AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

"But mostly I exist in the domain of what I hope is healthy skepticism"

Is this healthy skepticism?

"but if anything was going to have been done about it I think they wouldn't have waited 9 years to do it."

AngryDwarfPaladin 10 points ago +11 / -1

Bro - you say this - but you take no accountability for yourself.

"It Should be Easy To....._____"

You've said that enough times to other people.

Why don't you say that to yourself?

"It Should be Easy To....WATCH A 19 minute video!"


How much time have you spent typing this, reading responses and typing your previous post? I bet we've crossed the 19 minute threshold.

You are not in the fight.

Get in the fight.

Watch the video.

Then come back and ask questions about things you don't understand - I personally would be happy to help you understand what you TRIED to and did not.

But you didn't even start with your own effort before you started yelling at other people about theirs.

Get in the fight!

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +6 / -1

"but if anything was going to have been done about it I think they wouldn't have waited 9 years to do it."

Let me ask the question that remains.

Why are you here?

Why are you on a board that is dedicated to figuring this out and Helping?

You're sitting in your chair, naysaying, clearly not doing anything yourself - waiting for someone else to ride in on a horse and save You.

Meanwhile - you're speaking that you have decided that Nothing is going to happen because it didn't fit into your expectations of timeline and method.

So I will ask you again - why are you here?

Just wait somewhere else if this is what you're going to take the time to post.

But here's one other option - Be Honest.

Ask the Honest question that you have - Express that you have Doubt - but ask for information that is Seeking.

At that point - your posture will have changed from sitting in your chair and spending effort typing doomsaying messages, to someone who is Honest about their doubt - BUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

You're not doing anything about it.

This is a "tough love" message from me - And you need that.

You're here. Notice the posture of people here around you. Seeking. Not Consuming. Not finger pointing like all the normies.

Get in the fight!

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

To me, it looks like a manipulation attempt. Body language.

And he sees it - and attacks it by responding with his own body language and tone - making sure she knows, he knows, she's trying to manipulate and her attack attempt was dead on the castle wall.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the great things about learning more about the Bible is getting to see ourselves in the disciples, paul - the letters to the 7 churches (from Jesus in Revelation) - because it gives us a couple of things:

An understanding that those people themselves were very human - all of the flaws we have - but they were empowered by their belief, which came from their experiences - to go out and share that experience with others.

And God used their sharing of experiences to lead to more conversation, that the Holy Spirit empowered and was active through.

At the very start of that "difference maker" chain, you could call it - is the person though. And each person we read about made that first choice, to step out when the door was opened.

Something I started praying for years ago was eyes to see those opportunities.

It won't be long before you start to see them - then it's on You - to choose what to do. Step out when you see it - or not. I've done both.

But I'll also share this - when you do step out - man does the Holy Spirit enter that situation in a big way!

And you're going to start to see more and more opportunities after that.

May we all start stepping out!

There are billions around us - and there are 1's around us, that need to hear hope, purpose and direction - they're tired of everything else, and tried everything else.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'” – Matthew 9:37–38.

Have a great day my fren!

AngryDwarfPaladin 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was listening to that.

It was less yelling than Flynn performing a strongly spoken statement - and it wasn't directed directly at Dave - it was directed at the topic and theory.

The interview continued on and the mood immediately was completely fine after.

Additionally, Flynn was just on again recently for another interview - so there definitely was no Butthurt fallout as a result of said "yelling".

Furthermore - to me, it felt that Flynn's statement was just a performance.

A person like Flynn, who is in the know - doesn't go on X22 not once, but twice, and have a conversation directly confronting the idea of "the military being the only way" - on a newscast that daily talks about exactly that - and internally be vehemently opposed to that daily newscast's central tenants.

There's simply too many conflicting actions to make ALL of them genuine.

5G Warfare. Moves and Countermoves. Spies, Masks and Shadows.

In the words of the great Tony Evans...

"If all you see is what you see - you do not see, all there is to be seen."

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm very glad you did hit post! :)

You hit the nail on the head here.

I too am Christian - and I share the same view of hope, and obedience as you do.

And I strongly believe that it is exactly that worldview that enables you and me to live outside of all the circumstances I pointed to with the Chinese cultural example - and even all of our own youth here in the US.

Simply put - there are SO MANY people that don't have that same reality that you and I do. They don't know it.

So as the world burns and falls apart around them right now - and after they've seen other people (also without faith, or not living it anyways) try everything - and they themselves have tried everything... they are not only at a material dead end - they are at a spiritual dead end.

That dead end manifests in everything we're seeing.

So what do we do? We bring them the hope-filled - and purpose-filled clarity of Jesus.

That's what is so spectacular about this time we're living through. So many are finding themselves at the end of theirselves. And that is exactly where the message of Jesus can come and rescue them from.

Have you ever seen Jesus Revolution? It came out in 2023. It's about the... Jesus Revival in the 70's. When all the "hippies" were finding Jesus and that caused a clash with the older generations who had been going to church for some time.

Watch this clip - it tears me up every time I hear it - because it convicts me.

The hippie, saying to the pastor -

"I know we must seem pretty strange, but if you look a little deeper - if you look with love... You'll see a bunch of kids that are searching for all the right things, just in all the wrong places."

"They're sheep without a shepherd - chasing hard after lies. And the trouble is, your people reject them. So I ask you pastor - how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?"

"We can only walk through doors open to us. And your church? Well, that's a door that's shut."


We have a lot to do, my fren and brother in Christ :)

AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here's another angle to consider.

People 20-30 are claiming kids are "too expensive", right?

That's what they're saying - right?

So if they're saying that - but you're saying that their real hinderances are comfort, consumption and lack of responsibility (which are true in some cases, certainly!)

If you're able to say that you see something that is behind their "it's too expensive" reason as their real reason, which they didn't say...

Then it's only fair game to offer other angles of assumption, which also paint a picture beyond the words "too expensive".

Let us use you and your wife as an example.

You Made It Work, yes?

So if you Made It Work - that phrase makes it sound like you didn't have everything gifted to you - in fact, you say your wife stayed at home and you had kids on a Modest Salary. Great!

Let me ask you something - what made it worth it for you guys?

What made the Discomfort, Lack of Consumption and Responsibility, (since you're not part of "Those People")...

What made those circumstances Worth it for you guys to "Make it work"?

Let me take you on a tour of the rest of the world for a second.

Have you heard the slogan the Youth in China are chanting these days? Youth being, the soon to be child-bearing (or would be) generation...


"Let it Rot", is what they are chanting.

Now - let me ask you for your insight.

They're not saying this directly with their words - but it seems you are good are understanding what is Not said with words...

"Let it Rot" - what do you suppose is going through the minds of those would-be child-bearing 20 somethings when they say that?

Here's a great summary phrase from this documentary - "They don't think working hard means they can have a better future."

Before we jump to the conclusion that means they must be lazy and hate hard work - let us look deeper.

Where do they get this idea from? From this documentary, it seems as though, they have watched the generations before them. They see how their lives serve "the boss" - or in the US "the company" - and they see how at the end of their parent's lives, their parents have worked a lot - and built a lot - but it feels very hollow and like an endless treadmill - missing the real payoff of life, which believe it or not, is living..not simply existing!

What does this paint? A sense of Hopelessness, is what I see and hear.

Now surely, there are some who are caught up in their comforts - they are lazy, they are forever consumers - they are lacking responsibility, yes...

But who trains generations?

We see this "let it rot" generation responding to what the generations before them showed them.

Is it possible then, that the people whom you're referring to as enamored with comfort, consumption and lack of responsibility - similarly learned such qualities from the Generations before them?

And if that is the case - where does that leave Us, as people who are here because we're assuming responsibility, not blindly consuming and living on the edges of comfort?

Sounds to me, like these kids, who have lost hope, because of what their parents showed them - need some new examples - or some new lessons.

From people who are not sitting and pointing - but instead, hearing them where they are at - knowing where they could be - and helping them across that bridge.

To us - our experiences are Everything.

But the world is much bigger than our individual experiences.

If we're going to be useful in this culture war - we have to meet people where they are at, instead of grumbling about them not being where We are.

Consider yourself fortunate that you got the lessons that led you and your Wife to the mindset of "Making it Work".

If you got that gift - consider passing it on.

Otherwise, it dies with you.

AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's interesting to read your response - where you have decided that "those types of people" are all "enamored with comfort, consumption and lack of responsibility".

What makes you so certain that "those types of people" are all of "those things"?

What would create exceptions to your assertion?

The world is a big place - with lots of complexities - but I'm happy for you and your wife, who made it work.

AngryDwarfPaladin 28 points ago +28 / -0

I've seen this same video (different details, same message) from Redacted for multiple months now.

Do I believe the dollar is coming down? Yes - at least the Fed note.

But here's what I don't appreciate in these videos - there is ALWAYS a sell in it, AFTER telling you that the dollar is collapsing.

Panic, panic, panic - here's the solution - invest in this, who happens to be paying for this video, btw...

While I don't question the overall subject he's talking about, what I do pause at is his suggested solution and the emotional PULL to "panic buy" solutions - that he's conveniently offering...

Redacted has some good packaging of info - but, it's very laced with Fear and Panic inducing messaging.

I watched them for a long while, until I realized that the information I'm getting from them is old compared to what is shared here - and it's sensationalized there, whereas here it's simply information to arm ourselves with.

Anyways... I'm off the rails - but felt like I needed to share that for someone who may feel like they need to panic as a result.

Maybe you do - because nothing has gotten you off your sofa yet.

For the rest of us - be careful you don't get whipped up into doing something you haven't thoroughly thought strategically through.

AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Talk of the awareness of what the rapture is, should actually manifest in a "we don't have much time left to do work for God - so go get busy" sort of reaction.

If it's producing a "sit back on your laurels and watch from your front porch" sort of reaction - Hmm.... I'd ask the question - what does Love look like? Chasing down the lost one? Being busy until Jesus returns?

There's nothing wrong with talking about the rapture - in fact, we're supposed to be aware of it.

How that awareness manifests in action, or not, is something worth considering.

When God told Noah about about the coming flood - Noah not only built the arc, but he went and preached in the city.

AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I honestly have no idea why people here - out of anywhere - are reading Flynn's list and saying he sounds like a blackpill - or he's on someone bad's side, etc.

This is simply nothing more than the same list of predictions we've all had going through our heads (if we're actively trying to analyze the battlefield anyways...)

All Flynn is doing is clarifying the vision of the battlefield for... us? Maybe? But more likely the normies that have engaged with his social media account and are "waking up".

Flynn is moving the Overton Window for THEM. These are things they may have only thought about, but haven't disclosed out loud or in community fashion.

Think about it this way - Flynn made that post on X. What is X? X is a Digital Battlefield. What is Flynn - a General. Potentially "The" General - of a Digital Battlefield.

So it makes perfect sense, for that General of a Digital Battlefield - one that deals in terms of minds, perceptions and the sway of public awareness and social momentum.... to "lead the charge" of moving that Overton Window - which is exactly the "Trench Warfare" of WW1, if you think about it...

Why the Blackpills - Here - ?

Come-on, gents! Are you warriors? Or are you armchair spectators that found your way into where the "action" to watch is?


AngryDwarfPaladin 9 points ago +9 / -0

I never know which side Flynn is on."

Perhaps, that is the point. :)

5G warfare.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're missing the point though - the concept of "the precipice" is the event that pushes someone from where they were to somewhere new.

That doesn't involve connecting dots - that involves experiencing something.

In this case, the experience is the dissonance making a drive by in front of their face, in the areas they're already looking at.

As I said - the expectations it wakes up everyone, is incredibly unrealistic.

But it is as unrealistic as the expectation that it doesn't wake up anyone.

This board isn't about groaning - it's about analyzing the potential in events so that we can gain an understanding of the dynamics in play so that we may help and encourage one another in the ongoing battle.

If you don't agree with my analysis - cool!

But what's the point of groaning if you disagree?

What's the outcome of what you shared? Encouragement? Clarity? Correction?

Or a different function?

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Consider the 5d chess angle.

What does every "normie" red voter still believe? Russia = baddies.

What does every blue voter still believe? Russia = baddies.

What has every super left tech company said for the last 4 years? Russia = baddies.

What has every warhawk interview said for the last 4 years? Russia = baddies.

What has the Clintons said for the last > 4 years? Russia = baddies.

What has the Obummers said for the last > 4 years? Russia = baddies.

What has our "intelligence" agencies said for the last > 4 years? Russia = baddies.

Now let us go back to what the Twitter post was asking..

"Youtube is still operating in Russia, and everyone needs to ask what Russian demands Google and Youtube are complying with?"

So the public has been told for a LONG time by every mainstream authority out there - that RUSSIA IS THE BADDIES.

And here - we have a demonstration - of Youtube, who has previously said they hate the Baddies - now, COMPLYING with the baddies.

Normies see what? Youtube, complying with the Baddies.

errr, zrrrc, blinc, zhaaart! - system malfunction!

It is true, that many normies are going to walk right by this - intentionally shielding their sheep eyes from the dissonance.

But it's also true, that there will be some that are peeled off by this dissonance.

And that is how we do this - one precipice at a time. Everyone's precipice is different. Little by little - the sheep are awakened.

AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone else starting to see the intersection with what is happening here...


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/23/2019 15:53:37 ID: a1a87e

8kun/qresearch: 7362147 https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1198309490069790720

It's going to be BIBLICAL!


AngryDwarfPaladin 8 points ago +8 / -0

I called, LOL. I was very happy to hear "Army Special Operations Recruitment, how can I help you?"

I told him I was glad to hear him answer and to have a good day.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Further digging - here's where that phone number is listed as going to -

U.S. Army Special Operations Recruiting Battalion


Phone: 877-874-5544 Text: ARSOF to 462-769 (GOARMY) Email: [email protected]


AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

To add context - after restarting my phone - I called again, and a man answered - and said "this is the army special operations recruiting, how can I help you?"

I said - hi - I saw this number in a video and called to see who answered. I am glad to hear your answer. That's all. Have a good day.

He responded "Have a great day."


AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

So that number.

Is Army Special Operations Recruiting.

That. Is pretty damn cool.

I am - intrigued - and, encouraged?


AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +2 / -1

So - I called it. And immediately my cell service went offline.

Could be coincidence.

Could be...

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone else notice that that is Thee Marty O'Donnell.

You know - the HALO composer?

W T Heck - has hell frozen over??

The game industry is PLAGUED with the worst from of "leftism".

And this guy is running as republican - I am shocked!

But also - HELL YEAH!

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