54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

Give an mRNA "vaccine" for which we have no long term safety data to people who have their entire lives ahead of them to prevent a disease which affects maybe one in 10,000 kids adversely.

54109597683190674324 9 points ago +9 / -0

The prescription for blackpill is Jesus Christ.

I was bluepilled during Hussein, redpilled during Trump, blackpilled during Biden, and now I am Christpilled.

54109597683190674324 7 points ago +7 / -0

The search function on .WIN absolutely blows fucking nuts. No one uses it for a reason. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to show something to someone from yesterday and I try to search it up and it returns two results from last year. It's pathetic.

54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet majority of people who are "vaccinated" are older and majority of people who are "unvaccinated" are younger. Any takers?

What this would imply is that the "vaccine" sucks and that being young is a better protector than the vaccine.

What they need is a controlled study with equal demographics and comorbidities in a vaxxed group and unvaxxed group then we can see what is really going on.

I have a feeling that the vaccine is protective for a few months, but falls off quickly. Antibodies are only one method of immunity and they don't stick around long for coronaviruses for whatever reason.

That said when the risk of death averaged across the population is only ~.05% - ~.2% (recent Norway stats for IFR, granted average Norwegian is probably much healthier than average American), and you reduce the risk of death by COVID by half, the result is negligible (1-2 people saved per thousand, but how many injured by the vaccine?).

P.S. don't get vaxxed for a disease that has already been cured (Ivermectin).

54109597683190674324 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most recent data from Norway suggests .05% - .2% mortality IFR... it varies greatly (orders of magnitude) by age and comorbidity though. It actually does have IFR very similar to the flu after this latest variant. It will keep dropping over time and becoming more contagious.


54109597683190674324 1 point ago +1 / -0

This sounds like the plot to a Nicholas Sparks book.

54109597683190674324 1 point ago +3 / -2

Do you think if we can vote the worst, most Satanic candidates into office that maybe we can bring about the whole Antichrist thing sooner rather than later? I would prefer to wake up in hell world next month instead of live in purgatory for the next 5 or so years.

54109597683190674324 1 point ago +2 / -1

Doesn't even matter. They are all preapproved by the cabal.

54109597683190674324 3 points ago +4 / -1

Uh, this is 2020. Coronavirus wasn't even a thing until February 2020, and even then testing was piss-poor so a lot of people died without ever being tested.

I rate this image as misleading.

Yes, it is overblown, but I can destroy the COVID narrative with actual facts instead of misleading info like this.

54109597683190674324 7 points ago +7 / -0

So the goal of the vaccine is to prevent death and severe disease now? I thought vaccines prevented transmission and acquisition? Preventing severe disease, isn't that what therapeutics do? Hey, you know what therapeutic costs a nickel to manufacture and prevents 90% of cases and deaths? I'll let you guess.

54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so ass backwards from a scientific perspective.

The variants COME FROM THE VACCINATED. In order for a virus to escape an immune response the FUCKING IMMUNE RESPONSE has to be there. In an unvaccinated person, they have no pre-programmed immune response.

Fucking brainwashed retards.

54109597683190674324 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the decline from the previous decade, you would think that eventually those people holding on and not dying in the previous decade would have to die at some point...

54109597683190674324 69 points ago +69 / -0

Let me get this straight.

According to Arnold, if I don't wear a mask or get a vaccine, "screw my freedoms" because I am literally putting people at risk of death (even though this virus was created/enhanced in a level-4 biolab where you have to wear a positive-pressure suit to avoid contracting it, AND the vaccine does NOT prevent acquisition or transmission as admitted by the CDC), but the government and healthcare agencies actively working to suppress effective therapeutics FOR OVER A YEAR which have been clinically proven over and over in countries across the world to reduce death and transmission by OVER 90% are the ones giving advice and making policy and "saving lives."


I don't take vaccines for diseases that have already been cured.

Go fuck yourself pharma, Arnold, and the rest of the lying shitbag elites everywhere.

54109597683190674324 4 points ago +4 / -0

CIA in all likelihood works for China. China works for the shadow banker families. They are all on the same side. Nations fighting each other are just optics. Lockstep.

54109597683190674324 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ivermectin has one of the safest profiles of any medicine ever created. It is ridiculously safe.

54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

The best thing we can do is pray, study the Bible, and be about our Father's business.

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

54109597683190674324 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am not a Q believer but I am here for alternate news/info/perspective.

I am a Christian and I do not believe that Q will save the world or usher in some kind of technological med-bed utopia. It is interesting to me how many people seem to hold Revelations and Q in their minds simultaneously as they seem contradictory to me.

Christ is coming back, and no human -- including Trump or anyone else -- is going to save anything.

I think this is a dog and pony show and many people are drunk on the wine of God's wrath believing and seeing what they want when the Bible clearly tells us there will be great deception prior to the second coming of Christ.

I do think this board is valuable for the evangelism that happens here and they are causing at least some people to repent and turn to God. We are in the midst of the second harvest and the harvest is plentiful and there are many laborers doing God's work here as well.

As time goes on, "hold the wine" is quickly turning to "by their fruits ye shall know them," and I think a lot of people are waking up to that.

54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can I get a sauce on this please? Everything I've seen was ~25ng/ml or below. 50 is fairly high as < 12.5 ng/ml is considered deficient.

54109597683190674324 1 point ago +1 / -0

All you have to do is point them to Gibraltar, the most vaccinated country (99%+) on Earth with the highest per capita rate of infections to show that the vaccine doesn't do anything to "slow the spread."

Also point them to research around Marek's disease in chickens where a leaky vaccine produced an environment which propelled the virus to mutate and adapt to the vaccine.

Point them to Geert Vanden Bosch, vaccine expert, on why you shouldn't inoculate people with non-sterilizing (leaky) vaccines in the middle of a pandemic.

All these variants are coming from THE VACCINATED because the vaccines do not sterilize the virus completely, and instead allow it to adapt and overcome the vaccine.

THEY are SELFISH for taking a leaky vaccine during a pandemic, propelling the virus variants so they can have a SLIGHTLY LESS risk of hospitalization for THEMSELVES. They are afraid of it so they take the vaccine to lessen their individual risk of illness, but in doing so they create environments which allow for immune escape, meaning extra adaptations from the virus to the immune situation present in their bodies.

NATURAL IMMUNITY includes T-cells, killer cells, B-cells, memory cells, NOT JUST ANTIBODIES. That's why NATURAL IMMUNITY is so much more powerful and protective.

Explain they are brainwashed by the same people that SUPPRESSED THERAPEUTICS that are extremely effective because the FDA emergency use authorization is only valid while there are NO THERAPEUTICS.

Explain the vaccine does not prevent acquisition nor transmission of the virus and so IS NOT A VACCINE BY DEFINITION. It reduces your symptoms which is exactly what ADVIL is designed to do. The "vaccine" is a THERAPEUTIC.

Further, vaccinated people may have less symptoms, causing them to ACQUIRE and SPREAD the virus without knowing it, making them SUPER SPREADERS when other people would have become sick enough to know to stay home.

I fucking can't stand ignorant leftist progressive assholes who think they are saving the fucking world by getting a shit vaccine that doesn't work and actually causes a more dire situation by design. Not to mention all the side effects and unknowns of the vaccines of which there are many. What a joke.

54109597683190674324 3 points ago +3 / -0

We must not become drunk on the wine of God's wrath (Rev 14:10). Keep laser focused on the Bible and maintaining your relationship with Jesus Christ. There will be great deception in the end times, and the antichrist will be a man of false peace and deceive many by giving them what they desire.

54109597683190674324 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dosage for humans and horses is the same by weight (0.2mg/kg) so you don't need to scale anything down, you can just dose yourself based on your own weight. The tube is marked for weight and you can just use whatever your weight is.

You can actually take double that dose in more severe cases (0.4mg/kg). See FLCCC i-Mask Protocol.

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