Baffled 4 points ago +4 / -0

Washington D.C. is not a part of the US. The US Constitution does not apply there. They are political prisoners of the deep state federal government (more like hostages, really).

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are culling themselves, in slow motion. Free will is a double-edged sword.

Baffled 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was the earliest debate in history... for a reason. If you know, you know.

Baffled 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right there with you...

There ARE people out there worth knowing - but these last few years have made it clear that majority of people do not fit into that category. However, that is actually very useful information in the long run.

Baffled 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. Although smoking has its own obvious downsides. Nicotine pouches avoid those problems.

Nicotine is a drug, found in plants. It has many uses. As a recreational drug, it is a stimulant, alters mood and releases endorphins, etc. which make you feel better. The addiction comes from getting hooked on the release of endorphins.

Also, as with all drugs, it is the dosage that matters. Too much of almost every beneficial medicine becomes poisonous (the only known exception is Ivermectin, which is one of the safest drugs in existence).

The trick to almost everything in life is moderation. Easy to say, difficult to accomplish, but it can be done with practice. This is no different. For those that don't wish to use it - then don't use it. Simple.

Baffled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the heads up - I will give them a try. Zyn is sold in many stores... I have not see the Rogue brand so far, but I will look to see if they are available.

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was awesome... discouraging, but still awesome.

Baffled 22 points ago +22 / -0

... so are Statins, which doctors prescribe like candy. One of the most profitable of all drugs, prescribed to fight a made-up disease, and which actually harms the patient...much like chemotherapy.

My former doctor (who recently "died suddenly") said in one conversation that he was so impressed with Statins that he would recommend that they be added to the water supply, much like fluoride. I did not know any better, and took them for a few years, until I learned about the harm they cause - at which point I just stopped taking them. I never even bothered to talk to the doctor about it.

We are on our own now...

Baffled 9 points ago +9 / -0

It was supposed to be crimes against children that would wake up the sheeple, but it turns out to be pets instead... whatever works, I guess...

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent video. If you watch to the end, talking about the technology he mentions the need to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity... the very small controlling the very large, etc.

Well, guess what other post shows up on the same day?


A post about a newly released paper unifying quantum field theory with general relativity... quite a coincidence.

Baffled 5 points ago +5 / -0

Excellent. Thanks for the summary. I knew the Standard Model (and therefore string theory and quantum field theory) had serious problems and was all "broken".

The integration of geometry into the mix is surprising... very mind-bending stuff. Variable mass, relative to its position in spacetime, decreasing as the Universe expands. Variable MASS???

I wonder how any of this can be verified experimentally...

Edit: very interesting coincidence with the release of the MH370 story, which shows the flight being "orb-ed" to some other location


The technology shown requires the unification of quantum theory and the theory of relativity... where the very small affects the very large, etc.

Baffled 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same here. It started with Climategate in 2008, exposing the deliberate and coordinated lies of the climate scam... only a few friends left at this point, but they are the good ones.

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed... but they can't switch candidates again at this point in time - and odds are the debate will not go well for her - so what is an evil DS/cabal blob to do? Continue to beat a dead horse, of change their strategies?

Baffled 24 points ago +24 / -0

I am starting to get cautiously optimistic about the prospect of real positive changes starting in 2025. Plus, a booming economy to look forward to as well. MAGA, for realz...

Baffled 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have started to see articles saying the DS/cabal blob has pretty much given up on trying to pretend Comrade Commila has any chance to win this election, and are now focused on ways to not give up power when they lose. Also, there are indications that they are "retreating" to Europe in anticipation of losing the US.

I guess the DS/cabal blob has multiple factions, some of which are still trying to rig the upcoming election... even though it is shaping up to be a historic landslide for President Trump. We will just have to wait and see what evil shit they try to do, and fight against it - whatever that turns out to be.

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed... it still censors content like crazy, which is not the same as Disney pushing all their crappy woke garbage. I am hoping Rumble will gradually take over that market. We will see...

Baffled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever. Fuck off.

Baffled 7 points ago +8 / -1

I stopped watching all forms of "sportsball" when they started kneeling... so I personally don't care. Long ago it was a relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon... but I don't even miss it anymore. I moved on.

Apparently it is finally time for a greater number of people to do the same...

Baffled 15 points ago +15 / -0

The most important part of the Scientific Method is the ability of others to independently reproduce the results (experimental data).

This independent reproducibility, waiting to see whether or not others can reproduce the same results, catches false data, no matter if it was produced accidentally or deliberately - wrong is wrong.

Virtually none of the "science" today can be reproduced, and nobody even tries to do so. They have conned ignorant people to think that "peer review" is all that matters. What that means in reality is that none of it is science at all - it is actually propaganda, using a veneer of fake science to enhance its credibility with the gullible sheeple in order to control their beliefs and behavior.

Sadly, it works very well. The climate scam is a perfect example of this.

Baffled 14 points ago +14 / -0

I never knew about this... I wonder why?

I offer a belated thank you to him for his high morals and courageous actions...

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