Boozy_McFuckFace 23 points ago +23 / -0

This wasn’t an accident. The board members who caused all of this are going to be rewarded handsomely. This was an infiltration and destruction from the inside, a targeted operation. They didn’t expect James to rebound so quickly and immediately begin being another pain in their ass.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

When black hawks are landing in front of the Capitol and the emergency broadcast system is being used to provide info on the military equipment we see all over the country.

Most people who aren’t willing or capable enough to observe patterns or read the Q drops and then assess them again available info for accuracy.

You can’t tell them. You have to show them. And until they see big black helicopters and army green trucks driving around DC, they won’t believe.

That’s what all of the past years have been about. The pain. The suffering. The fraud. The prosecutions of trump. All of it. All of it has been allowed to be seen by the people. So when the helicopters are landing in DC, when they see politicians being handcuffed, they don’t view it as Trumps military coup. They view it in a different light.

Trump looks like a victim right now. Not a tyrant. It had to be this way.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

If it happens, Rogan is going catapult his legacy into the stratosphere. This will be the first time in media history that a regular citizen sits down with an ex-president/future president and has a free form 3 hour conversation. Real questions, real answers, not fake scripted horse shit. This will also drive another stake into the heart of the establishment, and it’s going to set a precedent. The public is going to expect this type of interview from leaders, and those who chose to do it will have an edge.

Do not underestimate how significant this is if it happens. The media is going to absolutely go ballistic if it does. Every magazine, newspaper, news channel is going to attack Rogan and attack the episode over it.

This is an information war strategic victory of colossal proportions if it happens. A last victory that will resonate for decades. It will change the game.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks Copernicus. I wasn’t aware you couldn’t airlift 650 tons of material out in the space of 2.5 minutes. I just assumed the gunshot sounds were to mask the sound of 200 C5 transports landing in middle of the Vatican and then taking off again with the gold.

Boozy_McFuckFace 11 points ago +11 / -0

For those who may joined late and haven’t seen this. In the height of the frenzy around time of Jan 6, this happened. I don’t recall the specific date but it was very close to the Biden inauguration. There used to be dozens of videos around and they all have been erased. I can’t find any of the longer versions now.

Key takeaways. The night before this happened, camera looked fine. The night after, camera looked fine. This night the camera was oddly darkened. Someone turned down the gain or somehow altered the settings. Not only are gunshots heard, but through the rest of the night, police cars could be seen parked in the foreground, flashing lights visible. You could also hear police on foot, and canine units walking around.

Unlike any other security incident at the Vatican, this event never officially existed. No media covered it. In fact, if you search for Vatican shooting events, a bunch of other incidents come up. This one has been memory holed so bad.

The camera is what gets me. Someone fucked with the camera before the event. And the next day it went back to normal. In fact, you can probably see the same live cam right now.

What are the odds? The cameras works fine for years. One night it somehow gets adjusted to darken the vision considerably. The next day it’s fine again. There just happened to be some sort of security incident involving gunshots, police, and roving K-9 units when the camera is dark.

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

by panamax
Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

These fucking idiots act like the climate was a straight line for billions of years, and then the Industrial Revolution happened and now it’s shooting straight up.

North America was covered in ice miles deep until 12k years ago. The Great Lakes are the result. Did lawn mower engines cause that ice to melt 12k years ago? Did that ice melting kill the planet?

Ice core data going back 100k years is very clear. The climate is a fucking roller coaster and has been since the earth got an atmosphere. Some years the earth cooled by 15 degrees. Some years it got warmer by 5-6. Wild swings.

We are actually in one of the longest prolonged periods of climate stability in recent history, and we should be happy about it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buy physical gold. I have assorted crypto and gold. Don’t buy meme coin dogshit and you will be fine. Use a U.S. based exchange like Coinbase.

Atom/Cosmos is returning 16.99% at the moment for staking rewards. I’m making a new coin a day in just staking fees.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

In the future as people discuss the events, 99% of people are going to say they knew the whole time. Every single idiot calling it a conspiracy theory now, will not admit that in the future. They will all say of course they knew Q was real.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

DOD also announced they will no longer be supporting the CIA with resources. This includes people. Active members used to be able to accept deployments with the cia and then come back. Seals and other high tier operators did it all the time. Not anymore. They will only be able to hire retired people. God knows what other resources they were being given.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything. They took satellites from the Air Force, they took shit from the Navy, they took took shit from everyone. A much bigger deal than people realize. The different military departments hold onto their toys for dear life. And all of them just handed over a bunch of good stuff to space force without any bitching. Look at a map of military installations. Entire AF bases have disappeared and been replaced by SF bases. Big important ones.

The media downplayed it as much as possible to make it seem like not a big deal. Entire bases being renamed overnight is a big deal.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bullshit. They traced it back to the NSA and dropped the matter. They know they are at war with NSA/military. There is communications from Russiagate released of Strozk talking to someone else about the leak of emails. He flat out says “it was our friends at the NSA”. Obviously he was being sarcastic about the friends part.

They had to say they couldn’t figure out who was behind it. What can they tell the public? “We traced it back to the NSA who is leaking everything and conducting a psy-op campaign to expose our corruption and there is nothing we can do about it.”

All of this is tied together. This is one of the reasons they have been going so hard against Trump. They know who is behind Q, and they see their own existence ending if it’s successful. The deep state is fighting for its survival. And losing.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

This fucking idiot watched 3 years of Russiagate, the Biden laptop, and still insists the system can be trusted. These people are MORONS.

There is no tolerating people this stupid. They must be ignored and ridiculed at every turn.

by BQnita
Boozy_McFuckFace 22 points ago +22 / -0

These posts seem the most logical reason that PEADs are a viable explanation for things like AF1 being called NA when Biden is on it, the incorrect customs and courtesies at Arlington, and all the other military oddities we have seen.

National emergencies, like if the military had proof that above things did occur, toss the constitution out the window. It’s entirerly possible we are actually seeing a carefully crafted show. They could do anything they want, toss out the rule book.

What happens if they secure the election, Trump wins, and the Biden admin refuses to turn it over? What do they have to lose?

The closer we get to 2024, the more I think that is the plan. You back them into the ultimate corner. You “win” the election, the entire world sees it, and you force them into performing their own coup and insurrection. And then military intervenes to save the day and remove power from the evil democrats and Biden deep state.

Boozy_McFuckFace 8 points ago +8 / -0

On Jan 6 when the entire world was crashing in around Trump a Twitter video came out. His entire family backstage somewhere laughing and having a grand old time. He holds up the red folder extremely obviously for just a few seconds. Video ends.

On the worst day of his life, they are smiling and laughing and he sends a message. I got you fuckers.

Does Trump look or sound worried? If anything, everyone but Trump is having a really bad time. Ukraine is ceasing to exist, and the state department/nato/pentagon look like a bunch of idiots. Nato is blowing itself up, for fucks sake the US committed one of the largest acts of industrial espionage in the history of the world, against its own ally Germany. China losing every single cent of foreign investment and collapsing back into an agrarian 3rd world country as we speak. The dollar as reserve currency is ending, and even Yellen has been forced to admit it. Aka the Fed aka The all seeing eye aka the Rothschilds reign of terror is ending. Gold backed currency is finally coming back. The slavery to a fake central bank inflated piece of shit is ending. Every single day another whistleblower comes out exposing Biden and the deep state.

Win, win, win, win, win. All wins. So what, the DOJ of a fake president is throwing indictments out. Are they really in charge? Not if that red folder was proof of election fraud. It’s a show.

I’m not worried. This shit is as fake as Russiagate. As mueller. As Flynn. It’s the same playbook. It’s all they have left. The only part that disappoints me is that they have to camouflage the truth. It won’t look like the trump indictments are being crushed by an outside force. They always make it seem accidental. Like it happens naturally.

I want to see the hidden hand.

Boozy_McFuckFace 30 points ago +30 / -0

This is exactly what I thought. It’s a game of optics. Always has been. They have been trying to force trumps hand since day one. They called him a fascist over and over and over, and then set up the riots. They wanted to bait him into sending out troops or feds to quell the riots.

A few times people got arrested by feds in vans, and what happened? The media made it seem as if the world was ending, as if the Stasi was arresting innocent peaceful protesters. The Mayors of Portland, Seattle, Chicago called Trump a dictator and told him they didn’t need or want help.

They were trying to force the Storm on their terms. It backfired. He didn’t do shit and let their cities burn. How did that turn out for Portland? Seattle? Chicago?

He couldn’t be the instigator. The first to arrest ex presidents. The first to arrest sitting presidents. The first to break 250 years of precedent. The first to attack the agencies and government itself.

He has to be the victim. A righteous vengeance. We can’t see the whole picture. What was in that red folder? If Biden isn’t the actual winner, what does that mean for everything else? Trump told us. Fraud vitiates everything. It means it’s invalid. What if Trump doesn’t actually give a shit about the theatrics of all his indictments? He knew it was coming. It’s part of the game they have to play.

Yes it’s frustrating watching from the outside. We don’t see shit. He’s got a presidential motorcade as big as Biden’s. AF1 is still callsign NA when Biden’s on board. The devil is in the details. You can see it, if you know where to look.

Had to be this way. The indictments are going to magically collapse one by one. It’s going to appear organic, as if they are failing for one legit reason or another. We don’t get to see the hidden hand.

And now the storm we want is going to be justified. Not the work of a mad man fascist, but the righting of wrongs by an out of control deep state.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

New form of cheating. Why? Why not just do 2020 over again? Why do they have to go to these lengths and waste so much of their credibility? Only the most insane lefties think prosecuting trump is a good idea. The rest understand that it only suits his narrative. It makes him appear to be the underdog. That’s why there has been no mug shots.

What if they know they can’t cheat like 2020? Sure seems like that to me.

Boozy_McFuckFace 8 points ago +8 / -0

Think logically. They planned to protect the 2016 election in absolute secrecy, and they did. No one knew shit in 2016. How long did that plan take? Who was involved? It wasn’t some fly by night operation. And obviously it wasn’t approved by Obama or anyone in the deep state.

So, prior to 2016, some sort of organized military patriots not answering to the deep state took it upon themselves to de-rig the election. And they were so powerful, when it worked, they warned Obama not to stop it, or they would “do the unthinkable.” Meaning they would have just executed a military coup and exposed ALL of the declass right away as justification. And he didn’t do shit. They had to hand it over to Trump.

The public had no idea in 2016 that the elections were rigged in a billion ways. A conspiracy so big people wouldn’t believe it possible. The voting machines themselves running an algorithm. On top of physical fraud. Big picture! The machines! It means it’s been rigged since day one. A conspiracy of unimaginable size. The last 20-30 years, it’s all been fake. Bush family, Romney, Clinton’s, Obama, Mcain, EVERYTHING the government has done for decades has been illegal and the result of fraud.

They had one chance to demonstrate the rigging. 2020. They had to make it obvious. They had to expose the deep state. They had to show you how badly it was rigged, and then show you the traitors that all pretend what just happened, didn’t happen. They had to expose the court system, the DOJ, the fbi, state and federal election systems, Supreme Court, fake news media. EVERYTHING.

And they did. Fuck the polls. 70% of Americans thought the 2020 election was horseshit. The same number of people who think the country is headed the wrong way.

In one election they completely flipped decades of propaganda on its head and woke up more than half the country. Compare the country now to 2016. How many people have been shook out the sleep of lies. The establishment has been utterly gutted. Tucker Carlson gets more views in 24 hours on one 20 minute video on X, than the entire legacy gets in a MONTH.

It had to be this way. They had to show us not tell us.

They are capable of protecting elections, they already did it once. They chose not to do in 2020, they weren’t incapable of it. 2024 gonna be lit.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

No shit there is a persuasion war occurring. Trump said it himself. People are so used to not taking him literally. They view it as hyperbole.

When describing Q in speeches he flat out says we figured out a way to go right around the fake news media, while drawing an air Q. His induction speech when he said “we” are taking the power of Washington and putting it back in the hands of the people. As he said these words officers from military intelligence and military law walked up behind him. Just recently, he said there has been a 7 year illegal psy-op waged on America, as if we were invaded by a foreign army. There was.

Antifa/BLM was a color revolution, and EVERYONE was in on it. How many times did Bill Barr just stand there and say he couldn’t do anything as the country burned and antifa was proudly and openly burning shit down, on video? As that courthouse in Portland was under siege for months. Now compare that to Jan 6.

Of course he could have done something. But he was ordered not too. Same as FBI. Same as DOJ. Everyone was ordered to stand down and let Antifa and BLM run amok for years. Color revolution. A punishment for the people. Punishment for not voting correctly. Psy-op.

Anyone who has lived through the last 7 years of riots and covid and law enforcement protection of commies and can’t see the campaign being waged against the masses is a fucking idiot.

Boozy_McFuckFace 7 points ago +7 / -0

They still can’t admit the obvious. It’s no longer Ukrainian territory. The only question that remains is how much bigger are Russian borders going to get.

The situation now is that the fate of Ukraine exists solely on the whims of Putin. They have burned through all of the ammo, vehicles, men and goodwill of NATO. If Putin wants to start marching across Ukraine, there is not much there to stop him.

Another complete humiliation for NATO, the pentagon, the establishment, and all the lefty idiots with Ukraine flags in their bio. We were told this whole time that Ukraine was winning, Putin was an idiot, and victory was assured. Of course the entire time the opposite was true.

I hope Putin drives tanks into Kiev and burns down all of the government, banking and biolabs and wipes them off the map.

Boozy_McFuckFace 15 points ago +16 / -1

It’s math. Myocarditis has a statistical impact on life expectancy. Before the vax, if you were 40 and got myocarditis, you immediately went into a bucket. 50% of people dead in next ten years. That’s likely a very conservative number.

One of the most shocking things to behold was the medias downplaying of myocarditis. Especially in the young. It used to be an old person problem. It kills you. Once the heart muscle is damaged, it doesn’t get better. It gets worse every beat. These kids didn’t die from it immediately, and it was labeled “mild” myocarditis.

There is no such thing as mild heart damage. You lose life expectancy. If a 60 year old loses life expectancy, that’s somewhat understandable. So they die at 70. Ok. They had 16 year old boys hospitalized for myocarditis. Dead by 26 is a much different story.

The vax aged their cardiac systems into retirement age. There’s no cure. No recovery. They will just die from some version of cardiac failure 40 years before they should have had the first symptoms.

Gonna be interesting to see how the medical industry and agencies try to massage the numbers in the coming decade. Hard to explain why 20 and 30 year olds are dying of heart failure at the highest rate in recorded medical history.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course. There was plenty of cancer pre vax. It’s incredibly common

The noted issue is 2 things. Turbo cancer that defies usual progression schedules, and tumor explosion in people that were in remission. I believe the 2nd one is more common. There are studies out of there of pet scans pre and post vax and tumor count tripled in 2 weeks.

Seems fairly common that researchers believe the vax somehow interferes with the immune system features that fight cancer. It’s incredibly complex and far about my knowledge level. It’s not that the vax is causing cancer. It’s that the vax is destroying peoples own abilities to stave off cancer.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m continually surprised not only that there are so many pedos around, but that there are so many dumbass pedos around. These guys have been getting publicly busted for years now. Both on tv and internet shows. To Catch a Predator was a huge show. And yet they are still so thirsty for kids that they fall for these idiotic setups all the time.

How many kids want to have relations with fat old men? It’s absurd on the face of it. If a 14 year old is gay and sexually active, why would he be interested in some obese old slob?

It’s just so fucking stupid all around. These shows will never run out of morons to catch. I just can’t wrap my brain around how idiotic it is to fall for some trap online. These people should be castrated. There is no redeeming someone so thirsty for pedo behavior.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

It definitely matters. It’s cutting off Chinas ability to steal IP and then produce products at a cheaper rate to sell back to the west. It’s not just iPhones. It’s everything. 5g, AI, avionics, chips, clothes, steel, plastic. Everything you see that says made in China is being cut off.

There is nothing that is going to spring back up, because the west is no longer using China. They are losing 50 years of advancement. College graduates are being shipped back to the country side to farm. It’s catastrophic. The CCP is scrambling to tear up the countryside to create more farms, because famine is a possibility in the next few years. China imports 75% of its food and oil. That costs money. Money that used to come in from western businesses using China as a factory, and from Chinese companies stealing IP and then selling it back at a cheaper rate. That money is disappearing in a matter of months. This is all happening incredibly fast.

If Trump had taken these measures as president, the media and congress would be going ballistic. Yet now they are saying nothing.

Boozy_McFuckFace 16 points ago +16 / -0

I watch several Chinese new review channels on a daily basis. It’s extremely eye opening. The economy is in catastrophe. 20% unemployment for youth. Every single cent of western investment is being yanked out and sent to India and SE Asia. Foxconn alone once employed 130k people in district, and now it’s down to 10k. They plan on moving everything out of China. It’s not just Apple. It’s everyone.

No one seems to know how bad it is over there. There is a real chance that famine is going to happen within a year. 13k millionaires left China last year. Banks are collapsing. Millions of people are paying for homes not yet, and likely won’t be. Evergrande alone has 607 projects that are not completed, and won’t be. Banking is collapsing due to these failed real estate investments, people are losing their entire savings and the government does nothing.

The port in Shanghai just recently went 2 days with no ships. That hasn’t happened in decades. It’s total and complete decoupling. All of it. Someone in the “Biden admin” releases new lists of technology and products every week that can longer be sold to China. We are crushing them by removing their access to advanced chemicals and components needed to create chips. Not only are we not selling them chips, we are removing their ability to make their own.

This sounds to me like corruption and foreign interference EOs are being used.

It’s easy to get bogged down in bad news. Remember Q asked what if China and Ukraine rigged the election? Look at them. They are being destroyed. Ghost in the machine. They can’t call Trump racist for destroying China. They are facing the worse sanctions and trade punishment they have ever had with the US. And no one is saying shit.

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