Looks a lot like a Mig-29
Bringing up the rear.
I'm sold, thanks MM!
Howard Stern has softer features.
Nuke the site from orbit. Only way to be sure!
The conspiracy aware.
Don't think they ever hated Epstein or Weinstein in the slightest.
I like the app 'Intel Drops'. Works well if you just want to see the drops.
There are snails on her plate. Now get them out of here before she sees them! You would think that in a fancy restaurant at these prices you could keep the snails off the food! There are so many snails there you can't even see the food!
Or have a job?
and the IRS, the FBI, Ukraine, the Fed, BLM, Antifa... and a host of other stuff that sucks
Definitely agree leaving the phone home or using a faraday bag is smart. But I can't help thinking we might have the wrong attitude about all this. Sure it's prudent to try and avoid being tracked even if it's just a VPN, Problem is, shouldn't we have the general attitude towards these particular "authorities" that says, "yeah I visited that site, or yeah I was at that location, You got a fucking problem with that?" Being gloriously unapologetic and defiant. Give them the disrespect they deserve. Obviously, one or a few people would be inviting trouble. But if everyone were to think that way... hmm... yeah. Anyway, just a thought.
Wait, Q is from Staten Island?
R v W, and now this!!
Amen, thank you Lord!
Not really, but was on waiting list somewhere above 600 k for over a month.
It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Sorry for yt.
I've gotten email confirmed, but fails to register the account.
Staten Island too! Kek!😂