00101101 4 points ago +5 / -1

I don't think I'll spare a thought for anyone. They have to face reality, they have to face the truth, no more bullshit.

Most of us have already faced the horror first hand, knowing what these jabs may and will do over the coming years.

We were vilified and fired from jobs, treated like cattle and were expected to move to camps because of these lazy fucking stupid retards that would have gone along with all of it. Every single bit and not have batted an eyelid.

It's only now that their precious TV tells them there might be a problem they start to question. And because they are now personally affected that they care, because they are selfish.

I'm not saying I won't forgive, or be there to help where I can, but they were dead wrong and they need to own and accept this, and accept their stupidity and laziness as a core reason why this happened. No more soft fucking landings. That's how we got here, people not taking responsibility for their actions.

Yes, I'm pissed, but I'll still be here to do what needs to be done. But they all really need to start fucking apologising publicly and admit they were wrong and ask to be forgiven.

We tried to save their lives and they collectively tried to destroy us.

These are the consequences of those actions. Everyone had a choice.

00101101 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I'm beginning to think this lately. Something way worse is out there, and using the vaxx as cover. Like a psyop within a psyop. Vaxx is definitely dangerous still tho, I know people who had serious issues within a week, so no coincidence.

00101101 2 points ago +3 / -1

Where do you go to shoot the breeze with this AI? Is it a site or an app?

00101101 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know about this one, watched the first part, with 2 capital D's, which are just that way because they're proper nouns, right? I don't see the significance of capitalizing, things that SHOULD be capitalized.

Maybe he was just referring to big boobs, double D's!

00101101 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol. Be funny if those 5000 soldiers kept them in there and then arrested them all, sure be a shame.

00101101 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah this a pretty good one.

11.3 as first marker


5 year Delta for marker one confirmed. Impressive.


00101101 3 points ago +3 / -0

To me, there's only really two options. Hopeful, is that there are bad elements in military and gov, but good guys partially foiled plans, however possible, to reduce impact and deaths.

Dark is that it was always going to happen, and military was required to be able to ensure it went as smoothly as possible.

There's so much info coming out now, if you follow Jikky the mouse on Twitter, so many bad possibilities, like RNA code with no stop markers, so body just keeps producing whatever they coded, bad batches so coding god knows what. Plus the igG4 study showing repeated shots essentially trains immune system to disregard covid and related variants / possibly many other similar viruses, and treats as an allergy so much more damage done to body such as cardiac issues etc. as body not fighting it quickly like it should.

The only hope I see really is that there's some cure or something to stop and reverse the effects, otherwise we're looking at an ELE - extinction level event.

00101101 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at some of the videos in this thread, holy shit. https://twitter.com/ZombyWoof2022/status/1609277425178779650

00101101 2 points ago +2 / -0

And look at Trump's Truth he put out... BIGGER than the Traditional way... πŸ€”

"I actually think that a big Republican VICTORY today, after going through numerous Roll Calls that failed to produce a Speaker of the House, has made the position & process of getting to be Speaker BIGGER & MORE IMPORTANT than if it were done in the more traditional way, much like me again becoming President after having won big in 2016, gotten many Millions of MORE VOTES in 2020 but β€œsupposedly” not winning (BIG LIE!), & then winning again in 2024. It will be BIGGER than the traditional way!"

00101101 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's actually about 97% for those aged 16+

00101101 10 points ago +11 / -1

5 Billion people. 5 Billion people on earth have been injected with this 'vaccine' if you believe the numbers, and I do, given those around me, and the coercive mandates.

What happens when they all wake up at once and realize they've all been injected with an extremely dangerous product at best, a death sentence within 5 years at worst?

I don't see how this is contained in any kind of civil fashion. People are going to lose it.

00101101 7 points ago +8 / -1

D.A.V.E - Digital Audio Voice Equalizer.

You ever wonder why he just misses words sometimes, totally mispronounces things, has strange anomalies in his voice? πŸ€”

00101101 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they are 3+ jabbed, plus had covid, they are in deep shit.

The study I posted and a few others here about depletion of the igG3 antibody depletion, being replaced with the igG4 ones means they cannot fight any infections adequately any longer.

Who knows if it switches back again if no jabs and no infections for 3 months or more, but rn, it doesn't look good at all.

Make sure you read it if you haven't. https://open.substack.com/pub/igorchudov/p/booster-caused-immune-tolerance-explains?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android

00101101 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks. And makes sense now why everyone was on the 'Ive tested positive, but I have mild symptoms & I'm thankful to be vaccinated and boosted' train. Though of course prominent people saying this to normalize minor symptoms, to make it appear it's working, when in fact the opposite.

It was mild because the body wasn't fighting back! Causing multiple issues with organs, would explain 'long covid' as well.

Basically allowing any virus / disease to make a home in their body. Explains longer viral clearance times in jabbed up, and the repeat infections / constant sickness.

I think this is going to be really bad in 2023. Like half your neighbours ending up in hospital or dead bad.

00101101 45 points ago +45 / -0

Exactly, if all batches are all 99.999% identical due to quality control etc. Why on earth would you need special batches for certain groups of people... Unless of course, the batches are not identical...

00101101 6 points ago +6 / -0

"...The FBI, nobody has reached out to me. They reached out to me only to uh clear my social media”

They sure seem to love their Social Media!

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