Bionic_Unicorn 7 points ago +7 / -0

Cattywompus requires an updoot.

Bionic_Unicorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q 4734 says "Research for yourself". I don't need a gatekeeper (also q ppst 4734) or an influencer telling me what to think.

Q tell us to think for ourrselves, and trust ourselves. So give us the source info. You don't need money or anything else from us to accomplish the alleged objective of disseminating info. This is why we anons are here, why we were chosen for this task. Hell, Trumps campaign called us digital ninjas - who better?

Also, Q drop 521 says we were chosen and "ARE BEING PROVIDED THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEL TO EVER BE DROPPED PUBLICLYIN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD". Pretty sure greggggcatherine can trust us with theirs too.

I know the shills are out in force, but not all of us real people are impressed with greggggcatherine and the way they are playing the game.

Bionic_Unicorn 13 points ago +16 / -3

Stream your crying.

Edit: For the dumbasses who downvoted (to -1), my comment is a quote from the game that this post's screen shot and quote is also is from. You need some schooling in "All Your Base Are Belong To Us". As Q says, LEARN:


Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless you can show where this video was used in media or print claiming to be real war footage, this could be a movie or tv series being filmed.

Bionic_Unicorn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I lile your insight! The fantasy making she gets paid for has seeped into her reality.

Bionic_Unicorn 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah, let' see. Name calling. Mhm. Helplessness. Check. Your ad hominem has no power here, bless your little heart. Stop looking to others for salvation and rescue. Also, you should be educating yourself right now.. Go read amd learn. You're welcome.

Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is either incredibly incredibly incredibly short sighted, or you are new and rather ignorant of your overlords.

Do you honestly believe they managed to kill off all of their blind followers, leaving only the resistance? And no plan for them either? Do you really??

It sounds like you have no understanding of Mareks disease amd how it was created.

It sounds like you have no idea about what the polio vaccine did. Do you think polio went away? And, because of the vaccne??

It sounds like you have no knowledge of what a "rogue vaccine-derived virus" is or what they are currently doing to people.

Bionic_Unicorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds a lot like the sister (River) being transported on the Serenity.

by panamax
Bionic_Unicorn 3 points ago +3 / -0

We called it Dub Step and have been dancing to it.

Bionic_Unicorn 14 points ago +14 / -0

Media: "Sheriff Judd, why did your officers shoot the suspect 68 times?" Sheriff Judd: "Because that's all the ammunition they had."

Also Sheruff Judd: "If you force us to shoot at you, we're gonna shoot at you....A LOT."

Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Sheep Drench" is the liquid ivermectin for pets. It replaces your monhly heart worm med, and more. Dosages online.

Bionic_Unicorn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Topic? Context? Speakers name? Length? Time stamp? Relevant part? Something? Anything? Hello?? Nevermind. Moving on....

Bionic_Unicorn 9 points ago +9 / -0

Vitamin K2 is good for your heart, and whem combined with D3, they are an immune booster. Look for them in the same pill.

Since you are taking quercetin, look for it with bromelain in the same pill. Together they are a powerful anti inflamatory and immume booster.

I enjoy sugar - real sugar like evaporated cane juice - in moderation. I believe HFCS and other artificial sweeteners are more damaging as there are entire peoples for whom sugarcane is a staple of their diet. Because I still enjoy some, I take Gymnema Sylvestre. This plant is the "sugar destroyer" and is natures metformin. It also reduces sugar cravings and helps many lose some weight.

Black Seed Oil cures everyrhing except death.

Serapeptase (and similar) enzymes. Good for darn near everything too.


Bionic_Unicorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The daily mail wrote about it first, I think. Paid him for speaking at an event in NY, 1-2 mil. Pretty sure theres a vid of it on youtube. Keith Ranier from NXIVM was there on stage, they held hands. DL wrote the forward in Ranier's book. Sara Bronfman was sleeping with DLs emissary to the US and theres pics of them together on Necker Island. Thats Obama buddy Richard Branson (Virgin companies) private island. Sorry. I dont have access to the link atm eithrt.

Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dalai lama that got a million bucks from the Bronfman sisters? That dalai lama?

Bionic_Unicorn 14 points ago +14 / -0

It was simply 2 protestors, a male and a female, repeating their slogans. The female screamed once when theyrr were being drown out by a guy with a microphone. I keep seeing this hyped as SCREAMING DEMONS BURST INTO FLAMES!!! Tired clickbait. It was nothing.

Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You would replace your scoby after a week of fermenting successfully, with champagne or ale yeast to ferment another week. This increases the alcohol content. But you have to get your booch right first. Have you been able to troubleshoot it?

Bionic_Unicorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

TS is hit or miss for us. They're either out completely or stocked n we grab a handful.

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