BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

2547 = Trump assassination via McKinley style.

Lots hidden in just this message alone.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get goosebumps just thinking about this tech happening in my lifetime!

Trump wasn't lying whenever he said we are about to take a Quantum Leap forward. Let's get to the suck so we can get to the brave new world we're so promised.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't personally think this is coming from Trump himself. Anons know the importance of Gold (precious metals) in this fight:

Read closely...even the link provided by Q u/#q3393

I still believe we are going back to the Gold Standard in some way, but with more commodities added to it. This may be some type of deflection away from PMs? I don't know, but I don't see Trump abandoning Gold either, knowing it was a part of Q's plan.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm going to laugh my @ss off if Tesla tech has been hiding inside Elon's cars all along...just awaiting for that update to hit...and the WH are now removing the libs from the picture before activating it in the future some time.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 1 point ago +1 / -0

WTF, I've never heard of that before! I do need to read up on that, I didn't expect so many good onion layers to this story. Do you have the book name by chance?

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you fren! I'm trying to wrap up a project today, so i will make sure to save these links you gave for some reading material later tonight. I have a feeling my weekend just got booked LOL.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 3 points ago +3 / -0

The meat of what we are looking for will be held onto until the very last second until they can't hide it.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 7 points ago +7 / -0

6pm release?

Grassley gave us this today:


Six o' clock can be dangerous


I'm liking the Drop connections right now with this.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd only be able to say what everyone else saw. The first lady rushed to the back of the Lincoln to grab the nearest SS agent for help. I wasn't there, or even born yet, so I only have the original footage to go off of for this question.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 3 points ago +3 / -0

To add to this, and I'm no farmer, but to me it seems as if the corn is well ahead of harvest schedule if we are going with a normal crop schedule. I found this for some information to go off of:


To me, the corn looks to be in the R1 stage, silking has already begun (look at Grassley's right hand). Harvest begins in the R5 stage (roughly 38 days from R1). Going off of what's considered a normal harvest in the fall, these two timelines don't connect, unless it was specific for comms, or i'm just seeing something that isn't there.

That's also pretty close to Done in 30 comms, but I'm just throwing this last piece in just to see what happens.

Who'd of thunk, I'd be learning about corn cropping will digging for comms 😂

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 5 points ago +5 / -0


Words matter, and their playbook is well known at this point.

Something...something...we need to pass the bill to find out what's inside comes to mind here. Same DS sh*t, different topic stirring.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 19 points ago +19 / -0

Once all 80,000 pages are released later today, make sure to use DISCERNMENT in what you read outside of the documents themselves.

The DS will be out in full force gaslighting, deflecting, manipulating...and everything in between to muddy the waters. AI will be used, and I expect many to dump all pages into these programs. This could show the hands of each AI program though, it could be interesting to see what unfolds.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes! That could be a very good find if you get the chance to make it there. I've prepared my mind for the info dump we're awaiting for...i'm expecting mind-numbing Truths that'll take anons quite some time to dig through.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, thanks man. It's weird having the handshake again, and no pepe, but It's good to be back in the fight. It's also good to see a lot of the same faces still here, plus many new ones!

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 6 points ago +6 / -0

The MEME lords of GAW!

Yes, that's correct. Here is a copy/paste answer from the same question another fren here asked:

I got deep in some rabbit hole, especially Tesla. I started making some decent progress on one of the files, and things started getting strange and weird at home. I got spooked, deleted everything that I had connections to it and took a few months off to gather myself. It's a long, strange story, but I'm back and in good health.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 6 points ago +6 / -0

I got deep in some rabbit hole, especially Tesla. I started making some decent progress on one of the files, and things started getting strange and weird at home. I got spooked, deleted everything that I had connections to it and took a few months off to gather myself. It's a long, strange story, but I'm back and in good health.

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's interesting! I have no clue if this originated from that doc or not, I am still trying to find out the original source on this. Do you still speak to him? Maybe you could show him this and see what he says?

BigMikesSaggyBaggens 2 points ago +3 / -1

That would be amazing as well. I was up late last night pondering if the release today will be what we've all been waiting for...or if it'll be 80k pages of "the expected." I'm very hopeful that we will see at a minimum some very damning oddities that'll make just about anyone question the original narrative. Bonus points if names are dropped.

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