I think the Q team lurks amongst us all the time, prodding, hinting, pointing, leading the way whenever we need help. The Q drops are Military code. They were designed to be able to withstand decipher by other militaries and the Deep State. Anons have put countless hours into digging for buried public facts and connections. We get subtle direction when needed, when the timing is right. We are an important cog, in this war on humanity. Stay strong.
I agree. If you believe there is a "plan" Biden must stay as President so the crash's that are coming, dollar, banks, stocks, FF, Nuke scare, etc all need to go down on Biden's watch. None of the negative stuff will touch Trump. The only ave I see of Biden being replaced if it's by one of the Obama's or Hillary. Same inside group and that would then put them in the spotlight.
This is one of the ways the Deep State, and this IS the Deep State, controls who we get to pick from. Their goal is to ensure no matter who we pick, it's someone they own. They have no blackmail material on Kari, so they try to buy her off to back out. Pro Tip: If she had accepted the buyout they would then have the material to blackmail her at a later date.
Do not send DWAC shares to Computershare. Computershare does NOT do DRS for DWAC. I tried that before checking and got my shares rejected from Computershare. Didn't know what happened to my shares for 30 days until we found them at the original Transfer company, Continental.
Beer has a very short shelf life. Couple of months is all. After that the Big beer companies require the Wholesalers to pick the expired beer up and destroy it. It's actually standard procedure and has been for decades.
FYI Shooting anywhere on a regular basis can cost a lot of money. Where did this kid get the money for range time, ammo and use of guns. Sure sounds like he was getting outside "help".