I'm just waking up. I love this! I am all in! But I'm without info here in South Carolina. I've researched to see if there are ley lines close by but cannot find any definitive answers... is there anyone that can point me in the right direction (no pun intended, lol) or is South Carolina just without? :-(
OMG, I'm kind of freaking out at all the symbolism. But I am a believer!
NESARA / GESARA?... Collapsing the Fed is the most important element of it. And President Trump and his team are already working on several of the other elements. It's happening fast!
Don't forget the author of NESARA / GESARA's book was called "Drain the Swamp" and then, there's the Q drop that states "Drain the Swamp" does not simply refer to the removal of those corrupt in DC..."
Things that make you go hmmm?
Thank you very much for providing your link. I will also be calling/emailing my Congressman on every single bill that gets us there and then some.
Could this be the reason for the sudden wildfires today in South Carolina?
Good Luck!
Cleverly stated. Well Played!
It sure is!
Its about time!
You are not!
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recently read that, besides wanting to sacrifice babies for the adrenochrome, that also, the satanists choose to sacrifice the youngest, most innocent aged children because the children are the purest, thus the most alike to God.
Thus, because the satanists hate God so much, in their evil, twisted minds, that is the most direct way of hurting him and pleasing Baphomet. And of course there's the adrenochrome aspect as well.
I recently read that, besides wanting to sacrifice babies for the adrenochrome, that also, the satanists choose to sacrifice the youngest, most innocent aged children because the children are the purest, thus the most alike to God.
Thus, because the satanists hate God so much, in their evil, twisted minds, that is the most direct way of hurting him and pleasing Baphomet. And of course there's the adrenochrome aspect as well.
I recently read that, besides wanting to sacrifice babies for the adrenochrome, that also, the satanists choose to sacrifice the youngest, most innocent aged children because the children are the purest, thus the most alike to God.
Thus, because the satanists hate God so much, in their evil, twisted minds, that is the most direct way of hurting him and pleasing Baphomet. And of course there's the adrenochrome aspect as well.
Wonderful...as long as my rising property taxes don't gobble it up!
I believe she is talking to Jody Fisher of WMI (company - Weather Modification International) out of Fargo, ND. I simply clicked on the Twitter replies in the post above, followed the crumbs and they led me to it. I am not an expert at this though, so I would recommend following it the same.
I'd appreciate a reply of I got it wrong. I'd hate to post any misinformation.
I read it. Wow! thanks for posting. take care.
That would be great! Thank you.I will look also.
Does anyone know where or how to get addresses of these companies so We the People can organize and protest to their faces? Or at the very least, contact our representatives to confront these bastards?
a closer step towards NESARA/GESARA?...what are your thoughts? CR-25 is pending which definitely puts us closer to NESARA. But I won't hold my breath.
Isn't it mind blowing? And it was written so long ago! Nailed every point. I watched it about 10 years ago when I was asleep. It's on my list of movies to watch again. Its amazing how once you wake up and go back and watch some of these "telling" movies, it gives you a whole new truthful perspective.
Its sad though, because I'm only 54, but I live in a retirement community of senior boomers, who some I consider friends and even though this movie was written during their era, they are much to afraid, and I mean terrified to discover anything that is different from what they were programmed their whole entire life on this planet to see, do, and be.
Take care.
The gas tanks on Border Patrol units can only be opened with a button on the inside of the unit. Ignorant comments, and the lack of any common sense like this are just more proof of why the liberals and their minions lost the 2024 election and in their lifetime, will probably never win one again.
I appreciated your above piece. Such good points. I have been trying to figure out "future proves past" in a real way for awhile now. Have you ever watched the "Why Files"? (one of the most credible sources I have ever encountered with 6.1m followers on YouTube alone) Its mind blowing. I just watched a piece called "PROJECT LOOKING GLASS" done 1 year ago. The "operators" could see the future and even change timelines (for example avoid 12/21/2012). Using discovered alien technology and other devices, the looking glass operators, along with MJ 12 could actually view different timelines and the results of each and everyone of them. My goodness, how extremely useful to mankind. Anyways, I found your piece in a search. Thank you for writing it. Take care.
Sometimes I think humans should have to undergo auditions before being allowed to have children. Why do we keep bringing innocent children, who never even asked to be born into this cruel existence?
i concur.