ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

But wait, I was told by smarmy Californians that their state produces the most fruit out of the whole nation, so they must be fine. They will blame the Patriots when they make their own farms fail.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yep, they hope that it keeps people from suing them over it. not the company's fault because of the "mandate", not the government's fault because there is no mandate.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like when he said that he personally knew who Q was and that Q was an internet troll? Like when it was revealed that he maliciously made the story up, his evidence clearly being faked because it shows someone sending a news article to someone, but the chat was sent days before the article was actually published? Like when he became super passionate about his tiny amount of clearly faked evidence, "But muh chatlogs!!! You are all fake Republicans!!!"?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 23 points ago +23 / -0

The irony of teachers having "Bully Free Zone" and "Stand up for yourself and others, even if it means standing alone" posters on their wall and then bullying children for not complying with vaccines or masks

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 62 points ago +62 / -0

Rage with the Machine

Rage on Behalf of the Machine

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good thing Germany banned spreading conspiracy theories about the election a week before it took place, almost thought there might have been cheating for a second.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is just a pathetic attempt to repeat, "armed Trump terrorists absolutely run Biden bus off the road into ditch, almost assassinated Biden who was in a different state". They are just really desperate to say, "ha! Here's the proof you guys were the terrorists all along!"

Same thing when Reddit doesn't ban a certain subreddit when they demand it, they get all excited because they finally have proof that Reddit is right wing biased.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 7 points ago +7 / -0

Maybe they will announce some vax passport to get everyone riled up just before the invasion?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

10 years ago ending the War on Drugs was one of their rallying cries and something both parties were ready to compromise on

Now they want to start the War on Over the Counter Drugs

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. While it's important to fight, it's about as easy to keep up the fight for some people as it was for others to shut down their stores for months, aka it's impossible.

Q does mention the importance of camouflage. Where would we be if instead of camouflaging, our soldiers stood up firing wildly screaming "USA! USA! USA!"? They would be brave soldiers, but they would also be dead and everyone after would say "why did they reveal themselves like that instead of waiting it out to fight another day?"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was the teacher Trevor Moore?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +3 / -1

I actually agree with this a lot. Why does every depiction of pre flood days have to be medieval like? Just because people lived in a medieval era when they imagined it. But, with how evil and global our society is now, I wouldn't be surprised if the civilization was closer to our modern society than barbarians. Same goes for the Tower of Babel, have you seen some of the proposed skyscrapers today that look like the Tower of Babel? I think they call them arcology or something.

The main rebuttal I have always heard is "well where are their ruins?" Considering we don't build things to last anymore, and considering that there have been billions of years of complex life on Earth (the Dinosaurs only go back 60 million years) it seems perfectly reasonable that a corrupt society back then ignored God and didn't make it hard for God to wipe them out since they probably also built cheap buildings. How do we know Noah's Ark wasn't a spaceship?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shills have unironically tried to push that the MOAB was the modern equivalent of nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yep, some dirt compound and series of crawl tunnels in the middle of the desert was actually a huge metropolis apparently and millions of civilians died from something that has the blast yield of a Davy Crockett (still big but not comparable to real nukes)

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 6 points ago +6 / -0

I watched the news article live go from blaming the overcrowding on ivermectin to defaulting that it's a covid surge...

I don't think there are overflowing hospitals now

by BQnita
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't he mention that there were other prisons being built too? I'm guessing for the "lesser" traitors.

by BQnita
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

FDA playing 5d chess on approving it

by BQnita
ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gravity is free

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like my boss when I scratched the company van, "he is so accident prone and overall a horrible driver, I don't know why he is the only one who drives that van" his boss and everyone else: "well then why did you threaten to fire him if he didn't take on the responsibility of driving it? Why do you have him and only him driving the van? You're the one in charge of assigning drivers."

They say stupid shit to defend themselves, although in my story my boss didn't have to say that shit. But just like him, I imagine the doctor blames everyone but themself if they get in trouble for saying something stupid.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

The wheat ones are pretty cool looking. Ironically the day I found one was the day after I saw a How I Met Your Mother episode where the guy finds a penny on the ground and is the only one interested that it was minted in 1936. Adjusted for time, mine was about the same age, but from the fifties

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