0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

OP - thank you for the prayer request for this young mother... there is definitely power in prayer! I have faith that she'll make a full recovery and be home in no time, with all glory to God!

Please keep us posted on how she's doing.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's roughly 3 months between election and inauguration. Plenty of time for the Fed to crash the economy, unelected bureaucrats in gov't agencies (OSHA, EPA, BLM, DOJ, etc.) to torpedo manufacturing and economic productivity; CDC (FDA and other "health" organizations) could unleash next BS pandemic; media can completely fabricate "news" to make things look worse than they really are... there's a lot of ways to reach "The" precipice in the near future... and the sheep will all blame it on Trump and MAGA.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope - they fire 7 rifles three times... "21 gun salute"

0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's another take... perhaps the U.S. military is trying to move a significant number of short range aircraft (such as fighter jets) out of the area. Fighters don't have the legs to fly long range without tanker support. At this point, who knows... could be tanker support for Israeli air, or maybe even Iranian air. There's just no telling these days.

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is another nothingburger... if he drops names, the court will seal the records and nothing will come of it, just like Epstein and Maxwell. He'll likely drop names to the Feds in exchange for a VERY reduced sentence, at which point the Feds will seal the records and nothing comes out of it.. except the Feds have blackmail material on everyone on Diddy's list. Sad, but true.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

A word of advice to Kamaltoe... how about appointing a liaison to REAL Americans who don't hate our country and way of life????? On second thought, no real American would vote for that skank anyway.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the Holy Bible: Matthew 18:20 (these are the words spoken by Jesus)

"For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them."

Franklin Graham led the RNC in prayer for our nation last night... and we all joined in from home!

0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably someone who thinks they know a thing or two about marksmanship and don't believe I can actually castrate a gnat with iron sights out to 300 yds! lol

Truth is, I can repeatedly hit a 10" target at 300 yds without breaking a sweat using iron sights. When they gave us optics for our rifles, I cut that down to 5" groups on the range. And I was never a trained sniper... just a humble infantryman with muddy boots and calloused knuckles from dragging them along while I walked. (Proud knuckle dragger!)

0369Grunt 10 points ago +11 / -1

Zero chance this was White Hats or a staged event by the good guys.

On active duty, I could castrate a gnat at 300 yds with M16/M4 using iron sights (no scope or optic)... slight exaggeration, but you get the point. I was VERY VERY well trained in marksmanship.

There is no way a 20 yo alleged rookie could hit a human ear on purpose at ~150 yds while the target's head was in natural motion during the speech. Not plausible in the least.

My money is on this being a miraculous act of God. Miracles do occur and much more frequently than we notice. This one just happens to have high visibility.

0369Grunt 3 points ago +5 / -2

Zero chance this was White Hats or a staged event by the good guys.

On active duty, I could castrate a gnat at 300 yds with M16/M4 using iron sights (no scope or optic)... slight exaggeration, but you get the point. I was VERY VERY well trained in marksmanship.

There is no way a 20 yo alleged rookie could hit a human ear on purpose at ~150 yds while the target's head was in natural motion during the speech. Not plausible in the least.

0369Grunt 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Sleepy Joe keels over in the middle of the debate tonight, the DoJ will likely charge Trump with murder and have him prosecuted in D.C. to ensure he's convicted.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been thinking for a while now that the stock market is scheduled to crash about a year after Trump gets in office. The talking points will target the sheeple with headlines about how Trump killed the economy, crashed the stock market and put us into another great depression... and the Dems will rejoice and join in the narrative. And the sheeple will blame Trump - because the media and Dems told them to. Hopefully DJT has a plan for this when it happens.

0369Grunt 8 points ago +8 / -0

That laptop has been in Fed custody so long, I'll be amazed if it even fires up... and if it does, pretty sure it has a slightly used hard drive installed, probably full of Martha Stewart home improvement videos and cooking shows. What it likely doesn't have is anything incriminating on our favorite criminal cartel. (the Bidens).

0369Grunt 8 points ago +8 / -0

Tell me its election season without telling me its election season. This Rep must be in a contested district... impeachment has zero chance of happening, so this is nothing but optics.

0369Grunt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Burning down a university, you say? I think that's a great start to ending the liberal indoctrination camps!

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either Diddly did something to piss off the cabal or the 3 letter guys are going to cover for him and protect the elites... most likely the latter. I'm sure the 3 letter guys could dig through Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell court records and find many of the same pedos in the Diddler's circle of friends, without all the publicity of raiding mansions.

0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would like to see these 140 asshats go to a local VFW Post, have a few cold ones, and then start talking out loud about this bullshit.

Likely result would be 140 special elections held to fill empty seats in OUR House of Representatives.

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I won't hold my breath on this one... the ONLY people held "accountable" by the House in all of their "investigations" has been Republicans. This will be no different. All for optics: "hey my fellow Americans - look what we're doing! Ignore the fact that this is an election year."

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the "threat" increases to the point where the average citizen has to "take action," groups of like-minded people will naturally coalesce. Figuring out a leadership structure will be more challenging, and should be considered in some detail. Get to know your neighbors in some capacity, even if its just saying Hi while walking the dog. The Walking Dead is a great example of how like-minded people gather for security and pool their resources.

Remaining non-violent is the key until violence is required. Things tend to get sorted out quickly when a common threat becomes apparent. Hang in there, fren!

0369Grunt 39 points ago +39 / -0

My wife would kill me in my sleep if I was that much of a cowardly retard. And she would be right to do so.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

And our elected officials, who are supposed to represent WE THE PEOPLE, will happily push this BS legislation through both chambers and POTATUS will happily sign it into law, stating China is the bad guy.

Seems to me, our entire government is the bad guy in this case - I'll bet the great majority of congress critters couldn't be bothered to even read this bill.

We have such GREAT representation in OUR government!!!!! (sarcasm)

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are too many incidents with Boeing… I’m thinking this is sabotage and not DEI related. Too many issues to be coincidental… I wonder who benefits the most if Boeing tanks.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don't realistically believe the results will show he's in poor mental/physical condition, do we? Its going to be published that he's in GREAT health - but we know better. After all, we cannot be expected to believe what we observe over what the talking heads tell us, right?

0369Grunt 5 points ago +5 / -0

This should be intetesting. I hope they sent the "export" version of the M1... If not, we just gave the Russians an example of how to build the best armor plating in the world.

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