Blessings 3 points ago +3 / -0

With the Hippocratic oath in mind, it sounds like the medical license of doctors who participate in abortion and euthanasia should be revoked. Also don’t you think it is past time to ban physicians from accepting any gifts or honorariums in the form of money, supplies, free meds from any and all pharmaceutical and formula companies? Remember, the AMA and AAP are funded by Pfizer and others. In turn it should be illegal for the government to gift or blackmail hospitals and their administrators in order to continue to receive Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement.

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you to all the servicemen and women who serve, sacrifice their lives and being with their family and to all the families too. We don’t say if enough, but we appreciate you.

Blessings -3 points ago +3 / -6

Nines always struck me as all talk, no action just like Rand Paul..

Blessings 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where is the Secret a Service? Hmmm.....

Blessings 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the red shoes. What are the chances!

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

So where did al the billions in fines Pfizer was supposed to pay go? Funneled right back to them?

Blessings 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if Trump didn’t have a Covid, but it was an assassination attempt which was covered up? It could have been a poison that was something he came in contact with. Perhaps the doctors tried to treat him at the WH. Perhaps they thought it was Covid, but then realized it was a poison when he started getting sicker. That would explain why he took the shot, because he didn’t have natural immunity. Believe me that vial of whatever he took would have been thoroughly analyzed after all the assassination attempts. Yet Trump always appeared calm and collected even at large gatherings.

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where have you been all these months?

Blessings 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, we have to get China out of our supply chain of pharmaceuticals, phones, games, chips, clothing, furniture, etc.and return to the USA. Be independent.

Blessings 3 points ago +3 / -0

So if you use a nebulizer to inhale hydrogen peroxide through your mouth and nose to sterilize against viruses and bacteria, you are vaccinated by the CDC definition.

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt the new mayor will be better. NYC liberals love living in a crime laden, hell hole.

Blessings 5 points ago +5 / -0

They cancel flights after people scurry around to get tested. Leave customers stranded between connecting flights at airports for God knows how long. Don’t think this wasn’t government planned and paid for to disrupt your Christmas, one of the most sacred Holidays. I wonder how much airlines were promised in return monetarily.

Blessings 6 points ago +6 / -0

We better not bail out these airlines from bankruptcy, when all is said and done. They demanded employees be vaccinated. They complied with government mask mandates and became mask Nazis. Flying has been hell for years with crammed seats, no food, rude stewards and stewardesses, TSA. I will no longer fly, because I won’t comply. So let them go down the tubes. Everything woke, turns to shit!

Blessings 4 points ago +4 / -0

90% of people are wearing masks in the stores in my Cleveland, Ohio suburbs where there is zero mask mandates. Several Cleveland restaurants are demanding proof of vaccination to dine in. I hope they go broke. These restaurants are mainly in the trendy Ohio City/Tremont area.

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

So why the heck was he testing, if he was asymptomatic? The PCR Test for the millionth time, is unreliable, plus can’t detect flu from Covid and if set to test at greater than 20 cycles can catch dead DNA from a cold, flu or Covid. If it was an at home test they are notoriously unreliable by 59/50!

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

So if you were “vaccinated“, but got Covid, Dr. Gupta and Joy, logic would tell you that the shot protects you against nothing. Which in turn this means you, the almighty vaccinated, can spread too. You are all a bunch of idiots. Strange no one ever cared to this degree if you were vaccinated against the flu, chicken pox, rubella, mumps. Ms. CNN Medical Analyst, what do you propose in the line of segregating and curtailing the activities of the VACCINATED, when it is proved that they are the ones getting sick all the time, becoming super spreaders because they have no immunity, and they are the ones hospitalized and dying? Will you and your ilk continue to deny the deaths are vaccine related because they occurred 7 days after the booster (to soon to be considered fully vaccinated, which is after 14 days), or 6 months after can’t possibly connect the heart attack death due to the a Covid shot, or dead 1 year after due to a rapidly spreading cancer (because it was the type of cancer she/he had-to advanced before discovered). You all have plausible deniability for every scenario, don’t you?

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most likely a message to his cronies to look to the shipping containers for either children trafficked or smart bombs.

Blessings 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about teaching your child right from wrong and the Ten Commandments, one of which is THOU SHALL NOT STEAL If someone left their home unlocked,is it their fault to that an ignoramus comes in the unlocked house and gets shot as an intruder who doesn’t obey a command to get out? The nerve and logic of the ignorant and irresponsible is amazing!

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see o evidence of Macron’s wife fighting back rumors in the article posted.

Blessings 5 points ago +5 / -0

Space Force has it all. You can burn down all the election buildings you want, but it won’t make the election truth results magically go away!

Blessings 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do away with their private security, premium health care plans, government retirement pension, and no mandate to take the Covid shot. Every a House or Senate member needs to get their salary from their state, same with their health plan. No ability to vote their own salary increase should be the law.

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