ChewySoap 1 point ago +1 / -0

No need to be sorry, I was just being specific about where it was in the video in case you wanted to check for yourself. My interpretation is that we are currently waiting to see what action Paxton takes, that will determine if he is a good guy or bad guy. The request from the Guatemalan AG was recent.

ChewySoap 1 point ago +1 / -0

DHS Chief of Staff Jonathan Davidson, Appointed by Mayorkas. That is the picture shown while he is speaking and that section of video opens with the title "Conversation between Governer Grisham and Mayorka's Chief of Staff". Not sure where "Ken Paxton is the worst kind of bad guy" came from?

ChewySoap 5 points ago +5 / -0

When I left reddit, Tranny mods were shitting up all the nintendo game threads(Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, etc) with tranny and furry versions of characters and posting their gay fan-fiction. Anyone that made fun of them or had criticism was banned. It had gotten that bad by 2018, I can only imagine how gay it is now.

ChewySoap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pence and Barr were attacked pretty regularly. Flynn has lots of family, he isn't immune to threats. Kemp fell in line pretty quick when his daughter's boyfriend blew up in his car. I hope you're right, but it doesn't look like it from my perspective.

ChewySoap 4 points ago +4 / -0

"They say immolation is the highest form of flattery, but they don't talk about the awful smell. It's not worth it folks, don't do it!"

ChewySoap 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Flynn knows where the bodies are buried" I would imagine that is because he helped put them there.

I hope Team Trump accounted for Flynn inevitably stabbing them in the back just like Mccarthy, Johnson, Pence, Pompeo, Barr, Rosenstein, Sessions, Ryan etc, etc,

I hope they didn't really believe that there were/are more good than bad in federal government.

ChewySoap 3 points ago +3 / -0

"praised by industry lobbyists" is used to discredit the study by implying it was biased and fabricated. The guardian article is Anti-Meat, Pro-Climate scam garbage. You're right, it's worded incredibly poorly because it's written by some retarded anti-meat faggot.

ChewySoap 2 points ago +2 / -0

This article argues for banning meat production by attacking a research study that was harmful to the anti-meat lobby.

ChewySoap 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why did it jump straight to complete forgiveness? I imagine many people would have been supportive of just pausing interest if adequate payments were being made or even just lowering the interest so repayment was more attainable. The fact that there was no negotiation or discussion about how to make repayment easier, just shows that this is all political and mainly about buying votes. That's why it's being brought up again in an election year.

ChewySoap 29 points ago +29 / -0

So, they regret taking it but still have to frame unjabbed people as bad for speaking out? No, fuck that.

ChewySoap 4 points ago +4 / -0

Corporate CEO positions are just a nepotistic game of musical chairs. Bring one in with a mandate to cut costs, once public opinion sours because of layoffs and declining quality, pass them off to the next corporation, rinse and repeat.

ChewySoap 6 points ago +6 / -0

They rejected the mossad/cia puppet. Good for them, let them fix their own shit, we shouldn't be involved or taking anyone in.

ChewySoap 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do we add it to the list along with covid, the stolen election, forced jabs, Ukraine money-laundering, etc?

"Don't worry about getting arrested the police are on our side"

"Don't worry about the trial, the judge is on our side"

"Don't worry about the execution, the executioner is on our side."

ChewySoap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guess i shouldn't have named that electrode Muhammed 20 years ago

ChewySoap 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe your error is attributing logic and honesty to these people. They justify sterilizing and mutilating children, they justify a dementia patient running the country, they justify the rape and murder of American children by foreigners. They all loved Elon Musk half a decade ago but the second he stepped out of line they demonized him just like Trump and their followers ate it up. The second cable news starts framing the military as "maga", they will hate them too.

I don't think we get out of this clean.

ChewySoap 10 points ago +10 / -0

What the fuck is 128ducks.com? I feel like I shouldn't click on that

ChewySoap 6 points ago +6 / -0

Summary: Don't talk about controversial topics or engage with people that talk about controversial topics. In other words, be the most milquetoast faggot that you can be and don't interact with people that speak their mind.

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