4Hope70 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look out Hilary, if they do a sequel on Haiti.

4Hope70 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if they check your political affiliation first.

4Hope70 2 points ago +2 / -0

The parasites are putting the screws to the citizens: sell or you are dead.

4Hope70 10 points ago +10 / -0

DWAC vote on the 17th? There is that number again.

4Hope70 23 points ago +23 / -0

Any school that mandates this shot that kills, causes adverse damage and protects against nothing, must be sued for fraud. Tell them to go to hell.

4Hope70 1 point ago +1 / -0

If nothing is found, it sounds like a good lawsuit against the police department/city.

4Hope70 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s obvious. She owns a large portion of Maui, her estate is standing, yet she tries to profit over others grief. Now if she was there to hand out thousands to those who lost everything, I could dismiss the camera crew, maybe. She obviously does not need shelter!

4Hope70 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, I was being sarcastic. I knew her crew was there to get a “sensational story” and make money off of the grief of others. She has bought up large portions of Maui and her estate is still standing. Would be nice if she offered shelter, she certainly can afford it. She likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, now is her time to show it. Be sure that children don’t go missing while she is around, like they do at the school she founded.

4Hope70 48 points ago +48 / -0

Seems strange, no? Children out of school, parents at work so unable to evacuate children, brush fire “contained” so fire trucks “left”, safety officials all off island at the same time, sirens don’t go off, and immediately (while people are grieving) people sweep in trying to buy prime land. Do you believe in this many “coincidences?”

4Hope70 6 points ago +6 / -0

Most all of our dogs died by ages 10-12 of cancer, one at age 5 or 6 d/t congenital heart disease unknown. That is a total of 6 dogs. Our current dog is 12 1/2. I will not vaccinate her anymore. She has zero thyroid function and I bought thyroxine, without a prescription, from India. Our vet couldn’t wait to get the a Covid shot, wouldn’t let owners in with their a pet during Covid, and declined to spade our older son’s dog because he refused one vaccine for his 7 month old dog. If I could find a like minded vet, I would use him or her. I bought heart worm medicine from New Zealand because I believe in the parasite theory causing cancer. I would give fenbendazole and ivermectin if I suspected cancer in my dog (lumps, weight loss, listless, poor appetite).

4Hope70 8 points ago +8 / -0

Different illegals will be fighting against illegals from other countries for taking their job. Ironic. Is Wendy’s and all other businesses doing e-verify? Doubtful. Turn them in and the FBI will arrest you, not them. Upside down world.

4Hope70 3 points ago +3 / -0

They also are say a large portion of deaths are children. Impossible to ID d/t the condition of the bodies. Or were children “rescued” by persons unknown. It seems like a deliberate plan: School was cancelled, children left at home alone while parents worked, bodies unidentifiable. I am surprised DJT hasn’t made a statement, or maybe I missed it.

4Hope70 3 points ago +6 / -3

While I don’t like or trust Oprah, no one should be denied safety or shelter IF their lives are in danger, and they don’t present a risk to others. Obviously her life is not in danger: she has a standing estate, acreage galore, but wants to make money off of the grief of others. She needs to be watched around children in shelters and homeless.

4Hope70 5 points ago +5 / -0

Very plausible. Human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking exists to create money for “special government projects”, such as wars, overthrowing of foreign governments, placing non-elected entities in government (circumventing the voters). I have maintained for years that the above would not be happening without our government involvement and blessing.

4Hope70 4 points ago +4 / -0

The FISA Court was in on the fix too. We need to defund and disband the following: CIA, DOJ, FBI, DHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, IRS, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, FISA Courts, just as a start. Congress needs a complete overhaul with term limits.

4Hope70 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, and I was talking about Bush. Do you remember the smirk on his face when his aide informed him of the attack while reading to school children? Also the strange words the teacher was spouting to the children?

4Hope70 8 points ago +8 / -0

Conveniently all safety officials were off island. What no one is 2nd in command when commandants all leaves? And none of the sirens worked! What a coincidence!

4Hope70 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe the parasites want to reinvent Epstein Island. She paid a cheap price-$10,000/acre. You can’t buy land in much of NE Ohio that cheap.

4Hope70 4 points ago +4 / -0

That white Karen just wants to feel good that she is protesting for BLM. Instead she should be protesting about the black on black murders, the destruction of black businesses in black neighborhoods and the blacks who feel they are oppressed and therefore they entitled to steal at will from businesses large and small.

4Hope70 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good information. Thanks.

4Hope70 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will you still say he is a hero, when it is revealed he was complicit in 09/11, not the leader you thought dealing with an “attack by foreigners?” The enemy within is the devil in disguise.

4Hope70 8 points ago +8 / -0

09/11, Titanic, Sandy Hook, Lincoln Assassination-CIA, JFK AND MLK assassinations, WACO, Federal Building bombing, Pearl Harbor, WWI, WWII, all were inside jobs-CIA planned, FBI involved, DOD involved, Presidents complicit.

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