Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like a limited hangout. Also she blames her excessive credulity on "being in the cult". Yeah these people are "nice". But they are also evil grifters.

She "took no money"... Maybe her paychecks just come from china

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. If it's on a server though, good chance it's hard to delete all traces and backups. I would be more concerned about destruction of physical evidence. And yeah you would think they did this months ago

Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought when you quit the CIA in this kind of situation, they would just accidentally eject your engine block 100 yards down the road.

Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

The flat 5000 plan will have the highest boost to the economy and will build the strongest support for further cuts. The solution has to be cutting waste, paying down debt, and spurring growth to grow out of the debt. This is just the first step. It sounds like there is way more than 2 T to cut so this is just the beginning...

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it's going to work to just cancel the debt. The entire financial system is based on risk free t bills and bonds, it would be a huge problem for them to go to 0. However, reducing govt expense to the point where taxes can be eliminated and reducing interest rates would produce a similar kind of massive growth explosion.

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

They already covered this idea in a sketch where some government ministers were trying to figure out how to tax "thingy". The punch line is that it will make chartered accountancy a lot more exciting.

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's 3T dollars not payments. If it is going back a few years it's completely believable. Hard to get the money back but probably some possibility to claw back from any entities involved that have assets. Maybe we could claw back 10%?

Make an example of some of the worst cases.

Ultimately I think we'll have to slash taxes and expenses and grow our way out rather than getting the money back.

Bidensbrain2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

This would be a better use of $100m than a white house ballroom. Incredible trolling value, would have them reeeeing for months

Bidensbrain2020 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is nice but it would be even better to point out why they are "shooting the messenger" .. because they ARE the bank robbers.

Bidensbrain2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

They seem to have completely drunk the Kool aid that the federal government is good. They even want the CIA to come help them! Except the CIA can't operate domestically they say. LOL.. it's wrong on so many levels.

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to find a way that PREP can be declared unconstitutional.

I am confused by how Paxton could not have been aware of the details of PREP.

Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that Steve's claim is supported by his data. The problem is he is combining case fatality rate from the Pfizer study with infection rates from a different study.

One issue with this approach is that the two studies may have different criteria for determining an infection has occurred. IIRC the Pfizer study had a very high bar for a reportable infection. If the other study let in a lot more low impact cases, it doesn't follow that those populations would have a higher CFR.

Another problem is the timing of the studies. The Pfizer study only covered the first 6 months, a time period where probably the injections reduced symptoms and further masked low impact cases - which artifically increases the CFR.

There is evidence that the injections do increase case rates, perhaps due to the phenomenon of Igg class switching that seems to occur 9-12 mo after injection, and effectively causes your body to ignore the presence of the spike protein. This might also increase CFR by hampering the immune response. But the injections appear to also f up your immune system in a number of other ways too.

While I wouldn't be surprised if CFR was higher post injection, unfortunately I don't think this article proves it, and the 14x number is almost certainly far too high.

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

To me it seems fairly likely that we see a repeat of 20 with more people aware. But the lesson of 20 is that no matter the evidence it's a massively uphill battle, following all the rules, and everything is stacked against us.

I feel like the solution has to be a grass roots, organic and collective decision to simply stop participating in this society. Let them collect their own trash, manufacture and deliver their own goods, pay their own taxes.

This is where our power lies, in accepting, or declining, their authority.

Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for posting this information!

A few years ago I noticed I started getting chest pain when I walked briskly uphill for a few minutes. When this would happen I would have to stop and breathe and proceed extremely slowly.

My dad had to have a triple bypass a few years ago so I thought I should get checked out. I went to the Dr., they sent me for a stress test, and basically the problem did not occur until the very end of the test. Because it was at the end of the test, they gave me a clean bill of health, but I was always skeptical.

I saw your post and gave Lysine/C a try for 2 weeks (so far).

I just did my brisk walk uphill today, and NO PAIN! I was breathing hard, but I wasn't out of breath!

This is SO easy and cheap... insane that it's not routinely prescribed. But, I guess... "cheap" is probably the answer to that question.

Anyway seems to have totally fixed the angina problem for me, and it's quite easy, I just take both on an empty stomach and eat breakfast late.

Thanks again for the information!

Bidensbrain2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's an interesting idea!

The videos from these microscope guys shows these points moving around. They think they are quantum dots, not sure what that is exactly.

I've looked at my own blood under dark field but have not seen anything conclusive myself, although I am a newbie at microscopes.

Bidensbrain2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here, I was unable to replicate the MAC address thing. I think a lot of people get confused by the many things emitting randomized MAC addresses these days and they think they observed it. I am suspicious that the video of the scientists doing the experiment was just plain faked.

Not to mention 2.4ghz is not an efficient choice for transmission from inside the body.

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