I would say most evil thorough history is done by incompetence. Not all, but most. Sometimes you would see a puppet-master above these incompetent people, using their delusions of grandeur to their own ends.
The latter is what we are seeing in our current historic times. We have a bunch of people desperate for power, being controlled by people behind the curtain to further an agenda of a BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy, for those who don't speak in TTRPG terms). They will say whatever is written in front of them, and follow what they are told to do. If the plan goes off the rails, go into hiding until new marching orders are given, and follow those. Some will try to usurp power, but will be quickly cut down and brought back in line...or worse.
There are a lot of fools who play Rust then XD
I wasn't talking about regulation, I was talking about money and how they are obsessed with it. Even if a well or rain barrels came into play, you would have to boil it and filter it for it to become potable. I am glad for all the innovations for us to have water on tap, but you have to understand that things are getting tighter and expensive thanks to these regulations and stuff. They don't care about the layman, just themselves.
True that, but I can't have a well within city limits. Have to have a permit for rain barrels as well where i am. It's just more and more red tape on being independent.
For me personally, with things like this, they are trying to get people to stop drinking tap water, as it is essentially free (you still pay for it monthly as a water bill, but semantics). They want to push bottled water sales.
That would be a step in the right direction. Each of the sides have pieces to a bigger puzzle that the other does not. "They" are scared of us putting the puzzle together, and griefing them in Minecraft, if you know what I mean. When it comes to "Us vs. Them", they have the money, but what good is fake paper against truly pissed off people.
I honestly believe if "They" didn;t meddle in any way, we would already be on the way to properly unify ourselves, have outposts on the moon, and already working on a way to colonize Mars.
You need to tune out whatever ANY talking heads tell you on TV, social media, and the like. It comes down to what you want in a Rep, where they stand, what they are doing to back up their stance, and see if they are trustworthy with their promises.
If you want the elites out, you have to stop looking at the issue as "Red vs. Blue". Both sides have their good apples and rotten ones. People who throw their weight behind a specific party are only hurting themselves sin the long run. Look at each individual running on both sides of the line and vote for the PERSON, not what colour they represent.
If you scroll down, it has all the usual suspects praising it (CNN, WSJ, etc.). Just wondering if it would be any good for you guys who live on the other side of the border.
I have started growing my own food in the neglected garden out back of my grandparents property. My dad even built me a planter box to add on to it. I grew a lot of stuff last year, but wasn't able to maintain it becasue of work throwing me into another city for the summer. I maybe could look after it once a week, so I didn't get much out of it. Going to try again this year, and I am already making sure I stay in town to look after it.
As for toiletries, I use an American based company called Dr. Squach for that stuff. Been using it for almost a year now. Orders take a bit to get ot me, as I live in Canada, but it's worth it. Hair is a lot better then what it was when I was using big brand stuff.
I should say that yes, when Trump came in and started to teach people to think, it swapped somewhat. However, they left was already a powder keg prior to Trump as well. It didn't go critical until Trump became President becasue he outdid their steal in 2016. You could see it if you knew where to look...and I happened to know where to look.
One of the contributing factors to our current craziness online, and I will always tell people this, is that when Tumblr announced their "No Agult Content" rule, all the degens came out from under their rocks and went to Twitter and other social media sites. From there, it exacerbated the problem. The people in control took the oppertunity to push all this stuff that Tumblr's small majority held dear, and turned it into their dogma.
What we are seeing is the seedy part of the Internet fully unleashed on public view, and the Elite propping it up as the gold standard for humanity. All to enflame an already mentally weak populace into thinking they have power over the "normies".
I am not saying anything as derogatory in this post, just stating what I believe is currently happening.
It is, as I was getting riled up myself. While shit is still going on, I have resigned that at this point, there is nothing I can do as an individual but just live my life, and not play their game.
I'll keep doing what I am doing, talking to people as if they are people and not an enemy, and living for myself.
Lately, I have been taking a step back from all of this. I have been deawing similarities to both left and right communities, in the words they use, and how they act.
Despite differing views, they use the same language to describe each other, threaten each other over perceived slights, and assume their side is the righteous one.
Only difference, is that right leaning communities are hard to control, so the people behind this started catering to the left, as they are easier. They are using them as their proxy military, since they see both sides of the spectrum expendable because they are not them.
Only way we truly win this war is if we realize that we are being played, band together, and exit their little proxy war to start our own societies.
What we have to do is look pass the labels and analyze the person it's attached to. You can be Jewish, and practice the faith, but the person you are can still be scum.
Labels don;t define what a person is, the person in question defines themselves.
I would assume the only abortion that would be kept would be the one that if not done, risks the life of the mother and the unborn? If you ban all, you also run the risk of killing a mother who just wanted a child, but her body rejected it.
Not trying to shill for abortion, but just applying some common sense.
Ah, gotcha. Thanks mate.
If there is crypto backed by silver and gold, why would I not just invest in physical sliver in gold? It kind of defeats the purpose.
If you know, my dude, explain crypto to me. I see it as an NFT type thing that is just a token with a certain monetary value to it. Basically just an over-hyped stock.
If you are talking about Freeland, then yeah....but it makes more sense if you know her background, and how it was probably her that brought Trudeau to the WEF, and indoctrinated him into the Young Leaders blah blah blah Program. She is his puppet master, just as Klaus Schwab is her puppet master.
Look at her closely. She is bobbing her head with each syllable of his words. Her mask is moving, as if she is mouthing the words. Her deep breaths, thinking to herself that she should be the one delivering that speech, not this tool. She is his right hand woman, through coercion and bribery.
How else does the Finance Minster/ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs also get appointed Deputy Prime-Minister, a position that is only appointed by the PM. It also comes with a lot of other benefits, like being on the Privy Council for life.
The Privy Council, from my understanding, is a special group of people in Canada that advise her Majesty on the inner-working in Canada. That are also privileged to information that the layman or those not in the club don't have.
So to sum it up: She is a Nazi/Communist Sympathizer that the WEF has used to infiltrate and turn sitting members of the Canadian government into WEF stooges, in exchange for power, information, and control.
There was a picture of a text going around that he asked the RCMP and the Military to stop them. They told him, in my own unkind words, to get fucked.
The text mentioned that he was fleeing to Costa Rica.
That screenshot of the guys saying he dipped to Costa Rica is having more and more validity to it now.
I am with you there. There is a time and place for everything.
We also don't know if this mother is part of the psychosis cult, so she really could be a mother who is worried about her son and what happened. Best thing about this is that the teacher took full responsibility, and said it was a lapse in her judgement.
What gets me is that the school board has a "Progressive" disciplinary course. What is that supposed to mean?
If we go down that road of it being just a machine and we can turn it off, that goes down a slope that you know they will go down.
Thanks for the information :D
I saw a meme video of a guy in a mall's food court, and there were 6 Starbucks all in the same area. It could also be because of over bloat.