A sad lesson life has taught me is to never underestimate the amount of human stupidity out there
Streamable tends to remove anything linked from a .win site.
Yeah. Blood clots? Heart attacks or inflammation? Neurological damage? Autoimmune disorders? These people don't realize many of them will be suffering for the rest of their lives.
One article I found said "this weekend"
I have people like this in my family. Everything is about treating symptoms, never about even considering root causes. They probably think turning off the fire alarm would make fires go away.
Read any thread in that sub, even the ones they don't delete. It's f'ing nightmare fuel.
I've always loved vegan food. It's great as a side dish to beef.
It's clear they're in a great hurry to push vaccines right now. What if the thing they're rushing to prevent is natural herd immunity? Because that would kill the entire scheme.
So far almost every symptom I've seen can be explained by either micro clotting or autoimmune disorders. I expect we'll see a lot of those two going forward.
Michael Rapaport
I had a "fight" with a family member (extended family but they live close by) a couple of years ago. Ended up never getting invited to their boring birthday parties and certain other family gatherings since. It's great.
I think you'd be surprised. Also the US is fundamentally different from most other countries in structure. For example I think the first step in a mass revolt against the federal government would be calls for secession.
Many of the people experiencing heart or nerve related issues will never recover. Even if it doesn't progress further, they'll be stuck with those symptoms for life.
The target might not be the masses. If the information is officially verified it can be used in eg. court cases.
Also, no talking on internet forums because it could spread mind viruses.
With all the flooding going on everywhere, anyone see this story? It's probably not relevant but still interesting.
Inb4 it's "buy my new book!"
Add an s/ in there and it should work in any web browser: https://t.me/s/McafeeAfterlife
They will 100% end up on "we cheated but cheating was necessary"
I know some of them.
Unfortunately I have some goldfish-brained people in my family. You can show them stuff like this and they'll be shocked and horrified and agree with you on everything. Then two weeks later they've gotten all vaxxed up because their friend at work said it was safe.
"Hitler did nothing wrong, according to independent fact checker Joseph Goebbels."
How do we know different areas get the same vaccine? Or different people? Is there ANY control, oversight, monitoring, security or documentation of the production of the stuff that's being pumped into hundreds of millions of people?
Even without any conspiracy from the top, how hard would it be for a terrorist organization or a single psychopathic employee to poison a million people?
Sounds like it's time for your third dose, citizen!
I saw someone theorizing this last year as well. Getting everyone the same vaccine is the perfect opportunity to "prime" the whole population for the next virus, since everyone now has the exact same antibodies. You can now design a new pathogen to exploit ADE like making a key to fit a lock. (And even if no-one releases such a virus, evolution is going to discover it on its own eventually anyway.)