one wheel, but to take Occom's razor, it's just the guys maintaining the clock being lazy.

-Lumenatra 3 points ago +3 / -0

How to tell the world you're a retard without actually talking

-Lumenatra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure if that's his "real" persona or a clip from "the Great Statesman". Loved that show.

A homeless man on crutches asks him "Remember the Falklands, sir?" kicks crutches and steals the money from the tin "Remember it? I made a fortune off of it!" and laughs as he walks away

OK, I like dark humor.

-Lumenatra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait a minute.. I'm having a layover in the US on my next trip there. So I can get the layover airfare free if I just hide my passport?

-Lumenatra 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think there are also strings for soros. The ones that aren't in the spotlight, those are the problem.

-Lumenatra 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first one is with 53% of the votes in, the second one with 41% of the votes in. So it looks like the other way round, he gained a few hundred k.

-Lumenatra 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dude didn't have anything to say about it, was demented AF. His wife wanted to go, took him with her.

-Lumenatra 6 points ago +6 / -0

The problem is.. They are saying the same thing about Trump now. I'm not a US citizen, I can't vote but all of you who are please do, don't take it for granted.

-Lumenatra 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, let her spend it all. When the appeal is won she'll be broke.

-Lumenatra 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd say in the Netherlands 85 to 90% speaks English as the second language. Even more than German or French, which is spoken in the neighboring countries.

For me, I had an "aunt" who'd come over from the UK every year. Not really an aunt, but my granddad was stationed at her home during WW2 before going to Normandy (not on D-day, his regiment was deployed in August). I remember crying my eyes out because I couldn't understand her when I was 4, but the next year I had full conversations with her.

As for German and French, can read it, speaking is a bit better in German but understanding spoken French is impossible. They speak in 500 words a minute or something. Even if you ask "explain it like I'm a retard" they slow down to 495 words a minute.

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