Thank you. Since this is world wide—I am not only praying for the US, but also for everyone around the world.
I think you’re on the wrong site.
I hope they didn’t switch to Wisconsin—hear/see enough here already.
This election? 🤣 Kek
Yes—I was surprised when my absentee ballot arrived since it hadn’t been on my Informed Delivery list for that day.
Only that much?
I thought it was a gold tie.
What’s the significance of 32 repeated?
They’re profitable because they don’t spend money on frills (or personnel by the statement at the end about not being able to answer any website questions directly). I would have thought this was a BB parody site.
He does eat McD’s food, AND K said she worked at McD’s during her HS years, which is probably false since no one can find evidence that she actually did. So DJT has. He’s done similar job experiences when he spent time at Trump Tower doing housekeeping and 3 similar jobs.
I think they just build those things then tear them down to give employment. They built something in ‘21 that was never used.
A couple years ago, I heard of a meeting that took place 80s or early 90s about gangsta rap as a new style of music that was going to be invented. That those who did it would be promoted and supported. Most musicians at the meeting went along with it, but at least 1 did not. Can’t remember the specifics as I don’t listen to rap at all. Maybe the organizers were influential producers or heads of labels or bankers.
Or 17?
“I hate hurricanes!” Kek
That wins the Internet today! 🤣
I read several years ago that they were looking for the real Jews from Israel, not the Ashkenazi people who claimed Judaism as their religion about 1000 AD.
Doesn’t take long to cause $100,000 in damage and send 3 people to the hospital, destroying cars and tents and supplies.
I don’t have Alexis, but Siri is referencing Milton as a storm brewing in the Gulf and that Floridians are being warned. It looks nasty on radar.
I’m surprised they haven’t aimed it to hit Mar-a-Lago with a quadruple dose of cloud seeding.
October 7th last year was the attack on civilians in Israel.
They read Tom Clancy’s Debt of Honor.
Remember in ‘16 when he held one more rally late election eve/election morning—I stayed up to watch it.