AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

So if you are that confident in Jesus, which I am glad you are!

How then, are you so confident that Tech is not included in the sovereignty of God?

How could you be certain that You Yourself, would 100% without a doubt realize the Spiritual Reality operating within "ai" if there was such a thing?

Sometimes my wife has to point out a different perspective for me to realize something I was Too Close To to see for myself.

Could this be the case here?

Also -

If you believe in Jesus - then by extension, you have an understanding that there are MANY things happening in a Spiritual Reality that we cannot see.

But how DO we see that Spiritual Reality? "You will know them by their Fruits." Right?

So while the "ai" (which is a misnomer as it's just advanced machine learning at this point) itself is no more spiritual by itself than a Gun or a Knife...

How is a Gun or a Knife mislabeled as "evil"?

Because the actions of their Instruction Giver are misattributed to the object.

It's not the object that is evil - it is the Spiritual Reality that is operating inside of it's Instruction Giver that is revealed when a Gun or Knife is used to do Evil deeds.

So going back to "ai"...

If we are seeing the "fruits" of ai, be what the original post claimed - then, is the Spiritual Reality that is operating inside of it's Instruction Giver revealed?

I would say, yes.

Now - if we take that understanding - and combine it with our professional understanding of how "ai" is going to get plugged in to many systems that normieville accepts without question - and follows....

And ... we understand that the "fruit" of the Spiritual Reality that is operating in the ai's instruction giver has been revealed as evil....

Then, the "ai" becomes a gun that is being used to perform acts of evil.

But in this case - the insidious part - is that normies are going to integrate this into their daily lives - WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT.

Meaning - their lives will become guided, by something that is acting out the Evil Spiritual Reality that was operating in it's Instruction Givers.

Can we also take this analysis - and add to it the fact that we can't fully appreciate the Spiritual Reality in anything, because our eyes don't let us SEE anything directly (we aren't seeing angels and demons floating around as we speak with "ai".

But does that mean that they aren't there?

Things to consider!

I present this all not as a resting place for a factual conclusion - but as an argument to why You and I, as believers of Jesus, should not have one without Judging The Fruits.

AngryDwarfPaladin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hi Somesanoor,

I too work professionally in the tech sector - at high levels of numerous companies everyone here would be very familiar with.

Let me ask you something - Do you believe in God?

That's a serious question and not meant to be combative or divisive.

But it is a very important question to answer to understand if You are even open to the idea of a Spiritual Reality existing - Or Not.

If you don't believe in such a Spiritual Realm - then there's nothing further to discuss and I understand your perspective you communicated.

If you do - then we've got a lot to discuss!

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, Socialismreally.

All the folks saying those sorts of responses unfortunately, although they are here, they don't realize yet that they have a function in this battle beyond being entertained and enlightened themselves.

They don't understand that the mission goes Beyond Themselves.

They don't understand that this is an information sharing platform that is intended to be, among other things, a refueling and rearming dock - where we get different presentations of information we already personally know, to pass on to the rest of the world.

They don't understand that instead of saying "no shit" and "we already knew this" - they should be saying - thank you for another bandolier of ammo.

Get off the bench, folks! You didn't come here from normieville to sit on the couch and watch everyone here like you used to watch the evening news.

This is the battlefield.

Get in the game.

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +7 / -0



You cannot TELL the people - you have to SHOW the people.

Operation Warp Speed.

Once Red team is out of "their way" - the D's will ram through everything they've wanted - and all hell will break loose.

The sleeping masses will feel what those results are (same as NY/Chicago/LA are now) - and will be Smacked harder than they've ever experienced.

Look at NY/Chicago and the responses of the traditionally Blue voters there. They're moving to Trump.


They have been able to experience what full D control does to their cities.

And they're waking up.

Now - it's time for the rest of the country - the red team voters that think red team solves all their problems by default - the blue team voters that like to virtue signal until it affects their back yards....

Buckle up!

Like any drastic personal change - personal pain is the only way a stubborn man changes.

This is the time WE were born for.

Consider us the Coast Guard - looking for frantic floating bodies lost in the storm - flailing for help. We've been here for years and know what's going on.

Time to rescue the others that will float in the debris as this storm makes landfall!

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

In fact - I would expect to see a greater amount of "undecided" voters in WI who are holding out for some mythological 3rd candidate that is conservative, but "nicer" - or simply "not that guy again".

But the people I know who are in that camp will easily go trump when the world starts to get hot at their feet.

AngryDwarfPaladin 10 points ago +10 / -0

All is fine - copying from my other comment -

There are a lot of sleepies and people that want to "be nice" in WI (here).

Being secluded from a lot of the madness, compared to CA or Chicago, allows that luxury.

I'm very confident when things start getting spicy, WI will securely flip red. I'm honestly surprised to see this chart say it's not already - but, also not.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are a lot of sleepies and people that want to "be nice" in WI (here).

Being secluded from a lot of the madness, compared to CA or Chicago, allows that luxury.

I'm very confident when things start getting spicy, WI will securely flip red. I'm honestly surprised to see this chart say it's not already - but, also not.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

All good - at the end of the day, we're all just broken people and all have our version of mistakes (including zealous censors) - thank goodness for Jesus, our ultimate hope and rock!

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hey ThisIsHowItStarts -

First - I am super glad you are here.

Second - the truth is always sought after here - although we're all just human, so there will be mistakes along the way.

That said...

Unfortunately, what you're saying right here - that the cause of your received downvotes were because you "Spoke Truth", is not really true.

I understand that you could not make out a Q on the phone - that part was true, yes. That's not a big deal and no one in their right mind should care or take offense - that would be incredibly childish.

But in the comment you deleted, after stating you could not see the Q - you went on to say that we need to stop doing this because these things make us look stupid.

That last statement, as a result of what you could not see personally - is what prompted the downvotes, because the majority of the rest of us could see it with no problems.

Additionally - now that you are saying that "we're not allowed to speak truth here" when you yourself are... kind of manipulating what "truth" means to appear the victim when everyone saw what you had said previously...

I suspect that's why you're getting downvoted again.

Overall - this whole argument is dumb and derails the mission.

Have a good night.

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Um. I can see it super clearly....

The picture is blurry a little - but is' very very clearly Q.

12 and 13 seconds - hit pause.

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

100%. God gave Sarah and Abraham, Isaac at what...95+ yrs. old?

He can do anything.

Some will say - well, then we shouldn't do any sort of surgery or medicine, etc. because God can heal all those things - or, God gave us these things to use...

Most here, however, aren't terribly trusting or excited about Neurolink - or the idea of Transhumans - why?

Where's the line? Everyone has one - where they're getting their line instructions from makes the difference.

At the end of the day - pray about it.

For me and my house - who likely fall into the category of not being able to have kids - we're not crossing this line on our own and believe that if God wants us to have a kid, we will.

I've seen way too many times what happens when we take things like this into our own hands instead of surrendering it to God's plans.

AngryDwarfPaladin 21 points ago +21 / -0

I just rewound and watched the Live Cam on Youtube. You can see the whole thing unfold.

Lights of the ship go on/off a few times before it hits the bridge.

A number of semi trucks go across the bridge just before impact.

Unfortunately, it's very clear there were at least 3 work trucks that I could see parked in the middle parts of the bridge at impact.


AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +7 / -0

I just rewound and watched the Live Cam on Youtube. You can see the whole thing unfold.

Lights of the ship go on/off a few times before it hits the bridge.

A number of semi trucks go across the bridge just before impact.

Unfortunately, it's very clear there were at least 3 work trucks that I could see parked in the middle parts of the bridge.


AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm finding a lot of "this was from a satire source" comments and returns when I search myself.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0



I know what the Bible says that statement means.

What do you mean in this context you used it here?

Statements like this that twist the Bible brings me real pause...

AngryDwarfPaladin 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Wait…twelve years to get the vaccines rolled out to the American People?

That’s the FIRST TIME I’ve ever heard Trump, or anyone else for that matter give that timeframe."

Not true - I have heard Trump say that - or similar comparison of before/after timeframes - himself in press brief videos during that initial announcements of a shot and Operation Warpspeed.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +2 / -1

RE: Enjoy the show - I understand. I think a lot of people do. For some people, saying that is like holding on to a comfort railing in the middle of a storm - saying it almost reflexively to reassure themselves and others.

We all would do well to remember all the ways that strikes each other when it's said.

AngryDwarfPaladin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sorry to hear you're going through all of that, Pnwhomebrewer.

That sucks.

I lost my only uncle and sister in law.

When I think about my Dad and two of my brothers - their wives and couple of kids - unfortunately, I have to consider that they're dead men walking - as they all took the shot. My aunt too - just remembered...

Can I offer something? Jesus will save every one of these people - and you. And death here on earth won't be the end of life - it will be the beginning of life in heaven. Bring this to Jesus. It is the only way we're going to make it through this. If you ask him to show himself to you, he will. He promises that. There's no way I would have made it through these last 4 years without him.

Cheers, fren.

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