I think they were talking about her sole purpose in life.
Same level of intelligence... I suppose you're right.
I mean, did they choose to stay for an extended period, or was it the fault of the government? We know the answer. I'm sure they had to do SOME kind of work while they were up there, you know, TO STAY ALIVE! I hope they find out who made the decision to not pay these people and FIRE them!
It's hard work when every move you make is a virtue signal. On an even weirder tangent, what made Elon put cameras in all the Teslas?
I thought it was a still from Planet of the Apes.
Miami has a large Jewish population. There's one section that has a lot of acidic Jews, the ones with the long curly sideburns and funny looking hats. There's a lot of jewelry stores there where you see them.
Maybe that was slipped in to include the Jews of Miami?
I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. I take statements like this from Trump as confirmation. I don't know how he does it, but he never says anything that's not based in fact.
Don't worry, Joe brought protection.
David Hogg is going to bite his pillow extra hard tonight!
I noticed that back in my Reddit days when he was running for the second time. If you wrote a comment that said anything negative about Obama, you were quickly downvoted into oblivion. I at the time kept saying that this was a case of the emperor's new clothes; that everyone seemed to be dumbly following the herd. Thank God that they're all retarded and told me to stay away from r/The_Donald!
Notice how they put she in front of he? Not an accident.
I don't know about militarily, but Yemen has close access to a bottleneck in the Red Sea. Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have ports in the Red Sea.
Who do you think your fellow countrymen would blame if Elon pulled the plug on Canadian Starlink? I, as an American think David Eby would get the blame seeing how he struck first. And it was unmistakably political to yank Tesla. I don't know, if Elon could turn most Canadians against Eby, it would maybe discourage other world leaders from playing stupid games.
...then deport them all to Hamastan or wherever in the middle east they think they're protesting for.
Voting Democrat?
It's searchable now!
This was posted earlier with the title, "Hahahahahaha" by U/DarQ2light
I saw a fat rookie cop the other day. Bro wanted to be a cop so bad that he thought cops primarily got their nourishment from doughnuts and lived that life before even joining the police force.
What a stroke of brilliance for Trump to literally point out how democrats will not applaud that which is good for America. I'm sure that at least planted a seed of doubt in even the most hardcore normie.
Damn, they're scared! You can see it on all their faces!
They jumped the shark when they handed one out to O'bama. And he had done fuck all to deserve it. They pretty much gave him one just for being black.
So I watched ol' Hill Dawg getting chucked into a van like a side of beef, for old time's sake, and I tell you, it looks more and more like she was resisting getting chucked into said van. No longer do I think she was sun stroking or alcohol fatigueing. She was dreading that van and resisted every step toward it.
Notice how Europe has been the cause of world conflict since even before world wars?