I think they are bound and determined to do it by the book which means by the Constitution. If they wanted a civil war they wouldn't have done the Q thing. We MUST DO IT LEGALLY AND AS PEACEFULLY AS POSSIBLE. We haven't come this far to take to the streets in a war UNLESS THE BOSS SAYS TO AND HE WON"T.
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar cures inflammation. It is a cleanser. Two tablespoon a day in a big glass of water......the colder the better. Doesn't matter the amount of water just as long as you get your two tablespoon in each day. Sip it all day or drink it at one time. I had "trigger finger" and it was gone within less than a week. Fresh squeezed lemon juice will do the same, however I think the vinegar works faster. I switch it up...one week lemon juice and the next week vinegar. A friend who was a bee keeper told me about honey and vinegar drink for joint pain years ago. SO SIMPLE AND SO MUCH MORE HEALTHY.
"His Choice was to step aside." I wonder if stepping aside would have saved he and his family.........without the protection of the OFFICE OF GOVERNOR, they might have been less safe. We live very close to Fulton Co. GA. Apparently, he was already compromised before this happened, so the BLACK HATS had the leverage and knew it. He seems to be fading into the background now as much as he can. At first I was so angry at him.......but then I asked myself what would I have done after the assassination of my daughter's boyfriend. We all hope we would do the moral and legal thing, don't we? When you choose to play with fire, you have to know that you will probably be burned. I never thought that he took the office of governor to be on the side of evil. However I do not know him. Probably got in over his head by doing something for which he could be blackmailed.
And from what we are hearing, the Fulton Co. indictment and arrest has STIRRED up the people of color in a way that has not happened before...........when you get arrested, as so many black males have been, then there is a bond, a closeness, a recognizing that THE MAN has struct again. This segment of society is circling Trump and recognizing that HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS THEIR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. What a plan......so brilliant that no one but GOD can take credit for it. I finally am liking these closing minutes of the MOVIE. An Oct. 23rd trial date!!!!!! The good guys have been collecting evidence for several years now, so when it is brought to the LIGHT, it is GAME OVER. Is CHRISTMAS 2023 going to be the best Christmas ever, per Q?
CORRECT, My Two Sons. This "poke" was a wakeup call to humanity as to the WAR they are in against the evil one. The greatest MOVE of God is still ahead of us and it is going to be glorious. Repent, turn to Jesus, if you haven't already and be a part of the remnant of God on the march. God is good and His mercy endures forever. The CHURCH is just now recognizing WHO they are and the MIGHTY GOD they served. Exciting times And thank, My Two Sons, for keeping things scriptural.
GOD IS FAIR AND JUST. A PERSON HAS TO KNOWINGLY REJECT GOD AND TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST IN ORDER TO BE DAMNED FOR ETERNITY. People did not knowingly reject Jesus and knowingly take the mark. This evil against the people may have been a precursor to the REAL but it IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. To say it was would be to condemn the Almighty as not being a just and fair GOD. GOD is GOOD. satan is BAD. Personally I think it was a "wake up call" to humanity to turn to the God of the Bible, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to HIS SON JESUS, the CHRIST. God has promised to pour out of His Spirit upon all mankind. THIS EVENT IS IMMINENT. Watch for it. God is in the heart changing business and His GRACE is SUFFICIENT.
When WE THE PEOPLE GRAB ONTO SOMETHING, ALL THE MSM IN THE WORLD CAN'T STOP IT. We the people can sense when something is bull and when it is not......just like we did with DJT. Oliver, name taken by him is his grandfathers name, and WE LIKE HIM.
A smart cookie. Knows to be liked he has to be more like Trump and that is what he is doing. Supporting Trump, not bashing him and making people think he is more like Trump than anyone else around. Slick talker. But so was Obama. The main thing though is he has no record. No proof of anything. I could be wrong, BUT this is no time to be "taken in" like so many were before.
Wonder if people would think we had hit the precipice if suddenly DJTs bail was revoked citing something he said and they threw him into the Fulton Co. Jail. You KNOW that has to be one of their plans because he is hard to shut up. This arrest gives these outlaws TOO MUCH POWER over Trump. It is hard for me to believe that this is actually going to happen tomorrow. So I am expecting something huge to happen tonight.
And I think I remember that Q said that at that time, Potus would be safely on board AF1 being taken to a safe location. Interesting that the interview with Tucker is pre-recorded. Hope all of you are right.........smart people right here.
Let's look at this from another angle. I am assuming that JFK,J r. was a reasonably smart guy. He was also a good friend of DJT. JFK,Jr. made a public statement that he would find the killers of his father if HE HAD TO DESTROY THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT. Then he was running for the NewYork Senate seat that Hillary wanted. This two things would have made him a deep state target. He had to know that. And unless he was as dumb as a rock, HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE MADE PLANS FOR WHEN THE SAME PEOPLE WHO MURDERED HIS DAD AND HIS UNCLE CAME AFTER HIM. I choose to believe he was not stupid and that he did make plans to make sure he survived in order to "one day" bring to light the people who killed our former president and his brother.
DigAroundAndFindOut, so glad that you posted this very clear and concise Bible account. However there are a couple of things that we disagree on but that is okay, it just proves we aren't as smart as God. hahaha. I would just question whether the "catching away" is imminent or not. It does seem as we look at the happenings on earth right now that it certainly won't be thousands of years in the future, but seeing as how a thousand years is but a day with God, we just might have longer than we think.
And about being spotless......well that is a requirement to be the BRIDE and apparently the Bride is a called out group within the church, who have made themselves ready for their Groom. I would reference the 10 virgins........5 were not ready.......not enough OIL, representing the Holy Spirit, in their vessels, BUT the other 5 HAD MADE THEMSELVES READY and had enough OIL to go into the wedding chamber. All were virgins unto the Lord......born again and washed in the Blood, but had gone a step further in preparation.......they were FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
When we read Mark 16 verses 15 thru 20, we are told that the BELIEVERS will do these things. THE BELIEVERS WILL HAVE MIRACLE SIGNS FOLLOWING AND GOD WILL WORK WITH THEM CONFIRMING THE WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. They will cast out devils. They will speak with new tongues. They will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. They shall take up serpents and not be hurt. (which means that as Paul had happen , a serpent attached itself to his hand, but he shook it off into the fire and this deadly snake was not able to harm him. I don't advise taking up a serpent unless one takes you up first......no snake handling like we see in some churches.) Who does these things.........the BELIEVERS. God working with them to confirm His word with signs following them. A Believer has to spend time with the Lord and have a relationship with Him in order for these signs to follow them. The others who have trusted in Jesus as savior and Lord will go to heaven.......they just won't have these signs following them because they haven't learned what to do in order to walk in the fullness of Christ. We must believe ALL the WORD in order to walk in God's fullness and I reference being BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT BY JESUS HIMSELF. He wants to baptize all of those who believe in Him, in the Holy Spirit. I am so thankful that we can respectfully talk about the Lord on this forum........some really, really smart people here to learn from.
How can the rapture of the church be imminent? We have been told that Jesus is coming back for His Bride, The Church which will be WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE.......A GLORIOUS CHURCH. Not one weak and anemic which needs to "to escape" to heaven. Just asking.
I would love to hear that speech if you ever have access to it. Please post if you do. Sounds wonderful to me. It will take a year to just clean up the streets I would suppose. I didn't hear Trump say that crazycloud3 so thanks for the post.
This "poor man" is also a human being and NEVER FORGET, GOD LOVES HIM and will forgive him if he will only ask. I really am appalled at how many here have no regard, it seems, for human life. I think a lot of people would not want the curtain pulled down on their past sins, mistakes and miss deeds. Get a grip people. If this happened to you, wouldn't you want help and not condemnation. DO UNTO OTHER WHAT YOU WOULD WANT DONE UNTO YOU. If he is guilty, he will pay, either now or later. I am not saying he shouldn't be punish if he has done evil.....just saying until we know for sure, we need to have compassion just because it is the right thing to do.
Yes, yes, yes. How many here would be willing to commit to the fasting and prayer for a week?