Yeah, don't disagree that they seem to be a negative in every way! It would be great if RFK could manage to make a real study happen.
I don't think that Steve's claim is supported by his data. The problem is he is combining case fatality rate from the Pfizer study with infection rates from a different study.
One issue with this approach is that the two studies may have different criteria for determining an infection has occurred. IIRC the Pfizer study had a very high bar for a reportable infection. If the other study let in a lot more low impact cases, it doesn't follow that those populations would have a higher CFR.
Another problem is the timing of the studies. The Pfizer study only covered the first 6 months, a time period where probably the injections reduced symptoms and further masked low impact cases - which artifically increases the CFR.
There is evidence that the injections do increase case rates, perhaps due to the phenomenon of Igg class switching that seems to occur 9-12 mo after injection, and effectively causes your body to ignore the presence of the spike protein. This might also increase CFR by hampering the immune response. But the injections appear to also f up your immune system in a number of other ways too.
While I wouldn't be surprised if CFR was higher post injection, unfortunately I don't think this article proves it, and the 14x number is almost certainly far too high.
To me it seems fairly likely that we see a repeat of 20 with more people aware. But the lesson of 20 is that no matter the evidence it's a massively uphill battle, following all the rules, and everything is stacked against us.
I feel like the solution has to be a grass roots, organic and collective decision to simply stop participating in this society. Let them collect their own trash, manufacture and deliver their own goods, pay their own taxes.
This is where our power lies, in accepting, or declining, their authority.
I'm hoping they impound all liberal white women and just send them somewhere else
Thank you for posting this information!
A few years ago I noticed I started getting chest pain when I walked briskly uphill for a few minutes. When this would happen I would have to stop and breathe and proceed extremely slowly.
My dad had to have a triple bypass a few years ago so I thought I should get checked out. I went to the Dr., they sent me for a stress test, and basically the problem did not occur until the very end of the test. Because it was at the end of the test, they gave me a clean bill of health, but I was always skeptical.
I saw your post and gave Lysine/C a try for 2 weeks (so far).
I just did my brisk walk uphill today, and NO PAIN! I was breathing hard, but I wasn't out of breath!
This is SO easy and cheap... insane that it's not routinely prescribed. But, I guess... "cheap" is probably the answer to that question.
Anyway seems to have totally fixed the angina problem for me, and it's quite easy, I just take both on an empty stomach and eat breakfast late.
Thanks again for the information!
That's an interesting idea!
The videos from these microscope guys shows these points moving around. They think they are quantum dots, not sure what that is exactly.
I've looked at my own blood under dark field but have not seen anything conclusive myself, although I am a newbie at microscopes.
Same here, I was unable to replicate the MAC address thing. I think a lot of people get confused by the many things emitting randomized MAC addresses these days and they think they observed it. I am suspicious that the video of the scientists doing the experiment was just plain faked.
Not to mention 2.4ghz is not an efficient choice for transmission from inside the body.
Same way the ancient Greeks figured it out, the angle to the sun at solar noon, measured at three latitudes on the same day of the year. The results can only be consistent with a round earth and distant sun.
No vaccines. I concur with other posters: read "turtles all the way down" Basically, none of the vaccines on the market have actually been tested for safety against placebo, and there is also no real testing of combinations and sequences of vaccines. Pretty much all of the "effectiveness" attributed to vaccines is actually due to improved sanitation and nutrition. I wish I knew this before I got the kids all jabbed up, back when I trusted doctors. I assumed they must be testing things properly. No more. COVID has taught me this simple lesson: do not trust doctors or the government.
The more you look at this, the more it's clear that they should be avoided until the liability protection is removed and they can be properly tested.
If you want to take a less hard-line approach, check out this book
which provides advice on a modified and reduced schedule that would be the safest way to still get the vaccines required for schools, etc.
For those who believed the media couldn't be bribed to look the other way and who thought that they actually investigate anything... They just wouldn't accept this idea.
This is very foolish. All of these supporters who get the vax to show up, will only vote democrat after they die suddenly!
Phased array antennas can produce a directional signal, known as "beamforming". The principle is they all act together, but out of phase (delayed) so that the "peaks" in the signal from each individual antenna, taking into account the propagation characteristics, are aligned in the desired direction or location. This can cause the signal from each antenna to act synchronously in that spot, but not in other spots, where they are out of phase and average out to noise. As for precisely how this works in the ionosphere, I don't know, but this is a common method in radio.
It is possible, perhaps likely that the effect is not very visible unless the observer is near the target, because most other places the energy is cancelling out. It's possible that the reason it showed up in the Japan data is because the sensor is in Japan.
If you have the ability to direct energy into the earth at a pinpoint location, it's not a stretch that you could trigger an earthquake, by loosening up a sticking point and allowing it to slip. Triggering an earthquake would require far less energy than is released, so the argument that you would notice an earthquake's worth of energy going to the location is not a relevant point. The energy is already there, pent up, waiting for the fault to overcome static friction.
So, I have no idea if that's what happened here, but it's not a priori impossible, unless there's a reason why these principles don't apply in this instance.
If this were the case, you would expect other "nodes" - places where the signal also adds constructively, for example, there might be another point in the direct opposite direction.
But, what can they actually do about it?
Edit: OR could try to saddle them with their shares of state debts I suppose. Block access to resources like water? However I suspect those counties will be much more capable of dealing with those situations than the rest of the state would from the loss of their tax revenue.
Wait until she finds out about the vax!
This makes me nervous. Who is paying the salary of this private army?
Seems like the balloon only serves to continue to make Biden's military look like buffoons. I'm assuming he would tell the Chinese anything they wanted to know without resorting to sending a balloon.
- you have to pay ongoing fees for borrowing the shares
- you have to pay out any dividends that occur while borrowing the shares, that you sold (and thus you didn't receive the dividend)
- the potential for loss is unlimited (e.g. if you sell and the price goes way up) and the brokerage will force liquidation once your margin is exhausted.
If you want to bet on a price decline it is better to buy put options, but this can also be an easy way to lose money rapidly, but at least limited to what you paid for them. Options pricing is going to reflect expectations and thus may net out to very little gain.
It is possible to make money on it, if you buy the options early enough and enough out of the money (meaning the strike price is far enough from the current price). If the pricing changes due to events and changes in the underlying asset, you can sell the options at the new price, this is the easiest way to do it, rather than exercising.
There are lots of options strategies but most of them boil down to losing money at various speeds.
For example, there are things like "collars" where you buy a put and sell another put below that, which cuts down the cost. However the put you sold can get exercised and that can get you into trouble quickly, because it turns into short shares, which have UNLIMITED downside, etc.
Unless you know what you are doing (and I have learned that I don't!) best not to do this except very carefully with money you can afford to lose. And remember whenever there looks like a sure thing, the rules can always change.
Oh yeah, and not financial advice LOL
The old rule of thumb was 5 categories, evenly split: stonks, bonds, cash, gold, real estate
It's a little more complex now with the basis of the dollar itself in question (and bonds and cash both inextricably tied to the dollar).
If the dollar goes to shit, existing bonds and cash are worthless, but stonks and real estate can go up in nominal terms if not real terms. (And then be taxed on nominal gains, yay!) Debts go away in a dollar collapse. Gold retains value in principle (worked for 5000 years, at least if nobody knows you have it), crypto - maybe but it has its own problems. And of course lead is also important.
The number one thing to remember is don't think that any rules of the game won't change overnight if it suits the PTB.
IMO therefore it all comes back to diversification and rolling the dice, and that includes having traditional investments.
It also might include for example buying a rental property with an 80% LTV interest only loan, if you can break even on it and can afford to lose the 20%. In some scenarios the loan vanishes in real terms and the property value goes up in nominal terms. In others you refinance at lower rates. In others you sell it for a (perhaps real) profit, or make a profit on the ongoing rental. But this is also subject to RE taxes, gains taxes, and the threat of force majeure of various sorts (being forced to rent to migrants for peanuts, for example, or squatters' rights, or confiscation). So, it's still a crapshoot. Be prepared to default and walk away from the 20%.
The other key fact to remember is markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.. so contrarian bets often fail due to timing. This is another argument for diversification into traditional investments.
The only thing you know you can keep is what is inside of you - your skills, your mind, your love, your cunning, and hope that you have enough skills, and diversify your wealth so that you have some chance of surviving in not too bad conditions and even keeping some of the wealth through what is coming.
Yes.. but sell what :) ? And will cash fare better?
This is closer to an admission of guilt and repentance than other non apologies.
The guy has no credentials and position to lose, he's just a medical student...
No mention of suppressing treatments and killing patients in the hospital for money. Nor the origin of the virus. Still a ways to go....
I read somewhere that sars spike gets stuck in exosomes and prevents them from destroying themselves in planned apoptosis, but nicotine unblocks that process, thus helping to clear out the spikes from the body
My fever and muscle aches were gone in a day after the ivm but I had a persistent head ache for days afterwards. Ivm can't cross the blood brain barrier so maybe that isn't surprising
Who knew Pfizer employs gay crisis actors to trick PV into honeytrapping them. Gotcha!
And while it will run on a lot of different types of fuel, unless you use JetA it requires a complete overhaul afterwards. They are not cheap to run
We need to find a way that PREP can be declared unconstitutional.
I am confused by how Paxton could not have been aware of the details of PREP.