67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reminds me of the song “Sixteen Tons”. When miners had to use all their money in company stores, so that the company kept all the money they paid their employees.

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he knows best when to address these things. We are not reactionists. We are research and verifiers. A lot of false info comes from the MSM, as we all know. And, we Christians know Israel and Israel are two different things, if you know what I mean. We support the Seed of Abraham, not the political entity.

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have found no one that believes this created tolerance among the moderate to conservative population. All I’ve heard in stores and other places is that it went way too far and further alienated the perv community.

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Villages, also known by us senior citizens as STD Central. Let them vote for Kamala. The clap often causes brain damage…

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was just mentioning where she was last time I saw her…. 😂

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it was a government phone or private phone, he has no more expectation of privacy than we have in the commission of a crime, such as treasonous manipulation of an election or the false prosecution of a candidate or president.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is the spray pattern from a sniper shot? I only see a trail of blood. Should have been a blood spray fan pattern somewhere…

67SOS 45 points ago +47 / -2

I’m sorry. This BS of “It was staged” is exhausting. It was a miss, period. You don’t shoot from 130+ yards and only nick and ear. No one I know is that good.

It was an assassination attempt. The guy was rushed and missed.

Even the MSM was hoping for a red mist shot. Let’s put this to bed.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about the shoe deal. I know our uniforms, during the gulf war, prevented some kind of scanning. We were also told not to shine our shoes and to rough them up so they prevented the scanning. Perhaps this helps?

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are going to get as many people as possible to throw their money into in, then totally crash it. This fulfilling the biggest crash possible, bigger than 29.

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d hate to think the DS is threatening her, now. We saw one wife die suddenly last week…

67SOS 5 points ago +6 / -1

Epoch Times…. Clickbait to get you to subscribe.

67SOS 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump ERA ban, not Trump’s ban. Bad headline.

67SOS 8 points ago +8 / -0

I continuously get miffed by Hurari (sp?) calling people “useless eaters”. Seems to me that people whose job is to do nothing but prattle at WEF meeting and the ilk are the true “useless eaters”. They contribute nothing to a good society.

Kinda as bad as the term “boots on the ground”. I never heard a term that dehumanizes us military people more. It clearly shows that the MSM and the elites don’t count us as human beings.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, Communism is not totalitarian. True communism is an un-achievable utopia. I did my thesis on it back in the 70’s. I am not a communist.

True communism is where everyone works for the collective. No leaders. People work for the good of the community.

The problem with true communism is ambition and greed. These lead to leaders who are then corrupted with power, and the communism is gone, and totalitarianism takes over.

So, you can understand why communism tickles the ears of the ignorant who think things will get better, only to see it’s far worse as they are lined up against a wall.

Fascism is definitely bad, but not truly comparable to communism. China a totalitarian nation pretending to be communist.

67SOS -1 points ago +1 / -2

No one should want to see those pics. That’s for the courts to see and deal with. Makes me wonder why someone needs to even see them, except to prosecute the creeps.

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