Yes, but seems like a good way to catch time travelers.
Snoopy should be doing the Trump dance.
He once said "Elections have consequences" one of the few times he told the truth.
It's a chess move, keep it open, if they try any funny business to remove and replace Biden, they can drop in Trump as SOTH and he is in line to take over, who knows what they are planning for Joe, but there is no way they run him next year.
Translation - He is ashamed their BS has become public.
The content is always worth the wait, thank you for doing this every week, your work is appreciated.
Patience, Joe would just pardon him anyway, wait until you can get father and son.
Where is Nancy's laptop? Don't remember it being "found", the contents must be damning. I find it amusing they are faking fear, but you know they are scared the "assault" may be real to some extent, the real fear they feel make me happy, they deserve to be scared a bit.
It used to be called Hypochondria, when you thought you were sick but had no symptoms.
Also a cash tip goes in their pocket now, a credit or debit card tip gets added to their next paycheck, a smaller 2nd reason I always tip cash.
But I thought she was a Doctor.
These are a weekly routine for me, please don't ever stop posting them, thank you soooo much.
For sure, she acts more like a handler than a first lady.
She has no say in the matter, same as Joe, they take their orders from their masters and comply or else.
I agree, but thought it was worth pointing out with the twatter/Musk distraction that is going on right now.
Vanguard and Blackrock also are top shareholders in Tesla also.
Putin knows he is talking to an installed puppet, not a legitimately elected president.
Was a huge fan when he played, still have a nice jersey of his, great to see he is on our side.
She should be running as a representative of Satan.
But they are still playing pandemic.
They don't have tv's.
Racist tweet
Haha, like Biden is making ANY decisions.
Yes, horse paste could be the icing on the cake.
Good one, now do "Elections have consequences" next.