Reminds me of the lyrics of that infamous San Francisco gay man's choir. "We're coming for your children...." They smiled so brightly as they sang that. Apparently they see it as a good and noble thing because they see it as vanquishing hate.
Woe to those who place good for evil and evil for good. Fire and brimstone shower anyone?
This happened just as I graduated from high school. I remember seeing tank man on the news but didn't hear about the massacre until long after and never saw the photos before now. I heard that the tanks drove over the people and crushed them. The photo shows that that might have happened. Very sad.
This is excellent. His approach is disarming and he successfully conveys the ridiculousness of the CO2 hysteria. He very aptly tagged on that plants will start to die if our CO2 goes any lower. It's typical that the zealots have no clue the actual percent CO2 in the atmosphere. Being schooled on it won't stop their zealotry though. Too much money and power are behind this. In one ear and out the other.
We paid our dues and worked based on promises. Then we were double crossed. I would be fine had there never been an implied contract but there was. "You pay into the system and you will have..." Fill in the blanks. We were lied to by those seeking power. We paid with our labor and now others will reap.
That deserves a chuckle for sure.