Russia beat Tigers, they point out that 'if and when' western tanks show up they likely will meet the same fate.
The Leopards are also cats and the ones being discussed for Ukraine are not state of the art. The Challengers will not be state of the art, and the Abrams will never arrive, tho they are planned to be new built because our existing tanks are above the grade we wish to send over. The tanks biden would send - he will be out of office before the scheduled date arrives - will not be equal to the tanks we employ in our armored units.
So Russia points out they will happily wait for months and even years to kill the newly arriving tanks, because they have systems which are in fact state of the art they will use to kill them, systems they have not needed fighting just the older tanks Ukraine used to have.
Russia is trolling them all, 'us' all. And I think rightly so.
Shrinks will tell you that 'normal' for humans is whatever the majority does, so as we reach that point in time when the insane outnumber us yeah, we become the crazy folk.
'We'? Not so fast there comrade, 'we' most certainly were not wrong, we followed morality and science the whole way.
It was 'you', not 'we'. 'You' chose to ignore God and science, you chose to follow the insane dancing nurses and government and pharma and even impose tyrannies and yeah death upon the rest of us.
Not we comrade, it was all you debbils.
Saw that starting in 1969 when the Feds brought busing to us down here, but thanks for caring. The local black terrorists here - the People's Party 2 or some bullshiite - sent gangbanging terrorist thugs disguised as new students to the school and ambushed all us kids, they planned a riot and brought clubs and assorted Tools.
Us non-black kids got the crap beat out of us, 16-17 year old kids with books being ambushed by adults with weapons, a friend of mine still has a plate in his skull today. Personally I've seen it become more prevalent all the decades since, but again thanks for caring you ignorant racis beoytch.
FAFO is not a game, if it was y'all woulda looted it already.
Doubt it was Israel, they would send more than three little quadcopters.
Probably 'us' or our proxies.
The rageheads flexed in a panic tho, apparently fired AA and scrambled aircraft so they thought they were attacked for reelz.
Post office, tax office, clerks in every government office are gonna be elected? They'll be electioneering instead of doing their damn jobs.
Nope, it's been a life-long thing with me and I do my Duty whether they like it or not.
And from time to time one or another will ask me stuff, turns out they do know who to ask when a notion strikes their pointed little heads.
Probably not, we should hire and fire based on merit and not electioneering.
Take the money out of it, some school administrators make millions.... and that is ridiculously Evil. Get the unions out of all public sectors too.
Most companies are pretending they know nothing, didn't see nothing, didn't hear nothing, please pass me my fentanyl pipe.
Our Duty is to ensure that when they attempt to drag those nets up the cost to them outweighs the benefit. Yeah we may well all have to die alone as the fedbois kick in our doors, but it should be as likely that they might die as well.
If Jesus calls we go, whether at the hands of caesar's janissaries or by plague. I know how I would rather die if I must.
I'm not sure any possible explanation will suffice to cover the Evils which have been done, the Evils which are still accruing. People are not going to believe that (hundreds of millions) needed to die to prevent 7 billion from dying without irrefutable proofs; the kind only Christ could produce perhaps. What would be believable at that point, who would we trust, what possible evidences would we produce?
Even if Trump did run and get the most votes, most Electoral votes the machines are still rigged. But he may not run, or as I keep getting told people are not automatically going to vote for him because as you say above....
Trump did tout the known poisons, that seems inexcusable right now. I admit I don't know what I don't know but what possible excuses are imaginable? Trump did know the elections were rigged and seemingly let that all occur- again what possible rationale covers that?
We don't know, and so we cannot begin to understand. If Trump is playing lesser of two Evils games we lost long ago and are doomed. My only sane path seems to be a continuance of Faith in Trump and a Plan. We watch a movie here, a Hithcockian thriller with nothing but twists and betrayals.
If my path is false well we were doomed anyhow. I have no clue 'why' it must be this way, seems like Trump 'could have' called us out and we could have simply arrested government, reformed it under New and honest Management. Yeah that would have been bloody but effective, and this way is also very very bloody.
It cannot be so that Trump chooses between the lesser of Evils, that thinking requires a conscious decision to not take offense and simply play defense. We should never allow the Enemy to dictate tactics, force them to respond to us instead.
We don't know what we don't know tho, we have to trust that 'others' do know more than us.
Ask yourself why the donald AND this place are allowed to exist when practically all other such sites were exterminated.
YES, of course they are comped, always have been. This is a real war, the Enemy does still control most of the territory we fight upon, absolutely.
We don't have that sort of entertainment around here, thank God.
Note to self - add three more mags to normal carry load.
We started trying to tell the idiots in late 2019, the CDC had even put out employment ads looking for medical managers with plague experience in September or so 2019. People were watching the whole time. Fauci even bragged that Trump was gonna get hit with a plague.
We did try to tell the idiots and they mocked us, hated us for it. I have texts on my phone from 2019 arguing with medical professionals about the lies of the CDC and government.
Remember Pelosi begging people to come celebrate the chinese new year, to just wear a mask and come celebrate? Same in NYC, and the whole time many of us were screaming that government was herding 'you' into stockyards for branding/innoculation.
We told their sorry azzes, they chose to refuse God, to refuse morality and science and logic and common sense. They chose fear and welfare slaveries. They chose death.
That's ok, don't bother, I understand the deal in Ukraine and don't actually need the day by day sitreps.
Yeah I would love to be able to access it and see both the real and the fake. But that isn't possible if only telegram is used as the medium, which in itself is suspect huh.
Got sauce?
If you fish you should always have one of these handy.
Just sayin'.
If that were true Vlad would be certain it was broadcast to the world at large, not some chinese-spyware like telegram.
Got sauce? Not telegram, something people can actually access.
Except the stuff is being destroyed and sold off, altho yes of course it is a big ugly ruse.
If 'you' were the Enemy - think hillary and soros and all the hidden hands - and you needed a fall guy, what better thing could you fabricate than the biden family of treasonous barstewards?
Like Laura Silsby and the child trafficking in Haiti, biden and his family serve today.
Do you think it is possible Trump didn't know what was coming? It was advertised after all, fauci put up playoff style brackets and the CDC even put out job listings for staffing positions.
I think it is impossible Trump did not know before it was released.
Yeah I need those on my Texas border, not in Ukraine waiting on Russia to kill them.
DAMMIT biden you traitor!!
The Bradley is a fair APC and the thing can shoot pretty well, but it isn't a tank it is an APC, or modern nomenclature might be IFV, infantry fighting vehicle. It is lightly armored, a good .50 cal can punch holes in it.
Russia will not sink the ship tho - these APCs are not a threat. Those are enough to transport a short battalion, 500 Troops or so, not a tactical game changer just a dog and pony show.