Reddit sucks.. Been permabanned from r/pics because I "previously replied in subs that don't align with their values, reply to this message if you don't agree". Me: replies because I don't agree. "you have been muted for 28 days for not complying with the rules'. No effing rule to be found anywhere that says you can't reply to the automated ban.
Moderating your own subreddit, ok, that's your business. Being a crybaby and banning people who have posted in r/thedonald is just delusional behavior.
I've seen some pretty expensive houses in Atascocita
I thought the fiat multipla was ugly..
That's a neat way to up the death toll, just claim someone evaporated.
33.. It's the magic number
But.. but.. The ice is melting!
Had my eyes on an F-type. Not so sure anymore :/
Well, if it's just Holland at least the rest of the provinces are OK.
"~by both parties that she had to leave or be fired after the first attempt on her life "
Uh oh.. DJT has she/her pronouns?
I like Korpiklaani's version better:
Finnish. And those are actual words they are singing..
Please sing along if you wish:
[Verse 1] Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti jalakani pohjii kutkutti Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti Sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa Kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan
[Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen
[Verse 2] Ievan suu oli vehnäsellä ko immeiset onnee toevotti Peä oli märkänä jokaisella ja viulu se vinku ja voevotti Ei tätä poikoo märkyys haittaa Sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan
[Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen
[Verse 3] Ievan äiti se kammarissa virsiä veisata huijjuutti Kun tämä poika naapurissa ämmän tyttöä nuijjuutti Eikä tätä poikoo ämmät haittaa Sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan
[Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen
[Bridge] Hilipati hilipati hilipati hillaa Hilipati hilipati hilipampaa Jalituli jallaa talituli jallaa Tilitali tilitali tilitantaa Hilipati hillaa hilipati hillaa Hilipati hilipati jalituli jallaa Tilitali tallaa, tulituli jallaa Hilipati hilipati hilipampaa Rimpatirillaa ripirapirullaa Rumpatirumpa tiripirampuu Jamparingaa rimpatiraparan Tsupantupiran dillandu Japat stilla dipudupu dullaa Dumpatidupa lipans dullaa Dipidapi dullaa rimpati rukan Ribitit stukan dillandu Jatsatsa barillas dilla lapadeian dullan deian doo Joparimba badabadeia stulla Laba daba daba dujan dillandu Barillas dilla deiaduu badaba daga daga daga daga dujaduu Badu dubi dubi dubi dejaduu Badaba dillas dillan dejaduu
[Verse 4] Siellä oli lystiä soiton jäläkeen sain minä kerran sytkyyttee Kottiin ko mäntii ni ämmä se riitelj ja Ieva jo alako nyyhkyytteek Minä sanon Ievalle mitäpä se haittaa Laskemma vielähi laiasta laitaa [Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen
[Verse 5] Muorille sanon jotta tukkee suusi en ruppee sun terveyttäs takkoomaa Terveenä peäset ku korjoot luusi ja määt siitä murjuus makkoomaa Ei tätä poikoo hellyys haittaa Ko akkoja huhkii laiasta laitaan
[Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen
[Verse 6] Sen minä sanon jotta purra pittää ei mua niin voan nielasta Suat männä ite vaikka lännestä ittään vaan minä en luovu Ievasta Sillä ei tätä poikoo kainous haittaa Sillon ko tanssii laiasta laitaan
[Refrain] Salivili hipput tupput täppyt äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
The first verse translates to:
"From the dance floor, the rhythm of the polka tickled the soles of my feet. Ievan's mother watched her daughter, but Ieva certainly talked her way out of it. For us, no prohibitions mattered then, As we danced from one end of the hall to the other."
The post will be a bit long if I translate it all. Or have translate do it, tbh..
Most insane language in europe, I think. Most languages you can sort of guess what the gist is, if you know a bit of german and french, but this looks nuts.
The asshole running it now has made a shithole country of the Netherlands already. Hopefully he'll do the same with nato.
This asshole ruined my country. Hope he doesn't ruin the world, too.
Geh.. Just changed the upvote from 46 to 47. I'm Dutch, can't vote but still feels good voting for 47 now.
Too bad she's cussing a bit, I don't mind, but was going to send it to my mom who is indoctrinated to the gills by the media, that Trump is going to start WW3. The message she brings might help, but with the cussing she'll think Trump supporters are nasty people
Maybe they're going after the wrong party. The Dutch minister of "health, wellbeing and sport", Fleur Agema, recently made an interesting statement: It's in Dutch, I'll translate parts of it but if you don't believe me, you can use a translating AI or something.
During the pandemic she was in the opposition, really opposed to to the measures done by the then prime minister Mark Rutte. We had elections, the party of Fleur won, but also had to make a coalition with the party of Rutte. She became minister in the parliament, and turned like a leaf on the measures part. When the now opposition parties ask why, basically what she's saying is "we can't alter them because of agreements already made with NATO and NCTV" ( )
Who was head of NCTV at the time? A guy called Dick Schoof, coincidentally now the new prime minister. Where did Rutte go to? He's now running NATO.
What does a virus have to do with NATO and a counterterrorism organization?
Add one from the Netherlands
Netherlands here.. Agree with it completely. And hopefully those antifa assholes don't ruin the country if Trump wins.
The weird names part is not that strange if you're the richest guy in the world. They probably have normal names registered, but to keep the press and others away give them a weird unofficial name. I doubt you can even register those names for the birth certificate.
The name "Brown" keeps popping up in her career. At the rise, now hopefully at the fall.
Too bad he took the deal, now he can't appeal it.
Listen to the No Agenda podcast a few times. Not particularly pro-Trump, but they point out the bullshit in media pretty good.
If after a few listens you think "I'd like to meet likeminded people", go to and find a meetup near you. They are all over the world.
Well that's a deception.. Was about to walk out and take a picture of it, but then I saw the NY. A 4.5k mile flight is a bit of a stretch
Because the country is divided up between blackrock, monsanto, other mega corporations like that. If russia "wins", their scheme fails. Plus the US weapons industry gets a boost, I'm sure they'll make some "donations" to the warmongering politicians or give them a plushy job after they quit politics. .
Zinc + a large dose of vitamin C.