2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The claim of 'Fake IDs' is one-sided conjecture. He explains that in the video, how he mentioned that he was a credentialed member of various media, but never claimed to have a Press Pass. He did have the required ID for the area he was entering. I doubt it will ever enter a court phase with body cam evidence he claims to exist. Partly because it exists (lol), and to avoid disclosure. Besides, as mentioned, he actually violated a couple of ordinances, so his claim will probably be settled out of court, my guess. Anyway....that Sheriff is not your fren, fren.

2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0


The arrest was made 'legal' due to the naive un-needed offering of information by Millers and illegal loaded condition of one of his firearms.

But.............that aside: Here, an chessmove attempt is made to use a Trump supporter as patsy to terrorize Trump rallys as unsafe while 'doing their job'.

The narrative didn't age well and the sheriff needs light shown on his deeds.

The Drama Queen Glows

2EyesOpen 4 points ago +5 / -1

Oh come on, man. It's not like it's slave ships or something. Oh.....wait.....

2EyesOpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Rogue Boomer card from the Illuminatti card deck shows a submarine and it's Commander and says: 'The commander of a nuclear missile sub is on your payroll...Gives +5 to any attempt to control any Nation through intimidation. Or can be used once to give a +10 to any attempt to destroy any Place - or to aid any Disaster! - but must then be dicarded.'

2EyesOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Under guise of war, he made what was to Greeks, traitorous deals with the Persians, intermarrying his sons their leaders daughters. One of history's earliest examples of a globalist.

2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is an odd 'truth' behind the difference between Rh negative and other blood types. Rh stands for Rhesus monkey genetic tags which don't exist in Rh negative, but otherwise, yes. Someone I know had to have bloodwork to prevent possible negative effects of mixing blood with her husband to have a baby. One possible outcome is developing a 'tail'. How odd. The 'Bluebloods' used this to proclaim genetic dominance. This has been bred out of royal lines, mostly. Inbreeding creates its own issues like the Rothchilde/Zuckerberg chin and hemophilia. But to cut to the chase........the Alien Invasion/Annanaki as blue bloods is to create a Master Race that goes beyond concept of color or even 'human'. Humanity to be downgraded to slave chattel once again. They as God-Men to be Obeyed.

The Battle of the Purebloods


2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, Isle of Wight, that's correct.


.Imma hafta look at both now that he's thrown a comm about it.

These islands are full of pirates. .

2EyesOpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

I bought most of his early books. But already knowing the subject matter created doubts to me about his legitimacy. As for his books, many of his statements and claims are true. That's the 'hook'. There is a technique of method of operation, if you will, amongst black magicians, called 'The Reveal'. Oddly enough, the title of Icke's last book.

The video of his ex-wife flashing luciferian hand signs on a tv show back in the day have been scrubbed. He is a grand master of the Lodge on the Isle of Mann. I'm sure you've heard of the 'bait and switch'.

Cutting to the Chase with the Icke Agenda, The Reptilian/Annanaki psyop, leading into 'Alien Invasion Reveals Superace' card...... needed a lead proponent to cast the spell into the public psyche, utilizing the fraudulent groundwork prepared by Sitchin.

The magician as shaman 'dances in the skin' of his target and projects the future by his 'inside knowledge'. Many so-called 'revealers' are inserts.....a 'cast' of agents-in-place to 'influence' the social psyche (aka "Situationism").

Re: Devil worshiper: More Luciferian, as opposed (or in league with) 'Satanism'. Much like the 'Freemasons' vs the original more select Brotherhood who's secrets were more symbolic metaphysics that degraded as magickal incantations and manipulation of minds as 'empowerment'.

2EyesOpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

The honeypot that was Playboy was replaced by "Play Station East" and "Play Station West" with P Diddy and Kanye as the new Hugh Hefners of the coasts. While there was crossover, Epstein was more about political personages, where the PlayStations were more focused on Boule interests (Sports/Entertainment).

Research The Boule

"I Spy" - Boule MI agent B. Cosby assisted in mk ops in Cuba during his military career and continued that mission at Playboy as Catcher/Monarch programer with fringe benefits. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

2EyesOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Synchronicity is God's way of saying you're onto something."

An old saying I coined. Feel free to pass it on, fren.

2EyesOpen 7 points ago +7 / -0

Technically speaking, billboards don't usually cast shadows onto the sky as background. An accurate observation shows that three of these RPCs ran Against Trump and all are on record as having opposed him at some point. Hard times create strange bedfellows, especially when 'diversity' is the theme.

This dream team could become just another RINO 2.0.

I know....At least they're inside the tent pissing out.

Future proves past.

2EyesOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Around the 1:35 mark, you can see a safety poster for 'Choking' on the wall, where Pepe makes his cameo.

2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

They got caught 'doing doughnuts' in the parking lot.

2EyesOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

She had no delegates in 2020 yet here she is, because of her unique qualifications now being jettisoned. rofl The Dems are trapped in their own hall-of-mirrors now.

To make things worse, how is it that they can say Joe is incompetent, yet remain in office? Seems to beg for a Clintonian 'solution'.

Joes' headstone: "Told ya I had covid, c'mon man"

2EyesOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

CEO Doug Wright spent six years at United Technologies, where he served as President of Asia for the company’s Fire and Security group, based in Shanghai, and President of the company’s $2.5 billion Automation and Controls Solutions business. Prior to United Technologies, Wright spent 15 years at Ingersoll Rand, where he served in a variety of leadership roles. Across his time at UTC and Ingersoll Rand, Doug worked for eight years in China.

2EyesOpen 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm Amish and voting for AOC because I hear she likes to sleep with several Mennonite and will drive you buggy.

2EyesOpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

And Pence was to act as head of the Congressional gathering during the election confirmation, his action wouldn't have been as 'vice-president' as opponents claim.

2EyesOpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

He should have been ordered to make bail in a combine harvester.

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