What is a Dumb? Thx
Good question, LOL. Low hanging credibility fruit.
Shit yeah it does.
One critical aspect (the most critical) of this scam relies on the consistency and continuity of human behavior:
I own stock..... stock keep going down.... news says bad things about company..... I sell stock.
That is until we caught them. They never expected people to go long, and stay long. They are so screwed. We see through it all. Fake crashes, we laugh and buy more. Thanks for the discount.
No brainer.
There’s a billboard in my town that says “Trust your medical professionals.”
A lot of normies are about to wake up to this now that they see their Tyrannical government in action. I sent my co-workers a video of Tower 7 falling yesterday and they didn’t even know about tower 7. These were the only three skyscrapers in world history to collapse from fire, and these buildings were built with steel exterior beams, making them as strong of building as you can make.
my friend has played Major League Baseball for about 10 years and said earlier this year that 17 players on the team (including him) all tested positive for Covid. 16 of those 17 were vaccinated. The team hid the results because they needed to get the game in and it didn’t fit the narrative of the unvaxxed being the problem. They were forced to get get vaccinated or their families couldn’t come to the games.
I’ll bite. Why two weeks?
Thanks bud!
Thanks a lot!
Yep, I’m not even convinced short selling should be allowed (even using real shares). Simple buying and selling is all we need to find a true market value (IMO). This is going to be the crash of all crashes and it will be worldwide. Nothing was done after 2008 to correct the underlying issues. It only got worse. Fundamentals no longer matter. Just hope the stock you buy is being manipulated in the right direction.
I’m not convinced, but I’m also not disagreeing. If the fiat becomes worthless, and I have gold. What good is that for me? Wouldn’t the barter system - and generally supply demand of needed/crucial goods replace the monetary system. I’ll trade you 20 chickens and a goat for those tires and 100 gallons of gasoline..... gold doesn’t do anything for me as I have no usable value. Please enlighten me. Thx
It’s a good question.
it Really feels like it. The mere fact that the derivative markets allowed a system to develop in which market makers can create infinite synthetic shares in the name of “market liquidity” created an opportunity and environment ripe for fraud. The regulatory agencies only exist to give the perception of a fair and regulated market. After GameStop, I will never invest in the market again.
I’m so disappointed and surprised our doctors turned out to be as corrupt as every other institution in our country. There not going to enjoy the fallout of all this. They really think they are better than everybody. They soon will see what it’s like to be ostracized.
Johnson and Johnson knowing had asbestos in baby powder for years and covered it up. But this time..... this time, they have our best interest in mind. Even though they have 0 liability if it’s poison.
I speculate at least half of the users in that forum are conservative. The red pilling works well because the liberals just assume that everyone is a lib. They are starting to see that all politicians are empty corrupt puppets and that the system is rigged. We actually agree on a lot of the same problems, just we don’t agree on the solutions.
Not following this, but I too thought the “want to play a game?” (S)top was a message
Although my dead grandmother voted for Biden, If she were here with us today, she would regret her vote.
Thanks for the article and this is important, however the title sensationalizes the true substance of the article. I do expect a more heavy handed approach sooner than later from these scum.
You should write for Playboy.
That is 100% what they would say if it were reversed. 100%
Did this about two months ago. So happy I did!