Baffled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not many people carry pagers anymore... so I wonder about cell phones.

I don't think it is the lithium batteries alone that exploded (at least I hope that is true). They must have been rigged with small explosives. Lithium batteries are bad enough in terms of a fire hazard, toxic manufacturing processes, etc. without adding controlled detonation to their already long list of problems.

Baffled 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sounds awesome - good for them. Now, if they could just turn those policies into actions... that would be impressive. However, all of those actions are in direct opposition to the globalists, so they might have to leave the EU in order to actually implement any of it.

Baffled 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sportsball + "entertainment" = bread and circuses to pacify the masses. It has been very effective for thousands of years (the "bread and circuses" concept dates back to the Roman Empire, for example).

Will "the masses" of sheeple EVER figure this out? Given their track record so far, I highly doubt it...

Baffled 12 points ago +12 / -0

I have an alternative hypothesis: you are talking straight out of your ass. "5-10 years is the shortest plausible period... blah blah blah". Pure bullshit.

There is no waiting period required. There will be no "public upheaval" when the trials start. There will be a lot of public interest, but celebrities are not as influential as you seem to think. Also, drugs are bad...

Baffled 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same for my ex-wife too... reptilian would be one of the "kindest" descriptions I could think of. Coincidence ???

Baffled 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was "anointed" with blood. Right ear, right thumb, and big toe on his right foot. It was a ceremony.

Pro tip: Notice it is a dress shoe with laces... not a flip-flop. Shoes like that don't come flying off if you fall down. It came off for a reason. IYKYK.

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

EV's based on batteries are indeed fake and ghey.

EV's based on fuel cells, or some other type of electric power generation that works as you are driving could become viable competitors to ICE cars.

Did you know that train locomotives are hybrids? They use electric motors to actually move the train (which have truly insane amounts of torque) while they use diesel generators in the locomotive to supply the electricity for the electric motors as the locomotive is rolling down the tracks.

Build cars using the same basic hybrid principles and you could have a pretty decent competitor... electric motors have some big advantages, and your entire drive train is nothing more than a power cable... but you lose efficiency and therefore waste energy converting the fuel to electricity, which is why we are not all driving that type of hybrid car already.

Basing EV's on batteries, especially unstable ones, is just plain stupid.

Baffled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try again. Post not found.

Link to the original X post, if it still exists.

Baffled 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still prefer Komrade Kama-liar myself. More accurate...

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget the ducks... and the dogs either. I think they are all hilarious... plus they get the point across really well - especially after the commies first deny them, then have to admit they are true (but it's a good thing), etc. And don't forget, you are a racist for even noticing the problem.

This type of ridicule (based on truth) is much more effective than people realize...

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Failure to do so just shows that person is a walking Darwin award waiting to happen.

On another note, I especially liked the new nickname "Kamaliar" in the title. I plan to use Komrade Kamaliar going forward...

Baffled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taxes are theft, and a symbolic sacrifice, also used to perpetuate the illusion that those taxes are what funds the government. In reality, they fund kickbacks and corruption, etc. The supposed "need" to fund the government ("but, but, but, muh ROADS") is used to justify the perpetual theft/sacrifice, corruption, and so on.

End the Fed - which means end all central banks. We don't want the same crap recreated under a new name in the future once we finally get rid of it, yet again. Most ordinary people are incredibly gullible and stupid, which means the evil scumbags will inevitably fool them once again if given the chance to do so.

Pro Tip: THIS TIME, get rid of the evil scumbags that are behind the central banks. Those same evil scumbags keep doing the same evil shit over and over again because we did not hang them all the previous time. It is important not to repeat that same mistake at the end of this latest iteration.

Baffled 17 points ago +17 / -0

It was not so much a debate, as it was a "show trial" to expose the blatant bias and lies of the media... PLUS, it has been shining a spotlight on all of those lies. Instead of fooling people, the lies are backfiring on the perpetual liars ever more severely as more and more people wake up.

Baffled 4 points ago +4 / -0

PAIN. Lots and lots of pain. Unrelenting, unavoidable pain is the ONLY thing that can force sheeple to finally wake up. Even then, there are no guarantees that it will work - but it is the only thing that has a chance to work.

Sadly, it will have to get much worse than it already is now. The takeaway is that people in general are incredibly, stubbornly stupid.

I am working very hard to make sure I have nothing in common with them.

Baffled 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know, right?

The baffling will continue until there are none left to be baffled...

The sheeple are going to have to figure this out for themselves, assuming they are capable of doing so. I have my doubts at this point.

Baffled 5 points ago +6 / -1

No. This type of heroic tale goes back as far as recorded Human history. Homer's Oddyssey was written 700 BC, the Epic of Gilgamesh was written approximately 2000 BC, etc. Those are just two of many such examples.

Baffled 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, the only thing that baffles me is that the trials and executions have not started yet. None of this affects me personally - no injections, no tests, 100% pureblood. It just seems weird how stubbornly the sheep are proving that denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the British... but don't quote me on that. It is one of the 3 cabal city-states (Vatican, City of London, and Wash. D.C.)

Baffled 4 points ago +4 / -0

Washington D.C. is not a part of the US. The US Constitution does not apply there. They are political prisoners of the deep state federal government (more like hostages, really).

Baffled 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are culling themselves, in slow motion. Free will is a double-edged sword.

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