...So... wen MOASS?
I just sent this to my retarded liberal friend and said, "This is why I voted for Trump!"
I can't make her see logic and reason so I send her stuff like this because that's how I imagine her thought process working.
Whether the roundup is habbening or not, I would be quaking in my shit filled boots. I bet they expect to get raided and perp walked any minute now.
People also tend not to pay attention to House and Senate candidates, voting for familiar sounding names.
Lucky! My sister has to check with her Jewish husband for any updates to her opinion.
Fren, I'll buy the entire ticket!
If Trump can fix the elections so that they cannot be rigged, I don't mind a president having as many terms as the American people will have him.
Makes me wonder if the percentage of crazies has always been the same throughout history. Were they weeded out and eliminated, or were they shunned into keeping quiet? Does social media play a part in amplifying their craziness? Because now anybody can be seen by everybody.
Brickbot, Coatbot, Trainbot...
Ten inch clit.
...and load up everyone who perpetrated 9-11 into a plane and tell them they are going to New Zealand to escape justice, but fly them instead into the UN building!
Useless Noodleheads
Blue helmets are DEW proof, just sayin'
"That's not hyperbole! "
Great storms!
No. I want that money paid back to the American taxpayers. The government was irresponsible with the money in the first place, so they don't get to mismanage it again.
The hobos and drug addicts say there's demons under Las Vegas. I believe it.
Give this a watch, she explains the constellations, the movements, and how they relate to the bible.
Wew lad! He's back!!!
"Let's Q this bitch!"
This is the best movie I've ever seen!
Why would an innocent man need to be pardoned? is the question normies should be asking.
Good tips! Thanks for the rundown on mental math!