When you have countries like India straight up financing their businesses to export into the U.S., further lowering their costs (I believe government is also covering freight for export), it is a financial war. I saw a huge shift in purchasing from other Asian countries move to India in a short amount of time and Indian owned businesses in the U.S. moved all purchasing to export businesses out of India. It’s short sighted, quality is usually worse than China, so some are losing profits but this gives them a chance to bolster and improve their manufacturing all while we still ignore manufacturing in the United States.
We are currently in a catch-22 as we have destroyed our own manufacturing and inflation is so high that labor costs and everything else here is so expensive that businesses can’t even get started; therefore relying on cheap crap out of Asia.
And again, you see a mindset of totalitarianism by the left while accusing anyone that disagrees with them of committing the same.
Comes back to my thoughts on the generational break that has to occur to counter the brainwashing America has endured.
For the love of God, please address down ballot voting where states voted for Trump but elected Democrat state officials. It’s a repeat of the same story where opposition is created against Trump. North Carolina, Arizona, others…. What is happening in those states is treason and it’s time for appropriate punishment.
The left is a weaponized tool at this point. Years of education camps and brainwashing. It won’t get turned around in a few days, months, or years.
Look, the black population, and what our government did to them, was an experiment on societal control through dependence, social experimentation, cultural distortion, destruction of the family unit, and impressing a false sense of selfishness and pride in the wrong things. It is like the experiment of what you can do and get away with in Communist China.
You don’t think that the shadow government, the elites, have used their experience to impress it upon the rest of our society and turned everyone against each other.
These people are damn near lost. 4-5% or more
I tell you, I’m struggling. Family business started in 1920, will probably be closing the doors in the next couple months unless some miracle happens. I am not sure just how much stress I can take. Have started looking at other jobs already.
Not allegedly, he was targeted and entrapped through a corrupt politician that befriended him in Florida. The guy was in charge of dmv licensing and had access to the machines, created a fraudulent ID for an escort that was 17 after he had sex with her. He then introduced her to Gaetz and then tried to blackmail Gaetz and his father in an indirect way. Gaetz quickly reported to FBI, they found Gaetz was in the clear, and the other guy is now in jail.
Gaetz needs to release the data on the payoffs Congress has made for sexual harassment and other things related to the corrupt behavior of our politicians.
Worked for a company that was asked to consult and propose fixes for USPS.
They were asked to do this twice, as if after a couple of years, something had changed.
This company specializes in helping analyze all small package traffic and help companies strategically locate warehouses in order to reduce shipping cost and time, direct data feeds off FedEx, UPS, etc. Very trusted in what they do by both sides.
Determined that USPS hadn’t really updated since 50’s/60’s.
Infrastructure so old that they were instructed that the only real way to update was to scrap everything and rebuild.
You have to absolutely wonder where all of the money goes.
USPS deserves to die. Pay their employees way too much for what amounts to unskilled labor.
Late response; a lot of these things you cycle on and off. It’s pretty common. For me, a build phase is a heavy two or three weeks of training and then you have a rest week. Depends on what you are doing in life and if you are planning out your work-outs or training with a coach.
It’s not the fact that they are women, it’s the fact that they were unbelievably evil options propped up by a controlled media that brainwashed a population into allowing the two individuals to be anywhere near the position. The fraud that it took to get them there, the fact that both of their pasts were ignored, the gas-lighting to make them look better than they are….
In general, women vote emotionally and base actions on emotion. Hillary Clinton doesn’t do that, she recognizes it in others and exploits it herself. She is a narcissist that bends herself to her audience to gain attention.
Harris is an absolute puppet and anyone with any critical reasoning skills could see it.
Could there be a female option in the past that we might be able to support? I wouldn’t rule it out completely.
The facts show that women have been weaponized based solely on their gender. I dare say that it might even be easier to manipulate women because they generally base a lot of decisions more on emotion than on logic, facts, or consequences. I point towards abortion to illustrate this point; it should have always been a state controlled issue and the initial federal decision was based on fraud.
This is the same reason why race is such an issue. All races have been weaponized to split the country and the black population has been decimated by our own government and are a controlled voting block now. Sure, they rejected a lot that was forced on them this election, thankfully, but the crime statistics and government dependence rates show that there are underlying issues that are multi-generational. It is that way on purpose.
Look, the government and government sub-contractors have to be the biggest employer in the U.S. now. Many here do recognize just how dangerous that is. That is communism. Add to that, the government regulation on private enterprise and it is definitely communism.
The sneaking communism, the media control, the brainwashing of society, I worry way more about than anything else right now because everything else basically stems from those issues. Trace them back and take care of the causes or nothing will change, it will only be delayed.
Agreed. As far as the brainwashed population goes, time really is running out in terms of setting up and exposing a manipulated election.
If they have the control, they need to release this month. The FEMA disaster is being spun by the media right now and everyone outside of the southeast is convinced the government is helping.
My work causes me to have to deal with this almost every day.
Yes, they are extremely well paid.
This is another cause and effect of Covid price gouging from the top down.
Remember when the government said it was going to investigate the high prices?
More smoke and mirrors.
The top brass at all of the logistics companies were giving themselves massive bonuses and not passing the money down.
I was paying nearly $24k for a container to get it here from overseas when it had been $6500 prior to Covid.
F all of them and the government they rode in on.
Decent explanation: