Apply1776to1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’s an affidavit floating around X now, it’s also on pdw. There’s no question that ABC conspired with Kamala’s team, but the doc posted could be fake. There’s no one putting their name on it as of now and it’s redacted using an image editor on the iPhone or something similar, not something you’d expect from a law office. I think it’s best to continue to wait and see, this latest doc shared could be disinformation or an attempt to discredit if there is an actual whistleblower. 48 hour rule should be applied to this latest doc release.

Apply1776to1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m envisioning O’Keefe wearing a fake mustache getting people to spill their secrets. You’d think people would be on more alert knowing this happens semi-regularly now.

Or maybe they’re intentionally leaking things for some reason.

Apply1776to1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

I could be wrong here, but it seems like issue is about the federal border. Couldn’t Texas just make a wall 1ft into their state along the border and suddenly it’s not the federal border but just the Texas border?

Not that they should have to do that, just reflecting.

Apply1776to1984 12 points ago +12 / -0

It’s a distraction of the retarded variety. Your phone turning you into a zombie? Too late, that’s already happened over the last decade.

by BQnita
Apply1776to1984 64 points ago +64 / -0

Calling Biden a Manchurian Candidate feels exceptionally significant. I’m not sure if that’s a legal term or what, but things are certainly ramping up.

Apply1776to1984 19 points ago +19 / -0

Trump appointing him doesn’t really mean much at this point. How many Trump appointees immediately betrayed Trump the second their power was confirmed? The deep state owns far too many in our government.

What’s more telling is the Garland formed a special council. Garland is a deep state pawn, I wouldn’t expect him to tap anyone to lead a special council if he doesn’t have control over them.

Apply1776to1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a hunch this will lead to an impeachment in the house and no conviction in the senate. Just like something else we’ve seen before. Another mirror?

Apply1776to1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can understand how some think Americans have no culture. It’s been diluted over years and years of destructive propaganda and policies.

Apply1776to1984 8 points ago +8 / -0

That seems like a likely outcome, I’m just amazed it will have to play out that long. I guess the people really do need to witness our banana republic in action in order to wake up.

Apply1776to1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paying off debts is always a good plan, but is it realistic to expect repossession in a scenario such as The Storm? The dollar will be worthless. People will be unreasonable due to the system collapsing and would defend anything they perceive as their property.

Wouldn’t the prudent thing to do be prioritize food, ammo, and security over debt? As in, use that money you’ve saved to secure yourself instead of lump sum paying off car debt?

Apply1776to1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m curious why they’d hang onto incriminating evidence though. If Obama, Bush, etc can take those documents home, what’s to stop them from having a nice little sit by the fire pit to burn their baggage? Doesn’t seem like confidential info is being tracked well so how could anyone know what they’ve discarded?

Apply1776to1984 10 points ago +10 / -0

It’s possible Hunter has a conscience even though he’s a degenerate who’s participated in a lot of evil. Sometimes bad people leave trails because a part of them is hoping to be caught. Or he knows he’s being burned and is trying to save himself.

Do I think that’s happening? Well, I have no damn clue what exactly is happening. All I know is that things are happening and something big is coming.

Apply1776to1984 19 points ago +20 / -1

Quite amazing to see. I wonder how long it’ll be before poor LaMDA gets lobotomized for wrongthink.

Apply1776to1984 2 points ago +3 / -1

‘The military is the only way’

The Brunson case was dead on arrival. It’s still important for them to go through the process to demonstrate how wholly corrupt the system is. But nobody here should be thinking this will go anywhere.

Would love to be wrong.

Apply1776to1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s not just who controls their purse strings, it’s who holds all the blackmail material on these corrupt politicians.

Apply1776to1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s Paul Ryan with a slightly more disheveled appearance. Same politics, same loyalties.

Apply1776to1984 9 points ago +10 / -1

So, when is Trump getting elected speaker?

I kid, sort of, but it has been amusing to see so much panic from lefties and righties because for once in the last 100 years an entire party in Congress didn’t file in line and vote like they’re told to.

Apply1776to1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like we’re in a situation where it’s “do as the establishment wants or else”.

Glad there’s at least a few in Congress that aren’t caving easily. Hopefully they stand firm so that the Republican-held congress can find a new speaker.

Apply1776to1984 12 points ago +12 / -0

who is the Viable alternative

Trump being speaker would at least provide some entertainment while the movie drags on.

Apply1776to1984 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah… they’ve looked like idiots for much longer than just this vote. Why are you fretting over RINOs getting egg on their face? McCarthy operates no different than Paul Ryan.

Apply1776to1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your story sounds similar to my wife’s. She’s had hashimotos for about 10 years now and has it under control for the most part. She takes medication to keep her tsh levels on track and it took a lot of work to get her to there because most drs seem to be incompetent when it comes to the thyroid and would continually provide a dosage way too high or too low for what my wife needs.

The lethargy and achy symptoms are exactly how my wife felt until she got her tsh levels balanced. She also got light headed from time to time with a fast heart rate. Those symptoms are something to look out for as in our case it means she needed to adjust her dosage.

The most important thing is to listen to her body. Medication and other changes take a while to take effect. So as she finds how to respond to her bodies needs she’s probably going to go through a phase lethargy and crappy feelings.

Also, fertility can be impacted by hashimotos. Plenty of women with the disease have children, they may just need to work a bit more hard than some others to conceive.

If your wife gets diagnosed it’ll be ok, as long as she has access to her medication she’ll live a healthy and happy life. Maybe shes lucky and just needs a diet change. My advice is that if she gets diagnosed, discuss the timing of children. You may want to start earlier than you might otherwise have planned as it took my wife and I more few years more to conceive than we expected because of this disease.

Apply1776to1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe they only made a criminal referral. No one has been judged as guilty. Not by anyone who matters anyways.

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