Yes but I would prefer not to hijack so 1 of Joseph Smiths that did not come true was the temple in Independence Missouri.
The following does a much better job than I could do currently and includes that one. It is pretty convincing and starting with evidence, lays out tests, and some claims with results for Joseph Smith, and Book Of Mormon Prophets, As well as some Old Testament Prophets and New Testament Prophecies.
Youtube link though
These patterns are in the English KJV, the sit does show many more patterns that to me does give proof of divine guidance through history. All the videos are worth watching and the gentleman even states multiple times to check for yourself to make you own conclusions.
As a comparison of different versions and the patterns here is a good summary page,
I suggest take a look at the spot price and go to a coin shop if you have one near. Buy what you can/want/budget from the (called junk or scrap) silver or gold depending how much you want to spend. That is a great way in my opinion to get started. They should also have ounces that are prettier but does cost a little more than junk does. Without a coin shop most pawn shops also have gold and silver as well.
So, so much to compliment here. Thank you for this. It has been made fun of for a few years but the term sovereign citizen was meant to be a citizen of the state they live in not a citizen of the United States, under the 14th.