Apple-Bag 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16490606/ Conclusion: The N95 filtering face piece respirators may not provide the expected protection level against small virions. Some surgical masks may let a significant fraction of airborne viruses penetrate through their filters, providing very low protection against aerosolized infectious agents in the size range of 10 to 80 nm

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is only about 100 nanometers in diameter. The holes in your standard cloth or surgical mask are much larger than the size of a coronavirus.

Apple-Bag 1 point ago +1 / -0

means nothing if the sentence imposed is limp wristed, for the average joe in AZ, being in possession of just one single bullet will get a firearm restricted person 10 years in prison

Apple-Bag 2 points ago +2 / -0

haha wtf is wrong with these people, they have been watching too much Borat, i open the bottle with my small hole lol

Apple-Bag 2 points ago +2 / -0

how is this not pay to play

Apple-Bag 3 points ago +3 / -0

he has the criminals by the balls, this is why these people are all saying if he wins they will leave the country, they are going to make a run for it lol

Apple-Bag 4 points ago +4 / -0

precedence had to be set and it has to be trump for optics

Apple-Bag 5 points ago +5 / -0

no person in correct state of mind can honestly say yes i support joe biden , all the people supporting him are brain washed or are hardliner fanatics

Apple-Bag 1 point ago +1 / -0

i am convinced the flag is showing patronage to legion of demons or entity in a spectrum that cannot be seen with the human eye, and the few who can get a glimpse of them see them as apparitions, Visible light spans from about 700 to 380 nanometers in wavelength, in occult things are based of duality, up, down, black, white so on and so on, https://files.catbox.moe/076rpo.webp

Apple-Bag 4 points ago +4 / -0

the photo was edited to make Mr high heels look taller, I think they cut down the length of the other guy's legs, look how long his arms are compare to unnaturally short legs lol

Apple-Bag 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the occult, the frequency range of each color spectrum is often correlated with different spiritual, psychological, and energetic attributes. These correlations are deeply embedded in various esoteric traditions, where each color's frequency is believed to resonate with specific aspects of the human experience and the metaphysical world. Here’s how the frequency range of each color in the visible spectrum is typically interpreted within the occult:

Red (400–484 THz)

  • Root Chakra: Red corresponds to the root chakra, representing grounding, survival, and physical vitality.
  • Attributes: Energy, strength, passion, and primal instincts.
  • Magical Associations: Used in rituals for protection, courage, and increasing physical energy. Associated with Mars and the element of fire.
  • Frequency Influence: The lower frequency of red is thought to resonate with the dense, physical aspects of existence, providing a strong, stable foundation.

Orange (484–508 THz)

  • Sacral Chakra: Orange is linked to the sacral chakra, which governs creativity, sexuality, and emotions.
  • Attributes: Joy, enthusiasm, creativity, and emotional balance.
  • Magical Associations: Used in spells for success, stimulation, and overcoming depression. Associated with the element of fire and the sun.
  • Frequency Influence: The slightly higher frequency of orange is believed to invigorate and stimulate creative and emotional energies, fostering growth and change.

Yellow (508–526 THz)

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow corresponds to the solar plexus chakra, representing personal power, intellect, and willpower.
  • Attributes: Clarity, intellect, confidence, and communication.
  • Magical Associations: Utilized in rituals for learning, focus, and manifesting personal power. Associated with the element of air and Mercury.
  • Frequency Influence: The mid-range frequency of yellow is thought to enhance mental clarity and personal empowerment, aiding in decision-making and communication.

Green (526–606 THz)

  • Heart Chakra: Green is associated with the heart chakra, symbolizing love, compassion, and healing.
  • Attributes: Balance, harmony, growth, and healing.
  • Magical Associations: Used in spells for prosperity, fertility, and emotional balance. Associated with the element of earth and Venus.
  • Frequency Influence: The higher frequency of green is believed to harmonize and heal, promoting emotional and physical well-being.

Blue (606–668 THz)

  • Throat Chakra: Blue corresponds to the throat chakra, which governs communication, expression, and truth.
  • Attributes: Calmness, truth, intuition, and spiritual insight.
  • Magical Associations: Employed in rituals for peace, protection, and enhancing psychic abilities. Associated with the element of water and the moon.
  • Frequency Influence: The higher frequency of blue is thought to foster clear communication and spiritual awareness, helping to express one's true self.

Violet (668–789 THz)

  • Crown Chakra: Violet is linked to the crown chakra, representing spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness.
  • Attributes: Wisdom, spiritual awareness, transformation, and enlightenment.
  • Magical Associations: Used in rituals for spiritual growth, meditation, and developing psychic abilities. Associated with the element of spirit and Jupiter.
  • Frequency Influence: The highest frequency of violet is believed to resonate with the highest spiritual realms, facilitating profound spiritual insights and transformations.

General Occult Concepts Tied to Frequency

  • Vibrational Resonance: In many esoteric traditions, the frequency of each color is seen as a form of vibrational energy that can influence the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. Practitioners use these frequencies to attune themselves to specific energies, enhance rituals, and promote healing.
  • Chakras and Energy Centers: The frequency of colors aligns with the concept of chakras in Eastern traditions. Each chakra is thought to vibrate at a specific frequency, corresponding to the color spectrum, and balancing these energies is crucial for overall well-being.
  • Alchemy and Transformation: The idea of transformation in alchemy is also linked to the frequency of colors, with each stage of the alchemical process associated with different colors and their corresponding frequencies. This reflects the journey from base matter to spiritual enlightenment.


The frequency ranges of the color spectrum are deeply interwoven with occult practices and beliefs. Each color’s specific frequency is believed to resonate with different aspects of human existence, from the physical to the spiritual, and is used in various rituals and practices to harness these energies for personal and spiritual growth. By understanding these correlations, practitioners aim to manipulate these energies to achieve desired outcomes and enhance their connection to the metaphysical world.

Apple-Bag 2 points ago +2 / -0

The color spectrum has significant correlations with the occult, particularly through its symbolic meanings and associations within various esoteric traditions. Each color in the spectrum can be linked to specific spiritual, mystical, and magical attributes. Here’s a detailed look at how the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet are interpreted in the context of the occult:


  • Symbolism: Passion, energy, power, and strength. In many occult traditions, red is also associated with the base or root chakra, which represents primal energy and survival instincts.
  • Magical Associations: Used in rituals for courage, love, and protection. It is often linked to the element of fire and Mars, the god of war.


  • Symbolism: Creativity, enthusiasm, and vitality. It is connected to the sacral chakra, which governs emotions, sexuality, and creativity.
  • Magical Associations: Used in spells for success, career growth, and stimulating energy. Orange can also be associated with the element of fire.


  • Symbolism: Intellect, clarity, and communication. It corresponds to the solar plexus chakra, which is related to personal power and will.
  • Magical Associations: Utilized in magic for learning, focus, and mental clarity. Yellow is often linked to the element of air and the sun.


  • Symbolism: Growth, healing, and harmony. It is tied to the heart chakra, which is the center of love and compassion.
  • Magical Associations: Employed in rituals for prosperity, fertility, and balance. Green is frequently associated with the element of earth and nature spirits.


  • Symbolism: Calm, truth, and communication. It corresponds to the throat chakra, which governs expression and truth.
  • Magical Associations: Used in spells for peace, protection, and healing. Blue is connected to the element of water and the sky.


  • Symbolism: Spirituality, wisdom, and transformation. It is linked to the crown chakra, which represents higher consciousness and connection to the divine.
  • Magical Associations: Utilized in rituals for spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and meditation. Violet is often associated with the element of spirit and higher planes of existence.

Occult Systems and the Color Spectrum

  1. Chakras: In Eastern traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, the chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to different colors in the spectrum, starting from red at the base and moving to violet at the crown. This system is used in many occult practices to balance and align the body’s energy.

  2. Alchemy: Alchemists often use colors to describe the stages of transformation in the Magnum Opus (Great Work). Each color symbolizes a different phase of spiritual and material transformation, aligning with the goal of achieving enlightenment or the philosopher's stone.

  3. Kabbalah: In the mystical tradition of Kabbalah, the Tree of Life includes paths and spheres (Sephiroth) that are associated with different colors, each representing various aspects of God and the universe. The color spectrum is used to meditate on these attributes and facilitate spiritual growth.

  4. Magical Practices: Color magic is a common practice in many occult traditions. Practitioners use colored candles, crystals, and other objects to enhance the energy of their spells and rituals. Each color’s vibrational frequency is believed to attract or repel certain energies.

  5. Astrology: Colors are also linked to planets and astrological signs. Each planet and sign has its associated color, which can be used in rituals and talismans to invoke planetary influences.


The color spectrum serves as a powerful tool in the occult for understanding and manipulating the energies associated with different colors. Each color’s specific attributes can be harnessed in rituals, meditations, and spiritual practices to achieve desired outcomes and facilitate personal and spiritual growth.

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