AgnosticTemplar 18 points ago +18 / -0

I'd wager that many of them a 'normal' perverts who adopt a trans identity because it gives them access to their preferred quarry, legal protection should they be accosted, and the added thrill of being able to exert social power over others.

AgnosticTemplar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he only add those recently after taking the piss about being an alleged Russian asset? He made a sarcastic post where be facetiously claimed he's seen the light and is 100% behind Ukraine now.

AgnosticTemplar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I still think this rapid investment into AI was to poison the well so if actual, real video evidence of morally reprehensible and criminal activities by those in the ruling class ever gets leaked, they can denounce it as fake, sue for defamation, and sweep it under the rug.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which is substantially less carbon he'd be responsible for than if he lived for another 50 years.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even sadder is those who were abused as children more often than not go onto abuse children themselves, perpetuating the cycle. Which would be bad enough on it's own, but those degenerates have wormed their way into institutional authority and are working to normalize that cycle of abuse. Albeit not the abuse itself (for now), just the outward symptoms of it.

AgnosticTemplar 1 point ago +4 / -3

Yes, faggot, the point is we're all having a laugh at how cheap it looks. None of this comes off as 'presidential'. It looks like a high school drama club production. This is how our government is attempting to project it's strength and it's legitimacy, all the while taking a third of our paychecks every week.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Concord might have succeeded if they had a competent development time. It took 8 years to make. In that time, like you said, a glut of hero shooters have saturated the market. Also, in that time, two Guardians of the Galaxy sequels were produced, and the third one was lackluster which killed the hype. Also in that time there has been a shift in the zeitgeist. There have been significant pushback against the woke agenda, normies have caught on and successful boycotts have been launched against massive brands. For comparison, GTA5 took at most five years to make (some sources say it was done in three). Imagine if Concord came out in 2021, at the height of covid hysteria. It might have sold very well.

AgnosticTemplar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Article was behind a paywall, but it's been archived.


It's about someone saying they're getting too old to maintain a vacation home.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

We may be importing millions of the castoff criminals from third-world shitholes who will make it dangerous for women to be out at night, in broad daylight, or even in their own homes, but at least the Democrats will fight to make it as easy as possible to abort the resulting pregnancies from all the rapes!

AgnosticTemplar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like the stage name Fozzie Bear would have taken if he gave up on being a standup comedian and became a Soundcloud rapper.

AgnosticTemplar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Do those faggots still demand concert attendees prove their vaccination status?

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not warns, threatens. They blew their chance to force a terrified public into mass compliance with covid, maybe if they went with a real disease that had dramatic, visible symptoms they might have succeeded. You know, stacks of bodies being cremated in public and all that. And the climate hysteria isn't working either, all their predictions have come and passed without being fulfilled and the actual data is showing the opposite of their claims. If their current plan is to undermine faith in national governments with the immigration issue, that too is likely to have the opposite effect. If people are pissed at mass migration, why the hell would they support the idea of a one-word government that will erase borders entirely?

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

What exactly is the conclusion? That Crooks had inside help in getting evading security and getting into position, or all that and he was set up as a patsy while someone else took the shot from a second location?

AgnosticTemplar 2 points ago +4 / -2

Just glass their shithole countries. And if the muslims in the west get uppity, we'll finally have an excuse to purge them from our borders. Win/win.

AgnosticTemplar 19 points ago +21 / -2

The Talmud not only permits, but encourages all sorts of double standards when dealing with non-jews.

AgnosticTemplar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because the jewish propaganda is still so insidious that anyone who wants to maintain a public profile has to play along or at least keep quiet.

AgnosticTemplar 6 points ago +6 / -0

They managed to hype covid because it was airborne and "one of the symptoms is not having any!" Monkeypox is an STD that requires rubbing against very visible boils to spread. If people actually fall for it this time they are well and beyond retarded.

AgnosticTemplar 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a disease spread primarily via sodomy, I'm actually fascinated how they'll spin it to excuse another round of gaslighting agoraphobia.

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