BasedRawMilkDrinker 12 points ago +12 / -0

You're correct. If I would have made this comment last year my account would have been banned for racism. I'm glad people are starting to come around to the truth.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 3 points ago +3 / -0

What a racist thing to do. What do you mean you don't want violent minorities replacing your population? /s

BasedRawMilkDrinker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ezra (((Cohen))) Watnick.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Should Israel be multicultural?

BasedRawMilkDrinker 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a corporate plan for an anti-racist “systems change,” Canada’s immigration ministry says it isn’t fair to treat people equally regardless of background. Instead, people should be treated according to their level of innate privilege. In other words, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has embraced critical race theory — or diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), as it’s called in practice — with a plan called Anti-Racism Strategy 2.0. It openly signals a shift to the ideological left. Unfortunately, concerns about racism within IRCC aren’t unfounded. An external review reported dozens of openly racist comments in the workplace. Perhaps the worst allegation was that those within IRCC often refer to African countries as “the dirty 30” — an embarrassing display of prejudice for a department welcoming new citizens into a country that’s supposed to respect the right to equality.

It’s therefore no surprise that the question of racism comes up when rejection rates for applications vary by country. With few explanations from officials, advocates understandably come up with their own: systemic racism. This was the case when study permit applications from Nigeria were found to be disproportionately rejected by IRCC. Elsewhere, critics have correctly pointed out that Canada committed to taking an unlimited number of refugees from Ukraine, while capping Afghan applicants at 40,000. The solution should be to bolster staff so that applications can be processed in a reasonable time (the immigration backlog is an astronomical 2.7 million) and to enforce workplace rules against instances of racism in the office. The department can also publish approval rates by country of origin, as it does with approval rates for foreign student study permits. If applications from certain countries are being disproportionately rejected, explanations should be offered as to why. There isn’t a duty to accept an equally proportionate number of immigrants from each country in the world, and it’s quite possible that acceptance rates are lower for some countries simply because more applicants from there aren’t meeting our requirements — that’s not systemic racism, that’s just the fair application of the rules to everyone. But Canadians have a right to know what’s going on, and the government can’t have its employees acting out of bigotry. Individual immigration officials should be monitored through annual performance reviews to ensure they aren’t arbitrarily rejecting would-be immigrants due to their country of origin. If unfair discrimination is going on, disciplinary action should be taken.

IRCC’s solution is more complicated. Instead of investigating bad managers and disproportionate immigrations outcomes between countries, it’s adopted the explanation of unconscious and systemic racism that stems from critical race theory. Racism isn’t just hatred, IRCC says, but includes unconscious and unintended actions that lead to any discrimination or prejudice against any group. Similar policies have emerged in Canadian public institutions, including schools (where anti-racist material is beginning to be taught to students), universities (where white males are barred from applying for certain jobs), the military (where applications from diverse candidates are prioritized) and even the Bank of Canada (where DEI is to be kept in mind when setting monetary policy). Equality isn’t fair anymore, says IRCC. Fairness is traditionally thought to involve treating people equally, but it’s been redefined as a matter of outcome. Unfair outcomes happen when a group of people is “overrepresentative” of their population statistics. IRCC’s plan to “eradicate racism in all its forms” is paradoxical, because it requires identity-based discrimination (what we used to call racism) to achieve this version of a “fair” outcome (elimination of racism). The ministry doesn’t limit this kind of thinking to race, ranking various identity genres according to privilege to help “correct power imbalances.” These include education level, Indigeneity, skin colour, brain structure, sexual orientation and gender. It’s a dehumanizing way to look at people. Even so, the IRCC wants to permanently embed identitarianism into every aspect of the ministry, “regardless of changes in government.”

BasedRawMilkDrinker 19 points ago +22 / -3

Michael Jackson is not a pedophile. His reputation was smeared because he talked about how the Jews in the music industry were ripping him off. Donal Trump use to let his kids hang around Michael in the Trump tower when he lived there. He even gave Michael his own suite in the Trump tower.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about we just ban and deport them all together until we sort things out.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's also why they import violent immigrants into our countries.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 1 point ago +4 / -3

And then get slandered in the media by edomites for being White.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Immigrant invasion also promotes replacement of the native populace and racial tensions.

BasedRawMilkDrinker 1 point ago +2 / -1

Europa: The Last Battle https://odysee.com/@DefiantIrishman:8/europalastbattle:a

This documentary will answer all of the questions above.

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