BornSameMonthAsTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Has my vote already! Has to be the one to represent my generation.

BornSameMonthAsTrump 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm glad to see you can take the mockery from someone so close to you. I was nearly kicked out of my home by my folks because I refused to wear a mask in stores. Patience is a wonderful gift to give.

BornSameMonthAsTrump 5 points ago +5 / -0

I did a speech about this in my college class a while back, we are in OK. Speaking about what matters in this life filled me with a passion that made giving the speech easier than breathing. I faced a lot of vile hate and the Prof didn't like my anti-abortion stance and tried to hinder me, I took the elevator alone the day I gave my speech. I could tell that I turned the cogs in their heads though. A humble opinion is great, but a meek opinion won't say what needs to be said loud enough, fren. Keep putting the pressure on!

BornSameMonthAsTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

No telling what abuse these people have suffered to make them this way.

BornSameMonthAsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

You think it's the lawmaker, the interpreter of the law, and the law enforcer all in the same club? If I was asleep I'd have no problem with it. However, I'm awake enough to realize we ain't in that club with them.

And If separation of power is such a good idea at the Federal level, then why is this freaky collection of power able to be so close to one another on the local level?

It all sounds so extremely wrong when I type it out.

BornSameMonthAsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Father was a low level Mason. It was simply a business meeting type thing. He does not even remember the name. His business was a two-man operation and the people there he assumed were larger on the food chain. He dressed like a cowboy and they were in suits. He didn't fit in and left. Years later a Pastor helped him call off any demonic presence caused by his short time being a Mason. He had a ring at one point, long gone now.

I have no idea if the other people there had similar businesses or if it was different parts of the economy. My Father's business never went anywhere and he's forgotten most of it.

BornSameMonthAsTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am just a simple person. However, this feels based to space.

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