Yes and they all look demonic.
Who is this guy from Denver?! He’s awful!
I know. It’s just amazing from a family member. She’s delusional if she thinks his addictive personality issues are relevant to what he’s taking on.
To think he’s from Santa Monica!
He may be a predator with women but that’s his wife’s concern. There’s no way he’s a worse predator than Anthony Fauci. Did she even read her cousin’s book? This lady really lacks the big picture. Just wonder how many think like her.
But how do they talk after calling someone that?
The palisades voted for Bass. They get to live with it now and unlike a lot of people I don’t think they will ever change their mindset. Maybe a small percentage. They love their commie overlords in LA.
Omg. Trump is priceless.
My high school is recruiting for the marines. I haven’t read that book but would it put a dent in their recruitment?
This guy seems to good to be true. Is there any dirt in him?
I’ve been staring at Chuck Schumer since I was a kid.
Covid leaking from the lab was old news.
He and Melania were awfully polite if that’s what they were thinking.
What a creep. He shouldn’t bring up Rhode Island. Or poor little RI while CA is a mess.
This is a no brainer.
It doesn’t look good to either have taken the vaxx or claim to have taken the vaxx if the point of warp speed was to get people to question how fast can you make that and roll it out. Either way it’s incongruent and I refuse to give Trump a pass on that. Let’s see what becomes of Fauci.
He said he took the shot himself though.
How’s they get that much money again? I know the book deals…
Yes and killing tens of thousands in Gaza is really not something that should be hidden from the public. I hope the ban backfires and the red pills continue.
Were kids being red pilled on the # of deaths in Gaza on Tik Tok? I keep reading this is the real reason if so that’s disgusting.
I just hope Newsom sees it. Lol I bet he does.
I never knew that and I thought I new a fair amount about pgate.
Not SkyNews Australia?
Shouldn’t they have to disclose where their funding comes from. Kennedy should have a list and announce it every time he answers these demons.