If the stone is too large to pass, you could end up with sepsis and die without treatment. Check your temp for fever and check blood pressure because if your blood pressure drops that might mean you have a serious infection and will need antibiotics. If I were you, I'd go to ER if this causes fever that won't go away. Otherwise drink tons of water and pee a lot and hopefully it'll come out. It sucks you don't have insurance but if this gets serious then you will need medical intervention.
I use flonase and most of my smells are back except onions still always smell rancid to me, and bad smells like poop or cat breath smell sickly sweet. I couldn't eat eggs for months because they also had that sickly sweet smell to me and I felt like I was eating shit...that seems to have gone away thankfully.
I took too much one year and my level was like 93 whatever. I didn't know it was fat soluble and though I would pee out the excess. My doctor called me when she got the results like "!!!!!!!!!!stop what are you doing!!!!!!!!" I didn't feel anything though.
She has a huge crush on trump