2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

No harden heart here, I love people. But the one thing I'm not, is anyone's victim. Highly trained people seldom hit un-intended targets.

2Aadherent 23 points ago +23 / -0

Thank you for the post Purk. I'm in rural Georgia and I assure you, they will not like what they will reap here. There are very few homes without multiple sources of fire power. People carry here every where they go. Vehicles, shopping, dining out, church and yes, even little league ball games. Old, young, men, women. We don't play.

2Aadherent 7 points ago +7 / -0

This happened to me within 24 hrs of taking the first shingles shot 6 years ago. Fine the day before, then suicidal in 24hrs. Instantly knew it was the shot. Did not take the second shot. This weighed heavily in my decision to NEVER take any vax again.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've have had 3 child abduction alerts in the last 2 weeks. All of them between 1 to 2 a.m. Maybe 1 a year prior. This is no coincidence. IMO, it's testing the system to see their reach. They are screwing with peoples sleep and desperately trying to instill fear in us. No fear here, just want to throttle the azz hat's. When pay back comes my only wish is that they are fully aware of what they did to deserve it. Argh!!

2Aadherent 14 points ago +14 / -0

You are so right! God asked and I answered. Very grateful that He made me who I am. Gratitude is a great place to dwell! Especially blessed to have this place and the great folks here!

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank's Purk! Had to deactivate X, so many hurting people. I was getting depressed. Now I say a world wide prayer for all of God's children everyday. He knows all of our needs. Grateful for you my fren!

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

That certainly put a happy face on me. Thank you!

2Aadherent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks so much for the great info. Your hard work is appreciated.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you Juls! Thank you God for your unfathomable love and opening our hearts to hear and see it.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the post from Truth. I'm not seeing Roomer. Did Trump post a different version earlier? Not that internet savy, asking for a friend.


2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm pretty good at picking up on things. Most of the time I can discern when something is off about someone and it's definitely off with this guy. The feeling is that he's masking who he really is. It's the same feeling that I had about obama when he showed up out of seemingly nowhere.

2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here Dolly. Fourty years of constant chaos. I decided I'd had enough a couple of months before he was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. I walked out of the hospital and told God that the divorce was off the table. That I would see him through to wellness or death which ever came and that I would do it with glad heart. Death came 4 months later. I've never been so much at peace and very grateful for it. So glad that you have finally gained peace for yourself. Sometimes we have to walk away or risk going down the drain with them.

2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree 1000%! Thought this for a very long time. It's quite different than a run of the mill reaction. Very over the top. The Great Deceiver is the only one who is capable of this level of evil. So appreciative of your immense effort in compiling this post. It has given my spirit hope. God bless you RedPill!

2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the great news of finally getting relief! God is awesome, thank you Lord for BeKind's healing, Amen.

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

God's timing and plans may not align with ours but know that they will be better than what we can hope for. We tried to sell years ago and not one showing. It was so discouraging. What I didn't realize was that a new law on capital gains tax was going into effect on July 1st. We relisted and the first person that came after the 1st bought it. We were under the tax limit and didn't owe a dime! God is so good! I pray that you have peace and assurance that God loves you and will answer even the silliest prayers. He just wants us to have faith in him that he will provide. Hope you have safe and easy transition and only get the best possible neighbors!

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers for you and your family. It's so hard to watch those that will not hear. Peace for you fren, in Jesus name.

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