A well thought out and explained argument. I concede to your points.
I am hopeful Americans well reject these crap Chinese cars that are as likely to catch fire or explode themselves when you use the battery in normal driving.
When you buy a cheap China car, you are investing in your future...immolation /cremation.
I generally don't go for polls.
In my opinion, they serve as calibration research to be able, on election day, to rig the vote in the way needed to produce the most plausible rigged result in their favor. Hence my position on not assisting them in gaining insight by my contributing to their research.
I'm guessing the deep state put the word out to refuse to do business with Trump.
They put the fine so high that it is unlikely he could secure the funds from a source the deep state didn't already control.
I wonder if the DWAC vote was delayed by deep state interference, and if that delay has kept Trump's liquid assets or possibly his ability to post suitable collateral on ice.
Who here believes Trump was calling Napolitano a lot? In my opinion, that is the very first tell this guy is lying in this interview.
Edit: other people in the thread covered the reasons Napolitano was a never trumper better than I, so I removed my incomplete explanation.
Alive because he hasn't been declared yet.
If Russia deems him legitimate target, they won't have any trouble confirming the kill.... That thing will burn and re-burn for hours and hours once the batteries start going off which would be sure to happen when the kinetic ordinance finds it's mark.
Let us not deify Trump. He's a good leader and I appreciate that, but he is not God.
Do not create idols out of man. It will only lead you astray and will bring judgement and destruction for worshipping false gods. Worship the true Living God. Whom sent his son to earth to pay our penalty for our sins. His blood was shed for you and I and all whom would trust and believe and surrender to Him. Jesus is the Only way
Context: In 1538 Henry VIII was excommunicated by Pope Paul III over his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
-- I doubt anyone here gives any weight to the Catholic (anti) pope. I certainly don't.
Do you think the pope will grant the divorce this time around?
Be sure to drink your Ovaltene. -- Charles, King of England
Blocking comments on Facebook and youtube is the straw that collapses the house of cards? -- brings military intervention?
My thought is they open comments and employ two strategies to overcome the negative feedback.
Hire bot networks and AI to give approval thus drowning out critical comments in a sea of approving and defending ones.
youtube and other sites will intervene with shadow bans and limit the visibility of negative / critical comments. Also they will find reasons to kick critical commenters off the platform due to claiming violation generically of community guidelines and other stuff like that.
Then Biden and his staff will claim no involvement and continue doing in effect what they are currently doing to day.
Oh so the rural communities are going to get glorified and overpriced urgent cares operating under the emergency room moniker. That's nice. Less is more. Sounds pretty similar to how I've heard Canada health care facilities described in the geographic context. Only difference is we will get the Canadian type of treatment and have to pay exorbitant overpriced costs for the privilege of sub standard care.
What a time to be alive.
Personally, it looks to me like a publicity stunt by the theatre to increase public awareness and interest for the show.
That sounds reasonable to me. I'd even believe someone saying it was 12 felonies per day on average with all the new laws and regulations that get added to the federal register.
Literally nobody on the planet actually knows every law on the books. The Federal Register as of 2023 had 90402 pages of laws and regulations published over that year and best I could find on the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is 200,000+ pages there. There is so much law and regulation on everything in America that I'm probably somehow guilty of a felony for just breathing air right now.
Anyway, if that Bill gets passed, we could end up charged with a felony if we visit site A (not a criminal offense to go here) and it had a redirect to site B (criminal offense) which your super helpful and efficient browser ( following the standards of internet https protocol) will automatically direct you to site B without you agreeing or even being aware it happened. But now you are communicating with a site that runs afoul of this new law and you get a felony, jail time and a fine.
So I've heard it said over the years that the average American commits 3 felonies a day (unknowingly and rarely enforced).
It's looking like if they pass S 686, we might have to change that statistic to the average American commits 1 felony per every 3 seconds.
Y'all be careful attaching anything to our writing on food products / product packaging in a store.
Writing on product packaging, attaching additional written material to a product package or label, or doing other things that would alter the manufacturers packaging may violate 18 U.S. Code § 1365. Also many states have similar state level laws and statutes.
Isn't it interesting how the FDA allows many food manufacturers to include harmful or poisonous chemicals as filler in many food products, but you, Joe Citizen, will have the book thrown at you if you dare try to warn your community about some of the dastardly, underhanded, evil things at the point of sale for said products (ie where you would be most effective at notifying people shopping about the problem).
All of this for muh food safety while the product had harmful crap in it for any one whom consumes it.
In this scene, the hero yet again must rise above the evil conspired against him by the combined efforts of multiple villains. The evil deeds of the villains and their complete lack of fair play or adherence to rule of law once again threaten to harm the hero, but before long the tables will turn for justice to finally prevail. Even now the snares set for the hero are preparing to entrap the villains.
-- the news really is feeling like a movie lately.
Generally, I have trouble with suspension of disbelief when I watch movies. Here too I think the movie is playing it's hand far too desperately. I suppose making it all go beyond belief is what wakes people up though.
Imagine going through life taking as fact the word of anyone and everyone who simply says they are the authority on xyz matter. You have to take their word because you aren't allowed to research or confirm they are even actually an authority.
In such a world, I should be able to simply declare myself the highest authority in the land and commence my dictatorship unopposed because nobody should be allowed to research or investigate and therefore they all must only take my unsupported claims as true.
Are we certain that the British government organization that presumably controls the food product labeling requirements have instituted requirements similar enough to the US FDA that we can thus be certain that the extra stuff on the American box label is not also present (unlisted) in the British product?
Edit: natural flavorings on British box is often a catch all in America and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what would be considered natural from the average consumer perspective.
True, although they didn't start with a constitutional right to abortion leading into required abortion.
I wonder if constitutional right to abortion will morph into state required abortion unless a permit exists for the baby in the pregnancy.
Storing information we gather in our world encoded into DNA, sounds awesome for the storage density available.
In reality, we are basically turning what amounts to the firmware for living organisms into an alternate use storage medium. In computers and electronics, firmware runs first in all cases and has unrestricted access to execution as it is always running at the lowest level (highest privilege). From another perspective, encoding information in DNA for mass storage would be similar to taking the English alphabet, arbitrarily mapping each letter to a random Traditional Chinese character (non alphabet based language) and using that arbitrary map to encode all information in English into that arbitrary character translation. Next we can take the result back to ancient times which actively used traditional Chinese for writing and provide it to them to read. Obviously everything will be wrong or even gibberish to someone whom actually reads and writes traditional Chinese. Following instructions to the letter for whatever pattern of characters was encoded by the English remapping event would inevitably lead to failure for whatever was being attempted.
This is how I see storing human level information into the DNA structure that doubles as life's biological firmware. If that alternate language that was mapped onto the typical DNA structure ever gets read and interpreted by a living organism, it will produce bad results (protiens and cascading issues with the legitimate DNA of that organism) because the functional language of DNA will not be the same mapping as whatever method we choose to use to encode our alphabet into said DNA format.
The article keeps talking about managing the risk which doesn't really mean it's safe and causes no harm, but instead means is statistically calculated to be unlikely to harm or to harm only a limited (acceptable) subset of the whole population to the extent that it is considered safe to proceed according to the modeled safety study.
To some extent I'm not against some levels of bioengineering, such as the genetically engineered bacteria that produce insulin (which have been around for decades now) -- they often tweak the bacteria so the "formula" is changed and therefore there is no generic and prices stay high but that's another topic entirely. Anyway, playing with God's firmware (especially the human and plant and mammal genomes) is a terrible idea, but history shows sinful man to always be ready to try a terrible idea just to find out the hard way it leads to destruction.
Funny how the narrative has no limit to abject stupidity.
Sure they only just got here yesterday, but they built our 400 years in the making country and society.
Just another gaslighting POS doing what he does best.
After leaving 4chan, 8chan became the home base for q to post and interact. That's where the research and breads were also primarily happening. There were satellite groups researching on other sites and presumably they were reposting q posts over there for the benefit of their users. Origination of those posts always came from 8chan at that point.