Maybe there's something significant about today.
To OP - I can't see the video but did it confirm to you that it was Crooks and not the other guy that's been discussed on this board?
And how could you pay a double enough 'hazard pay' to be in a scenario that he could be assassinated at any moment?
Wait, what? Are you thinking it's fake? Even a WH plan (I don't believe so, anyway) would put on a hoax that would kill a shooter for a fake assassination attempt. Thought we were better than that. Not meaning to come down hard on you but I've been hearing this from not only the 'normie' and MSM outlets but a few people on this board have asked the question about this being a staged attempt.
The 'nepotism' (not blood-related but cause-related) chart for these Dems must look forward at least 2 decades to have these quid pro quo job transfers go through to get their 'pawns' in place. Cheatle and Tony West trade plum positions at Pepsi and USSS as rewards for service. Look at Huma - I think she was 'arranged' to marry Weiner and now Soros, while also keeping the direct line contact with Muz Brotherhood through her parents. (Although I fail to see any benefit from her Weiner connection. Sometimes you just 'miss' I suppose...unless her role there was to set up blackmail on HRC with the f-drip episode. EDIT - random thought ... maybe Weiner 'got caught texting CP' because he stopped playing ball with his handlers...because it is so rare that the 'selected' players ever get caught with their CP stuff. Or, maybe they just needed Huma for new orders. ) And now there (this was never a big secret) there is better exposure with the death of S Wojicki with how her sister was married to Gooble founder and also has the 23 and me DNA collection machine. (I may have those marriages mixed up.) Rambling, apologies.
Yep, not her. Not even a 25 years ago her.
I was trying to reference the 'odor' that staff said Hillary emitted when she worked there. Perhaps her ghost haunts the halls.
I was SO ready for your story to take a turn towards a sulphur and urine smell.
Cannot wait until he can say the same thing about all of the people who were and are still complicit in the whole Covid charade. From the politicians, to the physicians, to the business administrators, etc. who all perpetuated the fraud.
I appreciate your effort, and your citation of sources. You've shown me info that may help me or mine in the future. Can't beat that.
Remember Brennan directly approving Visas for the hijackers on 9/11?
i noticed there is no voter ID required on voting day. Just to register.
I am thinking that the 'squad' has both Islamic and Christian members so they can pull votes from both religious groups. AOC might pull additional Islamic voters for her by virtue of being members with Ilhan and Rahib. Vice versa with the Islamic candidates.
Everybody in the lower half should be in shadow because the sun is coming from the far upper left of the photo. How come the lower 3rd of the photo, with backs facing 'us' (the viewers), has attendees who are clear and fully lit, with full clothing and color details, etc.
Devil's advocate - if China and others are continuing gain of function research in their countries, and US bans/stops it, aren't we putting ourselves at a disadvantage?
At least they look like they're eating well on that 239mm.
I'm not black. Have to say that when he uses the term 'black jobs' repeatedly in this clip it feels like I'm being hit with a switch each time I hear it. Rethink this. I know I'm going to get hit with accusations of being PC, etc. but what exactly are black jobs? I remember Kelly Simmons and her comment about 'who is going to clean our toilets?'. Same feeling.
Wondering why this is NSFW. It's SFSchools.
Ok - I know nothing about this stuff but it the bullet would have gone through the jaw area, wouldn't he still be alive?
Well, must admit, I'm responsible for a bunch of them.
Hate to remind this but, all the test animals died.
Could have been born a hermaphrodite. One set of chromosomes but 2 sets of external sex organs. Parents may have chosen to raise as a girl. My theory of Mike Obama.
I'm thinking Jon Voight might be in the running, in a mask. He has the build and the gravelly voice already. And is a major Pres Trump supporter.
Some days you just miss Trigglepuff (I think that is the name).
I understand what you are saying but if these events are only circulated among those like us, how is this going to sway normies to our side? If I really didn't believe something, lawsuits with evidence presented on both sides (and vetted or debunked by the 'opposing' side) would go a long way for me.
Reason I say this, the Covid jab data is out there with regards to ingredients, adverse events rates, real-live physicians advising against this, etc. Still I have well-educated friends and family who do not believe any of it. Still they think the world is better off because of the vax program. (Same as the 2000 election. Even with evidence being presented in court, with penalty of perjury, cannot break the 'hold' on these people. THIS is baffling, for real.)