CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're supposed to lick the judge's ring over this.

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Incredibly, they've settled on another plandemic as the election interference tool for 2024.

I guess since it worked flawlessly the first time, why wouldn't you repeat? Dominion voting machines go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

CQVFEFE 2 points ago +2 / -0

The second video by the same guy is even more mind blowing

Entire thing was set up in advance with actors, cases of bottled water stashed all around, props and sets, etc. Tons and tons of fake cops in uniform who didn't know how to fight with rioters or arrest people...one of them doing a fake arrest didn't even bother controlling the "rioter's" hands once face down on the ground. Never did a fake arrest before.

Whole thing was [incredibly amateurishly] faked.

CQVFEFE 8 points ago +8 / -0

So one can colour me moderately skeptical that this incident is not unrelated to the Baltimore disaster: it's a bit too coincidental and too close in time to the Baltimore bridge collapse to be ignored but on the other hand, two is still just a coincidence...


Yeah, I'm sure a second huge container ship nearly slamming into a bridge in a major US port harbor—just a few days after the first one, to make it clear that it's deliberate—is totally normal and not connected at all to the first one...sure. And when the next one does it, that, too, will merely be a coincidence. Because to suggest any collusion would be a CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, the alphabet was a piece of cake. 30 minutes.

In English, a pen is called a pen.

We don't need a fucking different spelling for pen, based on whether we're saying with a pen, to a pen, of a pen, on a pen, or the yebannyj pen is the subject of the sentence!

PLUS! The damn pen better not have any adjectives, or else every damn one of those sorry bastards has to be spelled differently, too, based on the fucking preposition! Kidding me? Why wasn't the preposition enough?!

And kindly don't get me started on THREE GENDERS. LMAO

Hey, at least it's easier than Chinese.

jk, English is a bitch to learn too let's face it :)

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand your statement about capital letters and that saying 'You are a corporation' makes you one.

I just don't know that it's absolute truth that simply stating these things makes them true, or if rather they are postulates.

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK but the nickname doc for doctor is unrelated to the word dock, and the words birth and berth are unrelated.

(Currency doesn't come from current + sea, either. :) IMHO the whole maritime thing is up for grabs, lacking any credible final word on what things really do mean. Like the fringe on the flag. It's always claimed to mean maritime law. But since there's zero chance flag-loving Trump doesn't know the real meaning, and he has it onstage with him all the time, the most logical conclusion is it's merely meaningless decoration, and Trump famously likes lots of gold decoration.

I can't find a definitive impartial source stating that merely using the UPPER CASE of the letters used to spell your name, instead of using mostly lowercase letters, has the power to turn you into a non-human slave of a maritime world government. Has the relative size of the letters of the alphabet been granted that power? So far it is still questionable.

CQVFEFE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know, just try to make that face...it feels crazy AF

CQVFEFE 6 points ago +6 / -0


EZ PZ, gimme a sec...

OK, done - that was nothing. Thanks OP, upvoted :)

CQVFEFE 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ha ha, that's classic. How have I never heard "Mike Hawk" before.

First cousin to Mike Hunt :)

CQVFEFE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Phronesis (Ancient Greek: φρόνησῐς, romanized: phrónēsis) is a type of wisdom or intelligence relevant to practical action. It implies both good judgment and excellence of character and habits, and was a common topic of discussion in ancient Greek philosophy.


I'd agree Trump has it, bigly.

We should plant seed articles for the left, lamenting that Trump has a severe case of phronesis—looks like it could be terminal, no idea where he caught it from or how contagious it is, we hope he survives until the election, what will we do, we're all soooo worried here in MAGAland, etc. Tee hee hee

CQVFEFE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hate or hate speech is a natural human birthright.

Nothing and nobody can ever own your mind or control your natural instincts and feelings.

Not O'Brien. Not Big Brother. Not the woke cabal. Nobody.

CQVFEFE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Patriots loving America, not wanting to see it flushed down the toilet of history?

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except at least your wedding day pretty much guaranteed you'd get laid.

Not so much, for the sun going dark for a few minutes at a time other than its usual daily time for getting dark

CQVFEFE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sunfagging is like datefagging

Nothing happens

CQVFEFE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have no fear, Trump will prevail bigly

$upport will only grow the more they abuse and persecute him and us

CQVFEFE 12 points ago +12 / -0

72-Hour Rule in effect

Trump will turn this decision into an advantage

His attorney Cohen was the one banging her, not Trump...she's a Bill Clinton level skank, not in Trump's league.

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