Internet taken down + crypto=no crypto vs internet taken down+gold/silver in personal safe along with numerous other tradable goods=gold/silver in personal safe along with numerous other tradable goods. Math is easy frens. Communication lines will eventually be severed to usher in a more restricted and controlled internet 2.0 and there's no guarantees your crypto wallet address will still exist or be allowed to. If you can't touch it it's not a real asset and the rug pull will come.
If we are to restore power back to the people the stock market needs to be brought to an end. The big 3 aka Black rock, state street and vanguard own the controlling shares of your fortune 500 companies and your 401k portfolio is heavily invested in the big 3. Companies need to get back to the old ways, go private and have profit sharing. The stock market is too easy to rig and profit off of.
The wagie gets paid to restock and target is primarily shopped and supported by the lefty weirdos. Last I checked it's not unlawful to forget your wallet after filling a cart and better this crap than the assholes who do it with perishable goods every day at grocery stores.
Because people with too much time like to avoid doing the things they should be doing and instead like to look for something in a nothing burger? That's my take at least. Quit looking at Lego sets and do something productive. Nothing wrong with being a "digital warrior", but people need to get their priorities in line. Go for a walk, turn off your devices, grow some some damn food, do something meaningful and productive!
If you honestly believe Canadians elected Trudeau then you must be one of the morons that believe Biden was duly elected and every other member of the WEF. Stop being a fucking faggot! You clearly need to get out and explore.
You're an idiot if you think you know the actual situation from this brief security camera video and you're an idiot if you think Candace Owens and The Daily Wire aren't bought and paid for controlled opposition. We have more important shit to worry about than this retarded soap opera trying to cancel Crowder. The daily wire is essentially fox news, oan and any other supposed conservative media outlet. They get paid to finely tow the line. Everything these people talk about is outdated by 6+ months if you actually are capable of doing research and also follow and listen to people that have been cancelled, that have no real monetary incentives to help maintain the lies, even tucker allowed himself to be silenced by the orders of the people signing his paycheck and apparently still is. This forum needs to do some soul searching.
Bed bath and beyond was noticably dying a decade ago. Online retailers were the death sentence for them and many other companies. Sorry to say, but my pillow had nothing to do with bed bath and beyond going out of business.
He personally helped fine tune torture techniques by playing the good guy role. He'd play good cop role, gain trust to find out what techniques the detainees disliked the most and would report that information to maximize torture during sessions. He's a POS.
To the nay sayers here, You realize how dumb you response is? A federal agent is paid by the tax payers, a nationwide bank run is what's needed to finally bankrupt the system which is what's needed to address the issues at hand.Q doesn't say not to have bank runs right? We're supposed to be digital soldiers, not slaves in the game. We're supposed to ban together peacefully to take down this system, we're not supposed to wait for a knight in shining armor to rescue us dip shit and damaging the financial sector needs to happen, your precious 401k is irrelevant, if you dislike that pull out and diversify in real assets rather than van guard and black rock stock picks. Nice try faggot. Go spread your bullshit elsewhere..
I dreamt I fucked a chick a month or so ago and it was nice especially since I've been married for well over a the same individual, you.might not.think its relative, but want to know what ties our dreams together???? Neither belong on this forum and yours sounds like a complete fabrication in order to generate likes. ; *