400DollarHandcart 4 points ago +4 / -0

These are not our people. This is not how young American kids are raised. These are the product of degraded education and values. The results of a war waged against us by global adversaries. Generations will be lost, just like the kids on this school bus. Six year old children should not talk this way. Older kids should know it in their bones that you do not beat on little children. This makes me feel that all is lost even more than if Biden steals the election again.

400DollarHandcart 11 points ago +11 / -0

Trump is like a steamroller. He’s absolutely crushing it.

400DollarHandcart 5 points ago +5 / -0

Uh…fuck Lady G. That’s how I feel about him no matter what President Trump says.

400DollarHandcart 4 points ago +4 / -0

I never advocate violence, but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if Zuckerberg end up swinging from the gallows in G Bay.

400DollarHandcart 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is the the beginning of Big Mike’s campaign.

400DollarHandcart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why the presser? I thought they basically said “You know better than to do what you did. We understand you are old and forgetful so we aren’t going to charge you.” Did I not hear the correct outcome? I know they sure as hell aren’t going to treat him they they did President Trump.

400DollarHandcart 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think that every kid having a 24 hour a day porn machine in their pocket has a lot to do with it. Their minds have been corrupted by evil. They are indoctrinated at school and in culture and then go home and watch hardcore pornography before bed every night.

400DollarHandcart 3 points ago +3 / -0

3-4, battle fatigue has made this my new normal.

400DollarHandcart 36 points ago +36 / -0

I like Rodgers. The dude keeps on speaking his mind. Once you know, you know and there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle.

400DollarHandcart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe I’m slow. I’m still unsure of what was going on. Was it just a bunch of horny Israeli guys trying to get into the women’s dorm or bathroom for sex or peeping?.

400DollarHandcart 19 points ago +19 / -0

I agree, his is a hardcore leftist P.O.S. He’s not making fun of the people in that room, he’s mocking us.

400DollarHandcart 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’ve been wondering about the illegals. Trump said we would have the biggest mass deportation ever. How will this be accomplished? Even with a lot of folks waking up, it will still be a hard pill for many people to swallow seeing people of all ages rounded up and sent packing. Most average conservatives wouldn’t have the stomach after the spin doctors made it look like genocide on the nightly news. Finacial collapse might cause some to return to where they came from voluntarily, but a small percentage at best. What will have to happen that will allow unfettered deportation? I believe it will take coordinated action by a literal foreign sleeper army of “illegals”. Sent by foreign governments to take control of regions of the US. This or similar scenarios are the only way the American people would get behind the military forcibly removing illegal foreign nationals from our country. Who knows this is just me brainstorming, maybe I’m full of shit or nuts.

400DollarHandcart 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, pretty much the same kind of guys that you’ll see at any Planet Fitness. Lots on nice looking women, but not enough to make up for all the gays guys. I had heard stories, so I kind of had an idea going in what it might be like. The only reason I even went was that I had won a 6 month free membership in a raffle at work.

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