I would like to meet one of those 'past Trump supporters' because I have never found one. And guaranteed if you look at their history they vote Democrat and probably have a Ukraine flag in their Bio. And that is another thing, why are they so for Ukraine? What the fuck do we get for sending Ukraine our tax dollars???
Don't forget 3: Doing your own research!
Yeah they say "if you can't see it then I don't know what to tell you!" or "You are brainwashed" - which is funny because I don't watch the news I like going stratight to the source for information. Whatever they are dwindling down to realyl be the 3-5% gone forever.
Do they not realize that Trump is a man of his word? Biden didnt' do anything he promised, Obama didn't either, Trump comes in and does everything on the first day lol. He doesn't sleep, he's a fighter, he doesn't back down to the floppy cocked liberal judges. Now he has a dreamteam of an Administration, it's just too bad we only get him for 4 years! I think we should vote on turning the country into a monarchy and let the Trump family take over for good :)
The constitution is pretty clear.
Download that video please I can’t right now
I have a massive crush on Natalie. 🥰
Wake me up when someone is in cuffs 🥱
Refusing is not hesitation, just saying.
His hand is in front of it, you can see it behind and underneath
Elon is African American though.
That would be hilarious
Yeah should release all these guys financials
The preferred term is non-phallic
Nice find, thanks for sharing. Binging on his articles now ;)
I know, 'noon' needs to be the middle of the day, they are going to fuck it up.
Yes, paper ballots, same day counting, random and mandatory audits, I'm 100% on board with this. If my candidate loses faithfully than that is fine, it's when they lose with massive questionable fraud, well... I hope they can do it, the problem is, elections are run at state level.
Didn't work out too well, my wife thinks it's hilarious the best thing that came out that meeting was Zelinski got his new nickname, Temu Zelinski hahalool