Uh….thats Voldemort from Harry Potter.
Not single-handed. My ass.
She’s taking directions.
The left image is a much longer camera focal length; higher compression. Unfortunately other than that, some better lighting and hair and makeup, same person.
I would hope the pressure to NOT act correctly will be relieved and them shielded from it.
She’s a parody account. Look at her banner pic. It’s amazing.
I think people here whiffed on it being a well-known parody account.
Not the Chief Justice.
All others are Associate Justice.
Imaging a sci-fi story involving time travel. When something changes, the people remember it as if it was always this way. Every time I read a Q post, I wonder....did Looking Glass just let someone change something, and we thing we've read this before? We remember it? Do we?
It silly, but a fun little wormhole to go down.
“I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”
At this point, they’re just trying to keep their dumb fuck voters (81 million of them, kek) riled up….the lies are getting so fucking silly at this point, it almost seems to be planned out.
Wait….it’s not Nice-smelling Franken-weenie?
Nope. They’re getting their evidence of what they’ve been doing in Afghanistan for the last 20 years out in the chaos. The stolen billions, etc.
I think you’re good. The link/post is gone. Either you figured it out or a mod deleted it for you.
Remove this; you’re giving your name out. Don’t link to your iCloud.
Flying their evidence and stolen billions out.
You still have a say as a taxpayer, regardless of enrollment or even having kids.
I would venture a guess that most users here frequent both sites…..I know I do.
All of this is easier to understand if you take a simpler look at the game. In short, they don't.
They want an impossible to achieve goal to drive their actions into the acceptability range of the masses. It is no different than their unreachable goals on climate change (that they continue with their factories in other countries,) their 'end racism' goals that they fuel with race wars, etc....
This just gave them another game to play, and its fresh, new, and has more people paying attention than the wars and climate change shit does....
Unfortunately for them, people have begun to realize how BS their game really is...
Unfortunately for us, they keep escalating.
Same. NE major(?) metro.
Maybe, but then you remember that we are, in facet, a VAST majority of Americans, so not as many as you think will be sayin that.
This 50/50 split has always been manufactured to keep us and our previous generation engaged in the fake in-front-of-the-curtain politics show they manufacture to allow them to do what they want.
This will show everyone that 80% of us (my guess) are not liberals/democrats.
Makes you wonder about the other server farms lately….is it election data? Or is it McAfee? Or did he have the election data?
Is a piece of it inside every copy of antivirus that downloads to your PC? I’m sure he left back doors for himself.
You’re dad probably had a job at some point.
Pssssst...you already are.
In reference to avoid paying overtime; It is illegal to use this tactic to avoid paying overtime.
Its a Learjet 55 maybe…small business plane. It sounds like turbofans as the sound hits.