There are a lot of sleepies and people that want to "be nice" in WI (here).
Being secluded from a lot of the madness, compared to CA or Chicago, allows that luxury.
I'm very confident when things start getting spicy, WI will securely flip red. I'm honestly surprised to see this chart say it's not already - but, also not.
All good - at the end of the day, we're all just broken people and all have our version of mistakes (including zealous censors) - thank goodness for Jesus, our ultimate hope and rock!
Hey ThisIsHowItStarts -
First - I am super glad you are here.
Second - the truth is always sought after here - although we're all just human, so there will be mistakes along the way.
That said...
Unfortunately, what you're saying right here - that the cause of your received downvotes were because you "Spoke Truth", is not really true.
I understand that you could not make out a Q on the phone - that part was true, yes. That's not a big deal and no one in their right mind should care or take offense - that would be incredibly childish.
But in the comment you deleted, after stating you could not see the Q - you went on to say that we need to stop doing this because these things make us look stupid.
That last statement, as a result of what you could not see personally - is what prompted the downvotes, because the majority of the rest of us could see it with no problems.
Additionally - now that you are saying that "we're not allowed to speak truth here" when you yourself are... kind of manipulating what "truth" means to appear the victim when everyone saw what you had said previously...
I suspect that's why you're getting downvoted again.
Overall - this whole argument is dumb and derails the mission.
Have a good night.
Um. I can see it super clearly....
The picture is blurry a little - but is' very very clearly Q.
12 and 13 seconds - hit pause.
100%. God gave Sarah and Abraham, Isaac at what...95+ yrs. old?
He can do anything.
Some will say - well, then we shouldn't do any sort of surgery or medicine, etc. because God can heal all those things - or, God gave us these things to use...
Most here, however, aren't terribly trusting or excited about Neurolink - or the idea of Transhumans - why?
Where's the line? Everyone has one - where they're getting their line instructions from makes the difference.
At the end of the day - pray about it.
For me and my house - who likely fall into the category of not being able to have kids - we're not crossing this line on our own and believe that if God wants us to have a kid, we will.
I've seen way too many times what happens when we take things like this into our own hands instead of surrendering it to God's plans.
I just rewound and watched the Live Cam on Youtube. You can see the whole thing unfold.
Lights of the ship go on/off a few times before it hits the bridge.
A number of semi trucks go across the bridge just before impact.
Unfortunately, it's very clear there were at least 3 work trucks that I could see parked in the middle parts of the bridge at impact.
I just rewound and watched the Live Cam on Youtube. You can see the whole thing unfold.
Lights of the ship go on/off a few times before it hits the bridge.
A number of semi trucks go across the bridge just before impact.
Unfortunately, it's very clear there were at least 3 work trucks that I could see parked in the middle parts of the bridge.
I'm finding a lot of "this was from a satire source" comments and returns when I search myself.
I know what the Bible says that statement means.
What do you mean in this context you used it here?
Statements like this that twist the Bible brings me real pause...
"Wait…twelve years to get the vaccines rolled out to the American People?
That’s the FIRST TIME I’ve ever heard Trump, or anyone else for that matter give that timeframe."
Not true - I have heard Trump say that - or similar comparison of before/after timeframes - himself in press brief videos during that initial announcements of a shot and Operation Warpspeed.
Reporting for duty - Kek!
RE: Enjoy the show - I understand. I think a lot of people do. For some people, saying that is like holding on to a comfort railing in the middle of a storm - saying it almost reflexively to reassure themselves and others.
We all would do well to remember all the ways that strikes each other when it's said.
Sorry to hear you're going through all of that, Pnwhomebrewer.
That sucks.
I lost my only uncle and sister in law.
When I think about my Dad and two of my brothers - their wives and couple of kids - unfortunately, I have to consider that they're dead men walking - as they all took the shot. My aunt too - just remembered...
Can I offer something? Jesus will save every one of these people - and you. And death here on earth won't be the end of life - it will be the beginning of life in heaven. Bring this to Jesus. It is the only way we're going to make it through this. If you ask him to show himself to you, he will. He promises that. There's no way I would have made it through these last 4 years without him.
Cheers, fren.
Lol yes - and that makes sense, esp if you know what it's like to work with programmers.
Very smart people - very glad to have their skills and talents - but they're generally very good at those talents for a reason - and it's not because they spend all their time socializing at the clubs, lol...
Different functions - same battlefield.
That said - Baffled - you helped me understand some things I did not. And I'm here every single day, all day.
But I have a different job than yours in this war. ;)
Thank you for sharing that information!
Now I will use it to pass on understanding to those that are Not on these boards, but who are still very interested and engaged in this war, outside this board.
Cheers, my friend.
Together - we can do this. :)
They're not in the wrong place.
The landscape of the battlefield changes.
This site used to be just that way.
Now - it plays an important role of connecting those, slightly more "normie" than the original crew here used to consist almost solely of.
Think of this as the source of an information conveyor belt, instead of simply a research club.
You might have that talent of understanding certain pieces of information - but not everyone does.
And it will take way more than just people exactly like you to win this information war.
Help your fellow soldier, who has a different battle-station and job than yours.
You might be the ordnance packer - they may be the delivery driver.
The landscape here has changed - I understand the frustration that comes with that. But overall - it's exactly what SHIFTING THE TIDE really looks like.
The newbies showing up with the skills they have - not the skills you have.
Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say. ;)
2 Thessalonians 1-3
The Great Apostasy
2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the - falling away - comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
Keep us posted. Curious.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes, Yes!
So your wife was part of this?
Damn dude.
"The only way you can discern things in the middle of a 5G info war, is to assess outcomes. Its also important to not lock yourself into certain assumptions and be willing to change them as the facts change."
This, along with a lot of replies to this - adding clarification and extended views - are full of a lot of wisdom that - MANY who say they are awake miss.
This one statement alone is worth a shirt.
And - I'll add something to this.
The Bible says that "we will know them by their fruits."
Matthew 7
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
"assess outcomes"
God's word has wisdom that never stops speaking to us.
Additionally - "discern things in the middle of a 5G info war"
What's the difference between an information war and a spiritual war?
I submit, they are the same.
Everything on earth is under a spiritual reality. The eternal battle between LIES and TRUTH.
When the web is so thick and tangled - how do you sort your way through, without getting stuck in it's mess yourself?
Hebrews 4
12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
God's word has wisdom that never stops speaking to us - especially in the midst of battle!
"It's like they're trying to get themselves hung for crimes against humanity."
They are carrying out the orders of their master, satan - at the end of the day.
Some of them might not even know that - but regardless, they're wrapped up in satan's agenda.
To be fair - we all have our version of that battle. But for some, it is not a battle because they have not accepted Jesus into their spirit.
The good news is - Jesus won.
I will pray for your situation with your wife's visa.
Monkey - I hear what you're saying and how since it's personally affecting you and you're not sure what else to do about it, you raise this truth over and over.
And you should.
I also have been affected in great and deep ways that have taken years to process, but I'm going to not rehash right now because I'm at a different place in my journey.
The specific area you're dealing with is Your area of the battlefield - and I respect that you have reacted to this being on your plate with determination and dedication to speaking truth.
Because I know this road very well myself - in love towards you as a brother on this battlefield, I will offer one piece of advice...
If you're a Christ follower - Be careful with the emotions you're in. It is a tight rope walk between righteous anger and a thirst for vengeance.
The Bible says - if we take vengeance into our own hands, we take it out of God's hands. We get to deal with things and have our own way - but in doing so, we forfeit the way God has for us.
For me - that was a very very tough wrestle - and still is at times.
Romans 12
[19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.]
What this verse does Not say is to stand by idly in the face of evil. The Bible does not say that at all.
But this verse is specifically talking about Vengeance. And that right there, is the danger area. We don't even have to DO anything to qualify as an act of Vengeance - we only have to have Vengeance in our hearts.
For me - it took a lot of reflecting and expressing to identify the difference between my righteous anger (being angered by Evil things that also angers God) - and Vengeance (my heart's desire for revenge).
I'm not sure if that's something you're wrestling with - but I surely could imagine so.
More than you asked for - but I hope at the very least, understanding that someone else here see's your fight and "gets it" - is comforting in some way.
Happy Wednesday, fellow soldier :)
All is fine - copying from my other comment -
There are a lot of sleepies and people that want to "be nice" in WI (here).
Being secluded from a lot of the madness, compared to CA or Chicago, allows that luxury.
I'm very confident when things start getting spicy, WI will securely flip red. I'm honestly surprised to see this chart say it's not already - but, also not.